Thursday, January 23, 2014

Exam Passed

I passed my written exam, I have an email to prove it.  While I wasn't surprised I passed, I was delighted to read the words congratulations several times.  Standards of practice come to mind, following a proven model, assimilating and integrating. I resisted much of the education I was meant to receive prior to the coaching courses I have taken~being talked at doesn't work for me, there is too much room for distraction in my head and my urge to rebel against sitting still and being a part of a captive audience often takes over and I entertain myself by inviting the person next to me to play by joking and being generally disruptive and an adult kind of way of course. The structured teaching model of one person standing over a crowd as the imparter of good and wise things wreaks havoc with my soul.  I didn't know until adulthood that this is the reason I despised high school so much~without the words to express my angst and define what it was that wasn't working for me, I resorted to skipping (with a note of course!) and telling my mother "that class is stupid, we do nothing in it and I'm learning nothing". I have been to many a workshop over the years and each time I am required to sit and listen, or in other words, sit, shut up and behave, I get that teenage urge to skip out and take the other wild things with me. Am I a rebel, unwilling to learn or worse yet, unwilling to be taught?  Absolutely not, my eargerness to absorb amazing true facts and life altering perspectives is evident to all who know me.  It is through CTI, that I learned that method is just as important as the info imparted and out of respect for the student, their involvement is crucial for learning to take place. The most important part of being a coach is remembering that clients are whole people, not just talking heads.  CTI (Coaches Training Institute) invites participation, from head to heart to toe and learning happens naturally as everyone is treated as equally naturally creative resourceful and whole.  Yeah coaching, I love you so!

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