Sunday, January 5, 2014

Direction Determines Destination

Direction determines destination...these are the wise words I heard this morning.  One thought, one perception, can direct our every action, and if that one thought or perception comes from deep seeded guilt or regret, the life that follows "it" can feel like perpetual punishment. We all fall short of perfect, with our own stories of missteps, poor judgment, wrong doing.  Remorse is a beautiful gift, it is a call to introspection, character building and refinement. Regret to, speaks to a knowing better than, a sense that if I had to do it all over again, it would be different this time. Consequences are far reaching, often times keeping us painfully reminded of choices we wish we could erase...this is were forgiveness comes into play. Choosing to forgive ourselves and others frees us from the energetic choke hold regret and remorse keep us in.  Our past does not have to determine our future.  No amount of regret changes what was, but in peaking back, you can see how you got to here, and from here, DECIDE, what's next?  Thanks Jon Korkidakis, you are one smart man!

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