Friday, August 26, 2022

Killing Naïveté

An imaginary conversation that never was

Nobody: What is on the agenda today Mr. Killer?
Mr. Killer: Why I am glad you asked, sweet and naive rose coloured glasses Nobody! Today, just like yesterday and the day before, I plan on encouraging everyone to make their way to the nearest needle, for a little somethin' somethin' me and my cohorts have concocted for people like you 
Nobody: Whatever do you mean, people like me?
Mr. Killer: 🙄 I don't have time to explain, just go get shot. Do as I say and stop asking stupid questions Nobody
Nobody: Fair enough. I see you are busy. I trust you have good intentions, because everyone does. Is there anything I can do for you Mr. Killer?
Mr. Killer: Yes, there is. Shut up and get out of my way
Nobody: Ok ... ummm, well, ah. Have a great day 😇
Mr. Killer: You better believe I will. And remember, what I tell you to do is all you need to listen to. Don't bother talking to other people that tell you something different. They are all idiots
Nobody: My goodness, I would never do THAT! I Nobody, am committed to your plan. I will encourage people too! 
Mr. Killer: Good, now move along
Nobody: Will we ever speak again?
Mr. Killer: Only if you are still around
Nobody: I beg your pardon?
Mr. Killer: Yes, now you get it. Beg. Finally, we understand each other 

Naïveté is deadly. I knew some people that absolutely refused to remove their rose coloured glasses, much to their own detriment, and now to their shame. I have instructed people to drop naïveté on its head, to kill it, and acknowledge that evil does exist, and that the intentions of others must be questioned and tested. 

The lie that most people are good, has been perpetuated to the point of putting the innocent in jeopardy. What I mean by this, is adults have become idiotic in their trust of those that rule and reign over them, and by doing so, have lost their capability to deductively reason. As a result, they became things to be manipulated, and have objectified their own offspring too, subjecting them to the wicked wiles of the mentally insane and demonically influenced. 

I cannot explain it any other way than blind trust misplaced by people that would prefer to believe, that the knife poised and threatening to plunge into their heart, is held by a hand that belongs to someone that loves them. I know what Stockholm syndrome is, and that is not what I am addressing. I am looking into the eyes of those that have lied to themselves in order to accommodate what they want to believe, rather than what they really see. They are not blind deaf and dumb, they are choosing naïveté, because it makes them feel better in the head. Little white lies have been the companions of those that have succumbed to the biggest blackest lies told by the wicked. There is a rainbow of lies in-between, and the rose colour of glasses worn by the faint of heart, has injured them to the point of death. 

I have been aggressive with the naive when they needed to hear the truth: alas, as soon as we parted ways, the pretty pink glasses settled back over the bridge of their nose, and their fate was sealed. We are not responsible for the actions of other adults, and stopping them from choosing what will kill them, is beyond our scope of capabilities. Freedom of will is our greatest God given gift, other than life itself. Choosing Truth, The Truth, is forever and always, up to us, even if ugly is the reality. 

I have been letting go of my attachments to the naive that I loved. One of them has become a killer, doing the bidding of her boss, the government that pays her for doing what she ought never to have done. She is described in Jeremiah chapter 7, and it is God alone that can rescue her, if she is willing, from the lies she has told herself to continue on this path of destruction. It is mercenary work when one kills for cash. I have wept, I have prayed, I have pleaded with God to make it stop, but alas, each of us must be held to account for the choosing, the deciding, the in-the-moment yes and no decisions that impact our eternity, and the lives of those we influence. 

I will someday say goodbye, to her, and the others I have met along the way. I hope to see them in a better place, but that is doubtful, if they do not repent, beg God for forgiveness, and come to saving faith knowledge of the living God, Jesus Christ. Professing Him and knowing Him, living for Him, are not an automatic pairing. This, too, is covered well in Jeremiah chapter 7. 

He, and He alone, is mighty to save. God forever and always, has the final say:

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand (Deuteronomy 32:39)

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