Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dead Phone

My iPhone unceremoniously died yesterday and while I know I must replace it for many reasons business related, there is a part of me that was happy to see the blank black screen, unresponsive to my button pushing and prodding. It crossed my mind that the phone can be compared to some clients I have worked with~no amount of prodding, encouragement or super amazing powerful questions lit them up~the battery appeared to be dead and unresponsive, and I was working too hard in trying to recharge them, defibrillate them back to life.  As coach, a cue that things are going sideways is the feeling that I'm working too hard.  This takes me in two directions:  am I working too hard because I have my own agenda for the client OR am I working too hard because they don't want to?  Change is painful and powerful, not to mention rather uncomfortable.  Highly motivated clients forge forward, acknowledge the pain and keep their eyes on the prize, taking sometimes baby steps, periodic huge leaps and bounds, to get there, wherever their there happens to be.  My phone sits quietly in its deep perhaps much needed sleep, and I grin knowing that it is not my first, nor my last client, I mean phone.  

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