Monday, February 3, 2014

Warm & Fuzzy

How can I possibly love coaching more every day you ask? The answer is I just can't help it! It's like the best chocolate or best workout or best of the best of whatever you pick! Hearing clients break free from thought traps and chains, knowing that they look at themselves and what they have to offer the world with fresh, wide open eyes of appreciation is a thrill. Feeling and hearing the building of confidence in their voices, and than loving the life affirming stories of steps in personal faith, faith in knowing that they are grand humans with something to say AND an audience waiting to hear them~how can I NOT love coaching? The premise is simple and unmistakable, live life on purpose. I could go into the how's and whys and wherefores of coaching but I think the on purpose part says it all...ok I'll go into it a little. What do you want? What is in the way of you getting it? What are you willing to do to to have what you want? Coaching is the stuff inbetween the questions, it's the answers to each persons burning questions, once asked, then answered that brings a person to purpose. Sometimes those answers are found, become slightly misplaced and are waiting for rediscovery. The longing to know is a good indication that something fantastic is sprouting, waiting to burst forth and break ground and say "I'M RIGHT HERE, LOOK AT ME!". Coaching is one of life's greatest pleasures, it is giving and receiving richly and each time I experience being coach or being coached, I feel a love for my fellow man that wraps me up nice and warm (and fuzzy!). Coaching is good.

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