Monday, February 24, 2014

Amazing Grace

3 funerals, one pending, yeah, life doesn't suck, death does. While I am all doom and gloom, I have to get this out. If illness, suffering and dying are all around us and it ISNT happening currently in our own lives or our immediate family members lives, than how can we in good conscious not treasure, enjoy, love each day that we wake up to?  Restless is a disease of the fortunate, thinking not enough or they have more than I do or when I get there is for the healthy of body, the ones who look out into the future with longing because they have the luxury of doing so.  What about wishing for one more day because this one might be the last?  Greedy self, occupied with more, how dare you steal from now and borrow from a future that might not exist?  I have is more honest, kinder, softer, than I want.  It is with gratitude that I thank God, for but for His amazing grace go I.

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