Monday, January 20, 2014

Personality Pitfalls & Foibles

Personality pitfalls and foibles, the parts of myself that keep me from being super cool and crazy smart all of the time need looking at, exposure to the Light for subtle and sometimes remarkably huge correction and redirection. I'm in the need to know category of living breathing humans and I believe what I don't know, CAN kill me, who I am really meant to be, which is to say, I'm designed for greatness, not for self evasiveness and blinders on my pyschosocial self.  In the vein of seeking and finding self actualization (I love this sentence, because it takes me back in time to my university days, when the world became this wide open library filled with the wisdom of the ages, waiting for young hungry souls to be fed with profundity) I came across the word enneagram, again, and decided to see what I could find on the internet. I found a personality test, short and sweet with instant feedback and based on my COMPLETE HONESTY, I got insights into the how and why of me...and I also learned something that felt rather familiar, a repeated theme with a slightly different angle, about what I need and what happens, picture fangs and claws coming out, when I don't get what I need. My Achilles heel screamed at me from my iPad screen and phew, I got it, I get it and YIPPY for me and all the people in my life because no one wants to be bitten or clawed and God knows that I want to do good, not harm.    What are my pitfalls and foibles you ask?  Haha, I did my homework, I know what I have to work on, this is about YOU and the people in your world...take the test yourself and then go forth and self actualize, making the world a better and more honest place, one person at a time.   

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