Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sleepy Joy

Synchronicity is a pretty cool word and I like the way it feels to think of it and grab onto the concept, especially when I have unwittingly just experienced it. I have an amazing Grace filled friend, Susan Morel~she too is a Co-Active Coach. When we met, it felt like kismet, another super cool word to describe experiences and events that seem unbelievably surreal and earth stopping, kind of like what the heck, how the heck, who orchestrated this and I hope I always remember this feeling so that I stay with the knowing that life is made of stardust and intrigue and nuance and subtle magic.  I have been sleepy lately, in a winter slumber and as I drove to my friends house for coffee, I noticed a dog, walking a woman.  The dog had a presence, it knew its business and led with confidence. As I approached a stop sign, the walkers did too and I observed magic as a crossing guard on the other side of the road gave a powerful throw of dog treats, landing perfectly in front of the dog...I grinned as I enjoyed the seen of dog eating what appeared to be manna from Heaven, a gift bestowed without request, a need met without knowing there was hunger. I lifted my gaze from the dog and turned it toward the man, who was engrossed in conversation with someone, his moment of generosity passed and forgotten, delightful. I arrived at Susan's house and she looked at me with surprise, she had double booked our visit and a coaching session with a client. When the client arrived, it just so happened that the lovely woman was someone that a friend had suggested I meet, not a week ago...I stayed, she stayed, we enjoyed the generous hostessing of Susan AND, the synchronicities continued.  There are so many intricacies in this one experience that I can't possibly record them all, the thought of doing so is exhausting and somehow, not necessary.  It is enough to know and appreciate that in my winter slumber, buried beneath the white snow that blanets my soul, there is the hint of new beginnings, the fresh brilliant colours of new shoots, peeking from the earth, waiting their turn to again, enjoy the sun. My soul sings with sleepy joy. 

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