Monday, January 27, 2014


There is a battle going on, a fight for precious spoil, the treasure is human souls. Perhaps I am overly sensitive but I can't help but weep as I look around me and see the thoughtless selfishness everywhere I look.  I could just turn on the TV and believe it's out there somewhere, over represented and viral, a smidgen of the truth and something in someone else's neeighborhood, city, country, life, but I know better.  Today I drove to a clients house on snowy roads, this is a part of Canadian winter, and as I did so, I witnessed people taking more than their turn, putting the lives of others in danger as they ran yellow and then, red lights. This is common practice, it is the wisdomless unlawful agreement that many have wordlessly committed to and it is symptomatic of a pervasive thought, a sentiment that if it is right for me, then everyone else will have to accept it. This tough guy/girl attitude is perfectly suited for driving a vehicle, because no one can call you out, hold you accountable, help you to feel the shame that must accompany a change of heart when a wrong has been committed.  My lip curls with is shame that has not been taught, it is remorse that is not experienced, it is the soulful self punishment of regret that no longer holds a place in the hearts and minds of humans who use circumstance to take rather than to give and wait to receive.  Have I lost my faith in humanity?  No, because I am surrounded by loving, kind, thoughtful, generous models of humanity, and I am grateful for their example and presence in my life.  Am I heartbroken and disappointed, yes...thankfully, this too shall pass as hope returns and the dark shadows of evil are broken by The Light.  This one is for YOU Wally, thank God you remain here and whole, with us, despite the reckless driving of another. 

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