Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Cost of Compromise

Warning: caustic reading ahead

🎯 Soak those hands in sanitizer
🎯 Sling a thing on strings over your breathing holes
🎯 Keep AWAY, you filthy monster
🎯 Get injected, now do it again, one more time, oops, ONE MORE TIME... well, for now, then JUST ONE MORE... I mean... one more? 

If I were a leader and wanted to keep my church open during a pretend lock down, What would I do... hmmmm, whatever would I do?

I know, I KNOW!

πŸ‘πŸ» Use one of those fancy temp guns and shoot one and all in the forehead to make sure they aren't running hot and sickly
πŸ‘πŸ» Establish a table armed with huge pump bottles of we-mean-to-keep-clean sanitizer
πŸ‘πŸ» Buy industrial sized boxes of those pretty blue over the face synthetic cloth thingies
πŸ‘πŸ» Place directional arrows for idiots to follow
πŸ‘πŸ» Tell people to keep some decent space between them and their brethren, I mean their sick and disgusting potentially lethal germ infested neighbour
πŸ‘πŸ» Thank everyone for co-operating, since we are all in this together... alleluia!
πŸ‘πŸ» Advertise on signs and our website, You can join us and worship on line with live streaming! (Comments and praise in chats section will be open during service. We welcome your participation.)

NOTE: Convenient tithing options include e-transfer, AND we are now chip equipped to receive virtual money: go to Give generously, and you will be duly blessed in return. (Please don't send cash: we no longer accept filthy lucre).

What have you done
Churches, oh churches, what have you done? 

Funny story, dear reader. Some pastors objected to MANdates, but complied with protocols, and now the Supreme Corrupt Court of Appeals in Ontario. refuses to hear church leaders plead their case and have the fines they accrued dropped. 

When we play by the devils rules, we must expect to be burned. We call this a double standard... kind of like being tax exempt as a pretend charity, while being willingly tethered to tyrannical dictators. Fined church leaders pleading for mercy from the very ones that victimized the masses, ought instead to beg forgiveness from God, and then the men, women, and children they betrayed, in their yellow bellied cowardice when they abided any or all of those wickedly designed to oppress rules while feigning business as usual faith.  

My challenge to you:
If you call yourself a Christian, dare to be different. Churches of the most common whorish variety, prostituted themselves to the government by willingly subjecting themselves, and their flock by association, to illicit demands. Yes sir, no sir, three bags of masks full, sir. Bowing down to Baal has dire consequences, and the cost of compromise is not only public humiliation but worse, far worse than this: knowing that when you were called to be one of the faithful, you failed miserably by walking side by side with the fallen. 

When pastors became masked men, they gave the world an outward sign of their inner cowardly workings. When they permitted and still do permit, face masked people in their midst, they are caving to iniquity because they accept without comment or rebuke, the marring of God's express image in other human beings, that are being demeaned, degraded, debauched. 

Thing is, Jesus hung naked on a tree because no matter the temptation, He just plain old would not give in to demonic demands. He warned us of the days to come, and now we live them ~ in their most mild form, "it" will get far worse ~ as either steadfastly faithful with a promise of persecution for our devotion to our Saviour, or fallen as weak and fear filled earthlings. What these "churchmen" showed the watching world, is that they are pathetically lukewarm, and while they want sympathy, support, and someone to defend them now, they didn't defend the TRUTH when it was the most crucial moment in their lives to do so. 

Just like a woman can't be a little bit pregnant, a Christian cannot be a little bit faithful. It is all or nothing baby, otherwise we will hear these words from the Judge:

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (Matthew 7:21-23)

Caustic commentary complete


  1. WOW. Excellent commentary. Agree almost 100% again with you. These so called Christians and fake pastors are disgusting to me. Problem is most churches have caved in to this satanic plan and in way too many cases more than society in general. Can't wait to see them, when they have to give an account to God for what they did to the ones they were supposed to take care of. But if they have believed in the saving grace of Christ's death and resurrection as payment for their sins they will be right there with us in heaven. Maybe with a few less crowns.

  2. Thanks Bob for being one of God’s faithful at all costs

