Monday, February 10, 2014

Gentle Brush Stroke

Ancient tells~this means "strata (layers of occupation of a city) of dirt and cultural debris compacted together into mounds over the millennia". This is what archeologists carefully dig through to learn about the ancients and while they dig, they find artifacts, buried treasure, hints of a way of life gone by, and more stunningly, they also find the wisdom of the ages. While digging, there is a clearing away of dirt, a brushing gently off of what covers exciting precious and inspiring finds. Man has always been naturally creative resourceful and whole, this is our birthright. It is the piling on of dirt and debris, the angst that comes with fear and doubt, self recrimination and projection deflection self protection that covers up the treasure of who I really am, who you really are until there is a brushing away, a gentle inhale and breath blowing away the rubble of life to reveal the majesty of the human soul. Age old wisdom was discovered, and has been rediscovered with every human that craves and asks for clarity of thought and isn't new, we are imbued with this natural craving for the good and lovely, the beautiful and washed gently clean. My eyes are bathed, fresh sight is mine because God is digging me out of the debris, one gentle brush stoke, one gentle breath at a time.

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