Saturday, February 1, 2014


The past is just a story we tell ourselves.  I heard this line in a movie and it made me think about how much time I have spent ruminating about the past, a wasted pass time with little return on my investment. The pull of the past has often seemed wrought with regret and thoughts that led to self recrimination.  Do I have happy memories, of course I do, but those aren't the ones that pull me back.  Coaching has changed this in so many ways.  I have learned that my thoughts, feelings are never a mistake, how I express them or have in the past is a reflection of my perspective at the time. With narrowed eyes, vision can be solyptical, rendering the seer unable to look past the self.  All mistakes were horrendous and shameful, torturous to recall and relive, but that was a persepction, not based in reality. The fact of the matter is, mistakes, happy, sad, silly, funny, angry, high and crazy moments of accomplishment all make up the me that learns and grows and evolves and none of it is wrong or right although I have been both many times. It's my intentions that count, the person I know I am that matters. Do no harm, help, heal, hope, love, these have meaning, this is what is significant and is the essence of life.  As my vision broadens, I see the now, the future that awaits, and the past fades and loses its hold with every day I enjoy today.  

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