Thursday, February 6, 2014

Surrender To Purpose

With a purpose, a reason for being, there is a life waiting to be discovered, the one each of us is called to live and fulfill. This means that we can not be all things to all people, in all places at any given time...what this day brings, this draws the eye and attention and speaks to current calling. If my heart hears and heeds an urging, to reach out and touch someone, then THAT is the must do, must act, live on purpose cue to action.  In surrender, the sweet wooing voice and gentle nudges of look here, go there, listen, look up, send love, pray replace the I have to's, I should's and I wish I had's.  Free flowing purposeful action is mine and it came from giving up the tight grip of perceived and deceptive control over my environment and my ability to manipulate outcomes if I just try a little harder. Letting go allows flow, I am a wave on the ocean cresting and falling and loving the ride as it takes me where it knows I am meant to go. I am in The Light. 

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