Friday, August 19, 2022

Copycat Con Artist

"Ahh, I see", said the blind man to the deaf man ... 

Predictive Prophecy vs predictive programming ...

Predictive prophecy
When we read The Bible, we get a taste of foretelling. God is generous in His information sharing, letting readers know in advance what His plans are: dear reader, His plans are all based on glorifying Himself. The believer, or unbeliever, must choose with their life, to honour Him, or disregard Him by attempting to go against Him altogether. Regardless of the choices we make, He, remains God.

According to scripture:

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings (Jeremiah 17:9-10)

Predictive programming
The devious devil is a copy cat con artist. Based on biblical prophecy, biblical truth, he counterfeits information, spins it in the opposite direction, and attempts to appropriate what is God's and make it his own. He knows better, because he is already damned, but humans, despite warnings, continue to be blind, deaf, and dumb (and I mean this as an insult, as in idiotic, rather than mute!).

We humans have deceitful, desperately wicked, self-aggrandizing hearts, and God help us, it has been our downfall since the dawn of man, and woman of course. Our fools gold is to believe we can rule the day, control outcomes, and change the order of things as established by the Sovereign. Lucifer wants us to believe this is possible, and he was the first to attempt such a thing. His demise is a sealed fate, and he wants nothing more than to ensure ours is the same suffering he will endure eternally. 

The Bible has foretold of famines, pestilence, being hunted without escape for the faithless. He warned of humans being ruled by the iron fisted, the conscience free, the murderous ones that kill without regret, remorse, or any feelings at all, other than delighting in the injury and destruction of their victims. He warned us of what would come if we continue in our sins, and oh, the sins are countless in number. If I borrow from scripture, and think about God promising Abraham as many descendants as the sands on the sea shores or the stars in the skies, and then I travel in time with an overview and witness the blood shed, the rape, the thieving and lying and murdering and and and ... then I can see, I can hear, God's heart breaking over what we have done. 

While the wicked want to program us, suggesting they are our sovereigns, we need look no further than The Bible to know that they fulfill prophecy foretold long ago. They are His rod of judgment against an apostate people: they live and breathe because of His mercy, but they are no more in control of their own end date on planet earth, than you or I. Every word of The Bible speaks of God's love and longing for none to be lost, and yet, the denying of deity is preferred by the masses, over submitting to God's saving grace.

Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live? (Ezekiel 18:23)

He is Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. We fill in our own history while we have breath in our lungs, by choosing, always choosing, Sovereign or copycat con artist, otherwise known as satan. 

What it comes down to, dear reader, is truth over lies, life over death, Saviour or soul murderer. The Bible is clear: 

Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18:4)

We can pretend we are self-made, like the predictive programmers, or we can trust in predictive prophecy, like the faithful of old that God spoke through to warn all that have eyes to see and ears to hear. Simplicity is the call of the day, and two choices remain before us with all we think, say, and do:

To sin or not to sin, THAT, is the question

Want to know what is next? Ask God to open your mind to truth, read scripture, and watch with the rest of us as He fulfills all that has been prophesied over the ages. It is YOUR TURN, dear reader, to pick whom it is you glorify. 

God, self, or some copycat con artist with a big loud foul mouth?

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