Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Amazing Grace

I am a fraud. I feel this way periodically, especially when what I say I believe in, is contraindicated by my words. Words are like habits, and I use some of them wantonly, flippantly, until I am made aware by someone courageous enough to point it out and then the wind gets sucked out of my sails in utter shock as I recognize the split between the me's, if that's a word?  Who I aspire to be and who I am at any given moment can SEEM so far apparent and this causes a mini identity crises, a feeling of who said that and oh my God (in a pleading way) was that really me?  One of my favourite people always quotes her grandmother "perfect people are boring", this she says to reassure me that I'm not so bad, even after I make a verbal error in judgement. The point?  Well, I guess I am on my way to accepting imperfect and along those lines, I am recognizing that others accept this in me too, and um, always have?  This is one humbling moment, one free Linda spec of time, because I see that no amount of persona, facade, acting has been able to cover up the beautifully flawed me, and I am loved anyway or maybe more, because of it.  Grace comes to the rescue, Amazing Grace, forgiven already for utterances yet to be made, loved before, during and after words can't be retrieved, through faith, In Christ.

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