Sunday, February 2, 2014


My friend Keli has been encouraging her coaching clients to pick a word for the year, something to remind them of their intentions.  It got me to thinking, what is my word?  I started out with the word structure, because I want to be less accommodating and more planned. I'll explain. When I don't have scheduled client appointments, I get stuff done, that's at least what it seems like, kinda like fitting in life around work.  Not uncommon, to be sure. The missing part in all this is a plan, a way to know that I am hitting my top priorities, the things I value the most, and ditching the non-essentials whenever and where ever possible.  If I write out my priorities, I get slammed with the reality that they are not always reflected In the choices I make throughout the day.  Days become weeks, weeks become years and we all know how that story goes, I, me and you, we, end up somewhere but we aren't quite sure how we got there and we can't imagine how it happened that we got so far off track.  As soon as I think of structure, I begin to panic and think I must hit my calendar and start planning my, a different word came to me , and it was surrender. Surrender my heart to the good stuff, God, Family, Work & plan came without me having to use a calendar of boxes, holding me to a structure, it came in a wave of confirmation that if I "seek yea first the Kindom of Heaven, all else will be added to you". God, I surrender to You, I am Yours. 

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