Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Sinful Snowflakes

No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible, quote attributed to Stanislaw Jerzy Lec. 

If you were to create your own version of this statement, what would it be? I have taken the concept and done a rework on it, that goes like this: 

The avalanche of sin is wiping out entire families, one member at a time, Linda Grace Byers.

Cumulative sin, that seemingly no one is responsible for, can somehow bury anyone in its path of destruction. I think of the warning to be quiet for fear of avalanche, but is there a similar warning, to be careful, for fear of the soul being devastated by an avalanche of sin?

Are you a sinful snowflake, dear reader? If so, is it reasonable to consider that you are responsible, just like all the other sinful snowflakes, for the rampant and ruthless destruction of our global society? Sin is insidious, meaning it proceeds gradually, in a subtle way, but with harmful effects. When snow is gently falling for an hour, it may end up looking like a sprinkle of pretty powdered sugar, but when it comes down as white wind slanted sheets, the accumulation makes for hard work to get out of, and treacherous travelling if one dares brave the storm. Innocently, the snowflake does the bidding of the snow maker ... sin isn't so innocent, and is attributed to the one that does wrong. Sin is injurious to innocency. 

When I think about how much effort goes into being irresponsible followed by the effort of making excuses to release a person from being held accountable, it is staggering. What do you call excuses, dear reader? I call excuses lies ... I am that confident on the subject. 

I have heard people excuse so much, I just shake my head now, because I have given up trying to convince the un-convincible, and believe me when I tell you I have spent an inordinate amount of time, in my attempts to bring alignment to relationship. Some people can't handle the truth (see Jack Nicholson shouting near by), not because they aren't able, because God will enable us with strength when we need it the most and when we face what horrifies the soul, but because they prefer a pretty snow job over reality. They can't see the forest for the trees, and they can't anticipate an avalanche for all those singular snowflakes. Shrug, it's the way of the world, ain't it? (imagine a country bumpkin accent here). NOTE: I use a backward country accent to accentuate, a back slidden society that hasn't a clue what fresh hell we are sliding into. 

Some people actually believe that they will be plucked from the earth without seeing tribulation, but I say, we have entered that end zone already, and why not pay some of the price for our contributions to our very own downfall, by witnessing atrocities that are already being committed? A quick trip into your local hospital will give you a glimpse of what I am talking about ... observe for yourself and come to your own conclusions. For your information, just because you have yet to experience the imposition of someone else's will on your personhood, does not mean it won't happen to you soon enough ... it is just, a matter, of time. Tribulation is ordered up and on its way, despite the fear the thought instills in so many that would love to believe they will have a convenient escape and not be made to say, perhaps at laser/taser gun point, Christ is my King. Will you betray him if your life or someone else's you love, is threatened? Decide now, dear one, because if I am correct in my assessment, Christians will be persecuted during tribulation, or the end times. 

So, snowflake ... got any sins you wanna confess, sins ur needin' to be responsible and accountable fer? I'll bet you do, cuz there ain't no one walkin' the earth that don't. 

Anyhow, Happy New Year? 2025 is a beautiful looking number, isn't it? Let us see whom it is amongst us that will bravely face what is in store for all collectively; and who will drop to their knees in pleading prayer, for the souls that need to be redeemed, for Christ's sake. May you know the Lord as your King, in Jesus name. 

For there shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened (Matthew 24:12-22)

The days of tribulation will be shortened, and if you read this scripture with discernment, you will see the times are shortened for the sake of the elect, those that are marked for salvation, because it is going to be so horrid in the world, that we will not be able to stand it, or the demonic pressure. God is just, and gives us relief when we need it the most; we are not promised to be yanked from the world, but we are promised God's powerful protection against evil while in it. Let us trust wholeheartedly in him.

I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil (John 17:15)

I will not argue with Jesus regarding this prayer to his Father. I will take the prayer at face value, because Jesus never lies and his prayers are always answered.

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Fog

Romans 8:22
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 

The highway is wet and the windshield wipers swipe, then a moment later swipe again; the mist is light and despite the dullness, I can see in all directions and into the distance, until I can't. We drive into a strange fog, thick like a blanket and wispy as smoke as the car cuts through it ... is it smoke? Are we driving toward fire? Sniff sniff, the air has a slight scent of burning, but too mild to suggest we make alternate plans. Besides, if we are indeed, driving toward fire, there isn't a turn off anywhere nearby, and stopping, or going forward, are our only options. NOTE: In the fog, my phone stopped picking up navigation signals. It is a very good thing that I knew where I was going. And the metaphor thickens ... 

I left the fog behind and all thoughts of it until this evening when a friend of mine asked, Is it foggy there? He is in Nova Scotia, I live in Ontario ... His words: It's world wide apparently. Nobody knows what it is but it has a weird taste and smell in places. And it's lasting longer than it should. The fog in his area has not lifted in three days and from a brief search, I see this is true in other places too: three days thus far, of fog.

When I looked at internet photos of fog gone wild, it occurred to me that death is in the air, whispering its way in and out of cars as people enter and exit, snaking its way along highways and byways, wafting in through sliding doors and creeping up stairwells, then sneaking into offices and hospital rooms, malls and manufacturing buildings. Death is setting in and as the living drive through it, we pick-up the nose scrunching aroma, and wonder if our senses betray us, or can be trusted? 

Candour is my warfare weaponry. I see and say, identifying the darkness. I am more than capable of joy, of laughter, of playfulness. I can banter and joke, and I am inclined to look for fun ways of interacting ... and candour is my warfare weaponry, because now is not the time to pretend that what is clearly abnormal, ought to be explained away, ignored, and blown at as a bit o fluff that is in the way of our faces. 

And Moses said, Thus saith the LORD, About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt: And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts. And there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there was none like it, nor shall be like it any more (Exodus 11:4-6)

For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee (Isaiah 60:2)

Eery is the word to describe the sickness and suffering and death. Death is a constant companion, and it keeps tapping people on the shoulder before stating unwaveringly, It's time, and then commandingly demanding, Come with me. You and I are going this way and that and at every turn, we hear it, we sense and smell it, and the fog lingers and hangs in the air as a reminder that death is ever present, inescapable, and is attaching itself to the wayward and lost that haven't a clue it is there; or those that dismiss it if they happen to notice. 

We are living Biblical prophecies. I do not need to make anything extraordinary up to prove my hyper Christian point ... I don't exaggerate to establish my stance as valid. I see, I say, I notice, and I can't help but suggest, that we all take what is happening very seriously, because souls are in peril and if people die without facing the facts, they will not be going to eternal peace with their Creator; rather, death will snatch them away and their souls will be shrieking in horror for ever and ever more. 

The fog, it impairs our ability to see clearly, and the darkness really is covering the earth these days, and gross darkness the people but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. 

The LORD is our hope in dark days, and I warn you, dear reader, we will be shrouded in it for a very long time. He is our Sun, and we must look to him to light our way:

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12)

Friday, December 27, 2024


The leaving started shortly after the marriage vows. How strange, and how come? One might think, why walk the plank, the wedding aisle, in the first place ... weren't there signs, warnings, for one, the other, or both of you, that something just wasn't quite right? 

Yes, there were indeed flashing yellow lights that indicated caution was required but alas, there was also love, of the real variety, and commitment, to what had been started. Backing down, backing out, indicates the presence of humility, and I didn't have that sort of glorious character trait way back when; I had the exact opposite approach to life and choices. I was an arrogant little self-serving spoiled to the core lazy brat that believed I could make things work, according to my plan, no matter the circumstances. Jesus taught me otherwise when he made my heart contrite, when my soul languished in sorrow over sin, when I realized how far I had gone away from God and toward, what? toward a sinful life, to state the case simply. 

That was many moons ago. As I face the facts, I realize how we, my former husband and I, missed each other as we passed in the hall, going in opposite directions, away from communicating, away from aligning, away from being a family. We were a perfect match, and perfectly mismatched too! I can say this now, after all this time, and after revisiting some of the letters and cards, tiny photo booth pictures and other reminders, of who we were as a couple. 

I started loathing him from my side of the bed just after we got married. How can a man recover his place in a woman's heart when resentment has taken root? We did not see eye to eye and never would, and it was only a matter of twenty-five years before the resolve to part ways would kick in, for him. We started leaving one another while we were still in love, but the trust was gone, for many reasons that will not be aired here. They say opposites attract, and while this is true, I have learned that similarity is God glue. I always wanted us to be one, and I think he did too? but not in that synergistic way I see some couples develop over time, where they work collaboratively, communicate without ego or attachment to having to be right, where they have a system that works and they each can freely ask for help, or encouragement, when need necessitates. I have seen this, dear reader, several times over recently, and periodically it has me long for something similar. I admire team work, don't you?

The old me has compassion for the younger me. The world was confusing and she was always trying to figure herself out and be emotionally mature, but there was a deficit, a disability, and I can say with confidence, philosophy and psychology books were my teachers when I was young and trying to make sense of everything, when what I really needed, was Biblical instruction, and someone to hold my hand while making decisions that would affect me for the rest of my life. My current understanding of self, may very well be why I am a dog with a bone, always wanting people to know the LORD, read scripture with reverence and then deference, and make sound choices based on God's commandments and precepts. Who better to trust and guide you and I, then the God that knows and loves us, best of all? 

I know that our personal point of pain becomes our mission and our work. I want so much to lead people to Christ when they are struggling, in the hope they will be rescued from the heartache of staying with someone that God has not picked for them. I always said that my husband was picked by God for me, because I loved him so much ... but what we want to believe and what measures up as Truth, are not always the same. We cannot make God agree with us, no matter how hard we try. 

I will be fifty-eight in just over a week. I really like my age: I am not trying to prove myself anymore; I no longer strive, struggle, argue, try to convince ... rather, I hope, I pray, and I bluntly speak and write without fear of reprisal, directing anyone that cares to hear or read what I put out, to the God that made them and keeps them. 

God loves you, and he loved me in my willful disobedient youth: but he doesn't want us to stay where we are, there is always room for soulful improvement and course correction. It has taken me a significant amount of time, reading The Bible, crying and listening to music, feeling sorry for myself and then calling myself to account to snap out of it, and pleading with God to get myself right, so that I don't carry around the baggage of resentment, bitterness, blame, or loathing that matched the immature me of my past. 

Reconciling with God was the work I had to do, and maybe it is time for you to do the same, dear reader? People collide, they bump into each other and are repelled away, and that is life with other humans. God though, always welcomes, always hears, always answers, and will say, This way, not that, little one. Do it my way and all will be well with your soul.

The Bible makes his way very clear. 

● Are you, willing to read with your mind readied to learn, his way? 
● Will you open your heart to his teaching and live his doctrines? 
● The peace of Christ is yours to be had, all you need do, is submit to his will, and all will be well with your soul.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7)

NOTE: I do not loathe my former husband, in fact, I love him still in many ways. God made him and I am thankful to God for all his creatures ... God is very, very good.  

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Ebenezer (Scrooge)

Names have meanings and they denote, in other words, they are signs, and indications that inform us when we seek knowledge and understanding. Your name has significance and I hope you like your given name, and that it suits you? If not, if you have always disliked the name by which you are called, it may be that you were misnamed, and who you are was mislabelled. When reading The Bible, it is eye opening and eyebrow lifting, when the meaning of names is disclosed: nothing is haphazard with God, everything is purposeful, and the characters that come alive in Biblical stories, live into their names, and when said characters belong to God, they are often renamed; ie Abram becomes Abraham, Sarai changes to Sarah, and Jacob is renamed Israel.  

Name Change, Roles defined
● Abram means exalted father; Abraham means father of a multitude. God marks Abraham in a special way as his servant with this name change (Genesis 17:5-6)
● Sarai means worthy of a dynasty, princess; Sarah means princess with an upgrade, the mother of nations and kings and thus to serve the Lord's purposes (Genesis 17:15-16)
● Jacob, the name became proverbial with the unsavoury quality of deceptiveness - he famously defrauded his twin brother Esau of his first born son inheritance via trickery (Genesis 25:26); Israel means one who prevails with God after wresting with him - Jacob submits to God prevailing in his life, and from him, all the blessings pronounced to Abraham, the tribes of Israel, were fulfilled (Genesis 32:28).

Now I entitled this piece of writing Ebenezer (Scrooge), because of name meaning and  the evolution of the soul as depicted in the original story of Scrooge, or the film commonly known as A Christmas Carol. 

Ebenezer means: hitherto the Lord has helped us 
Scrooge means: a person who is stingy with money

Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the LORD helped us (1 Samuel 7:12)

Man alive, I love this name combo of Ebenezer and Scrooge; it depicts our human nature, does it not? The good of God bestowed, God helping us every step of the way and thus far, while the bulk, the heaviness of the population, thanks him not, with tight fists they grip what they get, and despite the help the Lord has hitherto provided, he is denied at every turn. The beauty of A Christmas Carol is the ultimate help that God gives Scrooge at the end of his stingy life, to see that what has been bestowed, was not to be held onto as a life line, but was to be used in blessing others. 

Ebenezer was given the gift of being saved from the grave of eternal darkness. Ebenezer was grateful, cheery, joyful, ready to recognize the help of the Lord, and I ask you, dear reader, after a materialistic and money not well spent Christmas "season", are you sick and tired, perhaps even exhausted, with the nonsense, the duplicity, the double speak and double mindedness, the wiping out of one good thing - one good name - with another that besmirches rather than highlighting blessing? 

Christ the King is the name above all names. Jesus is besmirched each time we replace him with false gods, and each time he is spoken of in a derogatory manner. No, I say No, I will not hear or accept this blasphemous misnaming, and will declare him God of gods, King of kings, and Ruler of the universe, and no other name will supplant, supersede, replace, or remove him from eternal preeminence in my life. 

Grace is my middle name, and it means the unmerited favour of God. I like this as a reminder, that nothing I can do or say awards me merit, and that God's favour is his gift, not my claim to some kind of personal fame. Like Ebenezer, I have learned that God is my hitherto and always helper, and I pray you know he is yours too. 

Look into your name; learn how it has influenced who you are, and how you have lived, and whether or not a change of heart that leans on God as your ever present provider, will provide you a new name from which you can serve his people, and glorify his name, through Christ, our Lord, Amen. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Imagine walking down the street and hearing hateful words shot at you, one after another, meant to let you know just how despicable you are to the people you mean to govern. This is what is happening to the Prime Minister of Canada, and has been for a very, very, long time, and I might add, rightly so. I think there are some Canadians that ought to take some of the fall-out: when I was canvassing for the PPC (it was my desperate attempt to sway whomever I could, away from communism and toward freedom), there were quite a lot of Trudeau lovers, quite a lot of mask and injection lovers ... People said, just before the last election, that they liked Trudeau and were definitely, voting for him.

I am wondering why all the leaders, all those that plotted and planned the demise of the human race via lethal injections, aren't being heckled and harangued each time they exit their homes, the grocery store, their place of work. How do they comfortably walk through airports and sit on planes, without someone yelling, MURDERER, YOU MURDERED MY SISTER, MY MOTHER, MY DAUGHTER, MY WIFE, MY NEICE MY .... my oh my.  

Many a person hates Justin Trudeau, in fact there are flags hanging from pick-up trucks that state F🍁CK Trudeau. I don't like the vulgarity, but I understand the sentiment, and I am waiting for righteous anger to kick in; for those that were duped, and those that complied, and those that realize they bent a knee to mere humans and bought the bull, along with all the suggestions, and now, they are suffering sickness, and perhaps, they have been to a funeral or two, of close relatives. Seems people are losing parents and grandparents in droves. Is no one suspicious and miffed? 

I am not a violent person. I do not want to hurt the killers: I think they have hurt themselves, and permanently so if they do not repent: I doubt they will repent, since they seem to have hardened hearts and continue on their damnation trajectory. I am more concerned for the Canadians that have yet to come to terms with the role they complacently played in going along with the charade. There is a lot of responsibility and accountability to be broadly distributed. I do believe people are now embarrassed that they trusted the "science", went along with the plan unwittingly, and now they do not want to admit their mistake: and I can understand why. The judgment error is massive and I would want to shy away from it too ... but shying away does not change the facts, and souls hang in the balance. We must, no matter the error, the mistake, the foible, the faux pas, the sin, admit it on our knees before our all knowing God, ask for forgiveness, and next fight for justice, by legally removing and prosecuting the killers.

While the killers continue to roam freely, as though the world is their oyster, they do have a sense of impending doom, I am confident of this. And is it not true and apropos that we ought to feel some worry, some shame, some guilt, and a sense that we are marked for destruction, when we have sinned atrociously? 

I read once that people know right from wrong, and that is why they lie when they have done what they ought not to have done. People are lying to themselves at this point, about having made the right decision regarding the taking of those injections. They made the wrong choice, and must come clean, if they are to be right before God and their fellow man. 

Sigh, I have a heavy heart. It is Christmas Day, and I look forward to it being over. I love Jesus, and this is my least favourite "holiday" ... especially this year. I bid you good night, or good morning, depending on your time zone, and pray to God that if you haven't yet, you do this minute, thank him for your life, for your blessings, and for the gift of Immanuel, God with us. 

PS: Look up Government of Canada vaccine rollout for up to date details regarding the shots ... your six month old baby, grandchild, nephew, niece, neighbours baby, is "eligible" if they do not have "contraindications". When your doctor says, It's time for scheduled shots for your infant or child, run like hells fire is licking at your boots. 

81. 1% of Canadians got the injections; 107, 216, 820 shots have been administered since December 14th, 2020, and counting. You can get shot at your local grocery pharmacy, or any number of drug stores ... and the horror continues. 

Monday, December 23, 2024


Do you have this thing called reciprocal in your relationships, dear reader, and is it what you look for before deciding to become a close friend, or a potential life mate with someone?  

Imbalanced relationships are not formed by choice, however, they are unconsciously chosen by design. Humans are homeostatic by nature, meaning whatever is most comfortable for us, even if it is dysfunction, is what we gravitate toward. Does this ring true for you? And does it seem a tad sickly to think that malfunctioning and malignant relating can be comfortable, for some? as opposed to calm and productive interacting that edifies and delights, others? 

I grew up with lots of screaming and angry adult faces. Threat hung lead balloon like in the air, and feeling badly and guilty without knowing exactly what my crime was, left me guessing and having to pick out of an invisible box, which rule I had broken or sentiment I had violated. I grew up in the, parents are right, kids shut up era: pop psychology books on how to raise reasonable children, didn't litter household coffee tables. I raised myself emotionally: the work of soundness in my relationships is an on going project, dear reader: I continue to be a work in progress. My saving grace, as I learned to speak my mind, was what my father taught me "Don't take sh!t from anyone; I took that to mean not to take it from my parents either. Thanks Dad. 

While it may seem as though I rounded a corner and I became emotionally functional, I had some imbalances that needed correcting. One of my lopsided, make myself feel better courses of action included helping people, and often times, over-helping people: I had a friend say to me once in her delightful Scottish accent, Linda, I don't like to be psychoanalyzed ... back in my twenties I got caught out trying to fix what I thought was broken. I believed I had answers and I could give life altering advice. I needed and wanted to make a difference, and see people get along, love one another, communicate effectively and affectionally, but all I saw was angry dispositions, hurt hearts, and long faces that spoke volumes about the emotional wounding they were experiencing, that harkened back to childhood.  

Dear reader, it is the hurt that we mask, it is the hurt that we hide from ourselves and others, and it is the hurt that must be dealt with, in order to heal, so that lopsided relating loops are broken and we can see and hear other people, not just our own broken record inner thoughts; then we can be available to bond, get intimate, and when we leave the other person after spending time with them, we feel contented and happy, and look forward to planning our next get together. That is what reciprocal feels like: a common bond of agreeableness, of delight, of being better off for having been in that persons most excellent company, no matter what they are going through. 

People aren't problems to be solved. People have environments and events they must navigate that can be challenging, and along with these environments and events, they have perceptions, feelings, moods, behaviours, that are closely linked to what they have experienced; and by God, when we are cognitive, and aware of our own reactions and attitudes, it gives us insight into how to course correct. 

My parents were decent parents to me. I knew where I could go to feel secure because they were fiercely loyal and protective of us girls. My mom is matriarchal, and old school (insert whatever that means to you, dear one, you have your own ideas of what old school means), and I can appreciate now what I did not in my individuation years. But I still had to do my own psychological, behavioural self-assessing, and correcting too, because dear reader, no one can do it for me, or for you. We have to take a good look at our inner workings, and figure out:

● What is homeostatic for me: Am I inclined to imbalance, dysfunction, maladaptation?

● What do I want in my relationships, starting with how do I want to speak to myself and how do I want to treat myself: Do I self-abuse and in turn, allow others to treat me similarly? 

● What feelings do I experience after being with certain people: do I feel jarred and fragile, shaken, nervous, self-conscious; do I self-deprecate after we part ways and am I uneasy every time I think about being in their company? 

● Ask yourself if you feel drained, spent, overextended, taxed, weak, and as though you have given more than you had to give, and gotten far less, in fact nothing at all of value, in return.

I caustically tell over-givers, If you want to do charity work, volunteer at a not-for-profit, but if you want to be friends with someone, make sure reciprocal is part of how you relate. 

God made us adaptable, and he gave us beautiful guidelines that when followed, provide a structure for gorgeous relating, based on mutual appreciation and admiration. It is as simple as 1, 2 , 3:

Matthew 22:37-40
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love they neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

1. Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul and mind
2. Love your neighbour
3. Love yourself

Love is honest: it is never cruel, and likewise it will never leave you cut and bleeding, and wounded to the core of your being. God's love is pure and perfect, and when we model ourselves in his Way, we reduce our risk of dys and mal, functioning. You can change for the sake of self and other, and I highly recommend you do, because if you don't, you are contributing to the hurt of those that look to you for comfort, and a soft place to land. 

Dear reader, everyone needs and desires devoted godly love. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Marked Man - A Biblical Term

... to think he who planted the ear shall not hear ... a snippet from a sentence, page 657, from Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible. 

Atheists are a frighteningly fascinating group of God haters. Atheistical folk freely foul themselves speaking to ears that always hear, and while they blaspheme their Maker, they make fools of themselves. 

Christians often marvel at the prospering of the profane, wondering how long they will continue in their riches without retribution for their wicked ways. Have you wondered this, dear reader, why justice does not seem to be served, and why those that break the laws, get away with them, seemingly unscathed? Would you be soothed if I tell you that God sees and knows all, and his perfect timing, is perfect every time? Let us take a look at Cain, and the consequences he incurred after murdering his brother, Abel. Get out your Bible now, and come with me into the dark past of the first offspring from Adam & Eve to stain humanity, with the shedding of innocent blood. 

Genesis 4:10-16
And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; when thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth

And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou has driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me. 

And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. 

And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. 

I have often wondered at God's seemingly, at first glance, merciful treatment of Cain; where was God's wrath and punishment for the slaying of righteous Abel; why didn't God immediately slay Cain?  In our current state of global debauchery, I wonder, as I know many a believer does, at God's timing. This morning, Matthew Henry gave me an insight that I can appreciate as a glorious explanation, for God's righteous punishment of Cain, and that of those that walk and wander the earth now, who have foolishly alienated themselves from him. According to Henry, God made Cain a standing monument of his justice. NOTE: lest we forget the rewards wickedness yield, God gives the iniquitous their just deserts while they willfully roam the earth, raucously breaking God's wondrous law. 

The LORD's punishment of Cain
1. God cursed Cain from the earth ... CURSED CAIN ... let that sink in, dear reader
2. The conversation between Cain and God made it clear to Cain, that the ease with which he tilled the fields, and the richness of crops that the earth yielded prior to its soaking with his own brother's innocent blood, was no longer an ease he could count on; quite the contrary was promised as punishment to Cain. 
3. Cain was proclaimed a fugitive, meaning someone that has escaped captivity and is in hiding; and a vagabond, meaning a person that wanders from place to place without a home or a job.

Cain's conscienceless and callous response to the LORD
1. My punishment is greater than I can bear ... this sentence dumbfounds me. Cain killed his brother and without an ounce of shame, thinks of his own existence, believing the punishment from God to be too harsh. What did he want, a lollipop and a pat on the shoulder, perhaps an atta boy? 
2. Cain reiterates his punishment of being driven from the face of the earth the day he premeditated the killing of his brother. He was forced to leave the haven that God had given to the first family.
3. and from thy face shall I be hid ... this is one of the saddest sentences I have ever read or typed. I weep as I think of what Cain gave up out of cruel jealous malice. To know God, to speak with God, and then to never again be face to face with God ... to consequently be banished and banned from his presence, grieves me to no end. I cannot comprehend how crazy atheists become without the wisdom of God speaking to their minds, informing their hearts, and guiding their earthly steps. What a tragic existence. 
4. and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth ... Cain repeats his own sentencing, knowing God's declaration of punishment will be his present and future, from that day forward. He will no longer benefit from God's abundant blessing and provision. He will be a man known as a fugitive, a murderer of his own kin. Dear reader, is there a more dangerous creature, than one that can kill wantonly, without provocation, without cause, his own flesh and blood? Think with me: if someone can kill his sibling from jealous rage, what makes any of us think that the very same type of person, will hesitate from shedding our blood, or the blood of those we love? Murderers have not discretion: keep this in mind as you consider those that have in your lifetime, thoughtless and perversely, poisoned your family and friends. 
5. every one that findeth me shall slay me ... Cain was frightened for his life. Cain, a fugitive, a vagabond, a wayward wandering violent fool that thought he could get away with murder, unpunished, would for the rest of his days, fear being slain, and rightly so. This is the only indication that we have of a nod to God from Cain, that justice will be and is served, because God does not tolerate unrepentant sin or sinners. The life is in the blood, and Cain took life that God had given to Abel. The LORD does not take lightly what man so easily excuses. 

And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.

The last statement from God seems like a reprieve to Cain, but alas, it is the opposite of a reprieve. God had declared Cain a cursed fugitive and vagabond for the rest of his days, and far be it from any man to go against God's just punishment for crimes committed against his created beings. Cain was shamed, a degraded despicable man, and deserved to be slain, but worse then the relief of instant death, is to be known to all, as a castaway, a useless, godless, vile murderer, that God cannot stand to look at or listen to. 

God sees, God hears, but he will not answer calls or pleas from the unrepentant. Cain is the father of wicked ancient seed, and the great granddaddy of all the generations that followed, that deny God as Sovereign, and have duly been banished from the LORD, to till and toil and gain ground on this earth, while outrageously killing and destroying God's meek and mild children. 

And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

Cain, was marked by the LORD. This is where the expression, marked man, comes from. We humans have what we believe to be invisible sin, that no one can suspect, because it is hidden from their eyes. Not so for the first murderer, recorded for all prosperity, in the very beginning of The Bible, in Genesis: Cain was a marked man. God marks us as his or the devils. Think of yourself as labeled, not just in this lifetime, but for the entirety of eternity. A stamp of damnation was Cain's reward for killing, and the stain of his sin was evident and stood, as Matthew Henry indicated, as a living monument to God's justice. 

I will leave you with the profound image of a banished Cain:

And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Lesson's I Have Learned

December 20th, 2024, one of the last days of this year ... what have I learned, what have I accomplished?

1. Rushing is not beneficial, it actually wastes time because messes are made; while the body is moving, the mind has turned off: efficiency is a presence of mind. Haste does indeed, make waste. 
2. Money in the hands of the immature turns into poison and fodder for the devil.
3. Loyalty and alignment are partners. People are not disloyal when they disagree, rather, they are fundamentally wired differently.
4. Mixing religious beliefs blends the bad with the good, making both indistinguishable.
5. Some people love God, some people hate God; this lodges a wedge between them, driving them worlds apart.
6. The physical body without the spiritual mind of God becomes sickly.
7. Stars are out of reach for a reason.
8. Wicked parents hate and hurt their children; indulgent parents are not loving, they disable and disarm their offspring.
9. Wisdom is available; not all people want wisdom.
10. Life is God, God is life. Wandering away from God cuts and bruises the soul. Staying close and clinging to him, is the balm that soothes and heals. He is our salve. 

What have I accomplished this past year, I ask myself? I know I have been pensive ... 

I don't know what else to say on this front. Perhaps it is too soon, and what I am meant to accomplish hasn't happened yet? I will leave you with a couple of questions. Perhaps you can get out a piece of paper and your favourite pen:

❓What have you learned in the year 2024? 
❓What have you accomplished? 

There are eleven days left. You don't have to be hasty, but being pensive will be helpful. What have you left undone that you must take care of, before the close of this year? 

The snow is gently falling, blanketing the outdoors in winter white. All is well in my world while I sit in my snow globe, looking out through window panes. Whatever 2025 brings, I know where I can go for solace and consolation, since Christ is my salvation. I pray the same for you, dear reader, to know Jesus is to love him, and to love him is to live for him. That is the peace, that surpasses all understanding. 

Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Waldorf-Astoria and the Explorer's Club

There is an annual meeting of the Explorer's Club. The Waldorf-Astoria hosts a grand and exclusive dinner, where dinners feast on cooked, creepy and crawly critters. Thinking of the prepared "exotic foods", curls the left side of my upper lip in disgust. I have included some pictures, so you can feel vomitrocious too. 

The Waldorf-Astoria ... now dear reader, I ask you, what is luxurious and appealing, if not an old and elegant, well decorated and appointed establishment, that promises ease and comfort, along with delectable fare? There are places average people will never see, or be able to pay to see, let alone sleep and dine in. Thank God, because the more I look at the underbelly of such places, the more repulsed I become. 

I first learned about the Explorer's Club from a biography on Elon Musk. In 2014, this Martian of a man (he shamelessly and confidently believes that he will one day, accomplish his long term goal, of colonizing Mars), was given the honour of winning the President's Award. The dinner menu for the award night at the Waldorf-Astoria in 2014 was to me, a stomach turner. Now think with me: if cockroaches, goat eye-balls, larvae, grubs, fish heads, animal penis' (this is a short list, there is more, look it up if you like) are on the Explorer's Club menu, and these are cooked and served from the Waldorf kitchen, what then, is their philosophy regarding cooking for guests that aren't part of the private eat-gross-not-meat club?

Inspectors close kitchens when they are roach or rodent infested ... does the Astoria catch these critters for cooking, when the high paying guests request these grotesque items to be made "edible"? 

Leviticus 11:42
Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things that creep upon the earth, them ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination. 

I kill creeping things, stomping them dead with the bottom of my shoe. I certainly do not think to myself, I wonder what recipe I can find on instagram for roasted roach, or perhaps, Honey seasoned larvae and grubs, or, What alcohol pairs well with goat eye to make a malevolent martini? I don't eat damnable disgusting crunchy varmints, I get rid of them when I see them. 

Cricket Factory, London Ontario
Recently, the ill conceived cricket factory that was built in my city, had to reduce its manufacturing costs by 75% ... the dirty bastards that thought normal humans would eat cricket meal as a substitute for real food, are now losing their shirts: they should have lost their stomachs at the thought of trying to foist insects on the public at large, rather than believe that they could get rich from humans consuming leggy chirpy lizard food. 

Dear reader, I am learning that Satan demands his worshippers do exactly what God has indicated must not be done, and in this case, he demands humans demean themselves by eating what is repulsive to a healthy minded human. This is a way of desensitizing them to more exotic fare, which includes consumption of humans. This is not a far fetched concept, but it may be to you. Don't believe me, look into this yourself if you can bear to do so ... Richard Dawkins wants the taboo of consuming human flesh to finally be banished. Meat is meat, in his sickly sight. 

There are private clubs, and many of the filthy rich and famous belong. They didn't get rich and famous by being nice guys with clean hands and pristine personalities. They are just like what they eat, creepy crawlers that scavenge and lay in wait, and when the lights come on, they flee to the dark corners to hide; and yet, they are there, lurking, and since we have seen them, we know they exist in the darkened shadowy crevices where walls meet floor boards. What we are witnessing is an infestation. There are so many of the maladjusted that they are conglomerating, and they are no longer inclined to hide their profane and vile ways: they boldly proclaim what they think, what they want, what they insist must be done, to actualize their wicked plans;  really, they are workers of iniquity implementing the plans of destruction, following orders from their daddy, the devil. The devil, dear reader, loves to demean, and he knows that God did not make Mars habitable, or cockroaches and crickets for human consumption, but he sure does like convincing God haters to do what is dastardly in their Creator's sight. 

I am inclined to dine at home more then ever before ... and I am happy when my produce starts to sprout, shrivel, turn brown and mouldy ... it reminds me of the golden olden days, where nature takes its course and food goes bad, because it is supposed to. And by God, I like to sink my teeth into sirloin, or chicken thigh, cooked to perfection. A crunchy hissing cockroach just does not appeal, but for the demonically animated, it is the fare on witch (spelt correctly, I know the difference between which and witch) they prefer to feast, and offer at their expensive celebrations of all that is abhorrent to God Almighty.  

We are deceived when we do not know our enemies, and choose to trust them based on superficial information we have on them. Immoral people make immoral decisions and behave immorally. A person's character is determined by their principles and morals, and who they get their marching orders from. 

That's all from me for now. Enjoy the pictures, and ask yourself: how delicious is a crunchy roasted skewered cockroach? Ask Elon and his freaky friends, they can tell you. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Round Deux/Duh

Observe: The sickest population is the medical community, twice over. Firstly, they love to look for what is wrong and then throw whatever might stick, as in stick in the arm, stick in the arteries, or bandaid over what is injured, malfunctioning, broken. 

When I go to work, I look for points of pain, or weakness in clients that hinder their emotional, spiritual, financial, and physical movement. Dare I say I diagnose the tripping agents, and once the client and I have identified root causes, the client then breaks free from what catches them up, and off they go in the direction of health and emotional wellness? Yes, I dare to diagnose, to expose, to highlight for the sake of the client and for Christ's sake too. I want people to be free, but the medical community want a captive culture, captive audience; repeat offenders are their favourite kind of patience ... I spelt that correctly, dear reader ... it requires a lot of patience to be bossed around over and over again, by people that lord over others their medical degrees and all the learning they did to get that ultimate title, Doctor. 

We are going into round deux, or as I like to call it, round duh, as in, really, how stupid are we? I will answer my own question, with less sarcasm and more of the honest shock that I am suffering daily. There are people that love them some injections, and one family I know are quite the consumers. The man of the day is a cardiac specialist in our countries capital, and his momma proudly brags that the entire family has each had six shots, of the co-v-id variety. In medical terms, that more than likely means they have had flu, tetanus, shingles, and whatever else is going and popular in the shot community, trusting they will stave off death, one shot in the arm at a time. It is to them, as it is in the fitness community, a cumulative effect: each shot, or each workout, adds to the last one, making the person super immune, or super strong? Injections and pills have replaced good sense, and so, we have masked men and women in hospitals and clinics, and they are known as the professionals ... and nothing can be further from truth, unless of course, we call them professional mercenaries, which is double the dur.

I haven't been in a hospital since my sister died. Thankfully, in July of this year, masks weren't the norm, and coming and going out of the hospital didn't require a shake down for visiting relatives. I am grateful for this, because my outrage factor would have shot through the roof if someone dared tell me that I couldn't be with my sibling without "protocol" in place. Sadly, hospital staff are sick, not only in their bodies from the poison abuse they have subjected themselves too, but they are mentally ill. Imagine your entire life revolving around saving lives via means that kill. Imagine being in the middle of the ocean, seeing a boat in the distance, calling for help, and as they approach, one of the crew cruelly throws what you assume is a life jacket, and when it hits the water near where you are treading desperately to stay afloat, the thing sinks like a hundred pound stone, and you feel its weight pulling you under. That is how I see the medical community, killers in masks. NOTE: many a doctor and nurse are kind and helpful. The ones that impose and suggest what they know harms, are dastardly. And the ones that impose and suggest without researching, are double dur dastardly. 

So, are we heading into round deux/dur, dear reader? Well, that is what appears to be happening, with threats disguised as warnings of yet another deadly device that has been concocted to frightened and cow people into subjected submission. Will you fall into the set snare? I pray not. I earnestly, perpetually, pray not. 

Trusting masked men makes no sense at all, dear one. They are robbers of health, and masking is a form of hiding what lurks. Think hard on this idea: what is behind the mask that the wearer does not want to be seen? What is in their hearts; what thoughts travel and bing about in their brains? What dreaded fear do they live in, that they feel their lives are in danger and can be stolen from them at any moment in time? If it isn't fear, then what, pray tell, is it? and, fear, dear, dear reader, is a contagion. Don't catch the fear, it is, as we have seen, deadly.  

Trust in the Lord, and he will heal and save you. What you have thus far done, he knows, believe me, he knows, especially if you did not go to him with your worries and anxieties in the first place; but it isn't too late! Go to him now ... nothing and no one is beyond his reach. Call on the name of his Son, Jesus, and rest at his feet. He will pet your hair, speak truth and comfort to your disturbed mind and soul, and he will give you what you need to be peaceful, no matter the circumstances. 

1 Corinthians Chapter 2:9-13
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 

Do you see, dear reader, what I see? To be clear:

1. We haven't seen or heard with our eyes and ears, nor have we had entered as of yet into our hearts, what wondrous things God has prepared for those that love him
2. But God has revealed them to us, by his Holy Spirit
3. The Spirit searches all things; the deep things of God
4. Man knows what is in his spirit; he is well acquainted with his inner workings
5. Man, however, does not know the things of God, but the Spirit of God sure does
6. There are two spirits: Paul the apostle and author of Corinthians, tells us that he and his fellow believers, have received the Spirit of god, and not the spirit of the world
7. Having the Spirit of God, gives us a knowing of things that are freely given to us that are of God
8. And Paul speaks of the things of God, not with man's worldly wisdom, but according to the teaching of the Holy Ghost
9. There is a comparing of spiritual things with spiritual things

Dear reader, there are two spirits in the world, and two only: worldly demonic Luciferian, and Holy Ghost ... that is all she wrote, as the saying goes. Paul is describing what he knows, and I am too, in less eloquent proses. You belong to the world, or to God in heaven, and those are your only options. 

The world is dying and if you belong to it, you are too. Yes, the body dies, but it is the soul that matters most, and that is what Satan does not want you to consider. He wants you to save yourself, by his imposed means, and dang it, that is simply, the wrong and wicked way to go. Please, please, commit now, to not going with the worldly flow. Go the road less travelled, the godly way, and stay, I plead with you, mask free when others cover their God crafted faces. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Fredrick Douglass

On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Douglass used the occasion not to celebrate the nations triumphs but to remind all of its continuing enslavement of millions of people. Douglass's speech appears below.

I have copied and pasted a section of this speech by Fredrick Douglass, to highlight the perspective, that a godly person cannot in good conscience, celebrate his own liberty, while his brethren are persecuted and suffering under the yoke of grotesque and cruel oppression. NOTE: the speech in its entirety is eloquent and spirit stirring, and I highly recommend you searching it out, and taking the well used time to read it. 

I will alternate between Fredrick's rebuke to the people of 1852, and my own for the people that live and breathe now, entering into the year 2025, God willing. 

Fredrick Douglas: What, am I to argue that it is wrong to make men brutes, to rob them of their liberties, to work them without wages, to keep them ignorant of their relations to their fellow men, to beat them with sticks, to flay their flesh with the lash, to load their limbs with iron, to hunt them with dogs, to sell them at auction, to sunder their families, to knock out their teeth, to burn their flesh, to starve them into obedience and submission to their masters? Must I argue that a system thus marked with blood and stained with pollution is wrong? No! I will not. I have better employments for my time and strength than such arguments would imply. 

Linda Grace Byers: What, am I to argue that it is wrong to make men bend their backs to their money grubbing employers, to rob them of breath by the forcing of masks and plexiglas shields, to work them beyond their agreed upon wages with the imposition of inhuman protocols of hand sanitizing, and up the nose daily testing to prove they may or may not be ill, keeping them free of relations with their fellow men, by telling them they must not meet, must not gather, must keep apart from one another, to have them take toxic injections that scream of the horrors of murdered babies that have been ripped, limb from limb, tearing them from their mother and father and would be siblings, auctioning them off as a bi-product and useable for poisons and potions, twisting their heads to break their necks, to burn their flesh with the vileness in the syringe vials, to starve them by threatening to steal away their work wages so that they feel they must obey as they are coerced to comply with their masters, the practice of injecting tracking chips and other objects? Must I argue that a system marked with blood and stained with pollution is wrong? No, I will not. I have better employments for my time and strength, since these arguments are self-evident in proving the wickedness of what we have experienced and witnessed. 

Fredrick Douglass: What, then, remains to be argued? Is it that slavery is not divine; that God did not establish it; that our doctors of divinity are mistaken? There is blasphemy in the thought. That which is inhuman, cannot be divine! Who can reason on such a proposition? They that can, may; I cannot. The time for argument is past.

Linda Grace Byers: What, then, remains to be argued? Is it that slavery is divine; that God established it and blessed the rich, empowering them to oppress and enslave those that work under their tyranny, that our doctors of divinity are mistaken in speaking Christ as King and Lord of lords. There is blasphemy in the thought. That which is inhuman cannot be divine! Who can reason on such a proposition? They that can, may; I cannot. The time for argument is past. 

Fredrick Douglass: At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed. O! had I the ability, and could I reach a nation's ear, I would, to-day, pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke. For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced. 

Linda Grace Byers: At a time like this, singed souls, not argument, is needed. O! If I could rattle the caged, arouse the near dead, shake awake those that slumber, give a stingy reproach to the conformists and colluders, I would pour resounding warning and rebuke into their closed over ears. We need flames that heat feet to running, a whirlwind that lifts and crumbles foundations of sand, and a quake that breaks up the earth the masses cling to for their dear lives. Let them see the divide, the chasm before them, and fear falling in. The nations must be quickened, the universal pulse must race; the conscience of the nations must be stirred; propriety and piety of the nations must be jolted; the hypocrisy of the nation(s) must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced

Fredrick Douglass: What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boast of liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy-a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour. 

Linda Grace Byers: What, to the American, the Canadian, the citizens of this world, the injected and dying, is the day the president takes his office? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the coming year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham. To him, you boast liberty when his president betrayed him, taking unholy license. Your national greatness, is swelling and pompous vanity. Your cheers in the streets are empty and heartless. You denounce tyrants while inviting them to rule and reign over a broken populace. The small man sees not liberty and equality from his suffering bed, from his dying chamber. You mock the broken, with your religious parades and feigned solemnity: to him, you are bombastic, a fraud, deceptive and impious, a hypocrite that thinly veils and covers crimes of cruelty and murder. You disgrace your nation and betray your savage hearts. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour. 

Dear reader, how many times have you heard recently, about the sick and dying? Who among us has not witnessed suffering and then sudden death, or heard about it, over and over again, as in day after bloody day? Satan, I have said many times before, is an equal opportunity killer, and he does not discriminate. American history is horrific. The slave "trade" can only be thought of with curled lip and the soul whinging and attempting to shy away from reality. Those that were subjected to torture and oppression could not escape easily if at all, because of the shackles and the conspiring the wicked continually committed to keep them oppressed. Dear one, we are in the same state, and just like Fredrick, I refuse to enjoy and celebrate and pretend, that all is well and we can move forward, when so many are falling ill and dying rapidly. 

I cannot help but suffer with the suffering, and I ask you: How can you think of praising and parading a president that proudly gloats publicly about his sin; his sin will be his shame one day soon, and if you happen to be someone that can applaud an unrepentant murderer, I fear your soul is in jeopardy, and you are currently on the wrong side of glory.