Saturday, October 28, 2023

Becoming a Professional Coach

Professional Coaching Certification 

I will briefly outline how I attained the title of CPCC, or Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, through CTI. 

NOTE: Not long after accomplishing the certification goal, I asserted myself as a Christian Coach, CTI certified, since 2014. I am first and foremost a Christ follower, and secondly, a coach with acquired skills that qualify me to work with clients. 

The Bible is my book of wisdom
The Bible is my go to for life affirming, guiding principles, doctrine and teaching

God's wisdom and sound instructions enter into coaching sessions, so that clients align with the will and plans God has for them. I utilize coaching abilities while working with clients, to travel from where they are, to where they learn God wants them to be. 

My tagline: I coach people to their godly greatness, and from there, everything is possible

Let us return to my coaching beginnings...

Information gathering
A personal training client of mine suggested I attend an information session, followed by a meet and greet interactive time, that was being held regarding coaching courses that were potentially going to be offered at the University of Western Ontario, in my home town of London. Out of curiosity, I attended. 

I had my first coaching experience that evening, when someone offered a sample of what coaching is like, and that one brief encounter with just the right questions and my answers, had me doing things differently the very next day.

I toyed with investing in coaching, a rather expensive endeavour, and finally, years after the experience described above, I took the plunge, and never looked back. I am sharing what I had to do, rather than what I emotionally experienced, in this piece of writing. The emotional aspects are book worthy and impossible to share briefly, which is what I promised above, a brief outline of the road I took to get to where I am now.

Here is what I did to get that golden certified professional coaching ticket:

● I travelled to Toronto for Friday to Sunday immersive courses, five of them in total. I spent money on transportation, hotel, food, and of course, the fees involved in coach training courses. Completion of the five core curriculum courses took about six months
● Following the five core curriculum courses, I decided to go through the six month certification process. This was another cash, time, and emotionally energetic investment: worth every penny. I felt minted after my second of two exams, one written, one oral, and more qualified to confidently call myself a professional coach, having earned the title
● I volunteered to assist in some of the curriculum courses. Again, I travelled to Toronto, investing in my learning, while witnessing the pain and pleasure experiences of the participants enrolled in the coaching courses ... I will say this was a delightfully enlightening endeavour for me
● Lastly, I spent a lot of money, and not one cent too many, when I enrolled in CTI's leadership program. I travelled to California four times in the span of ten months, and spent just shy of a week each time, in the most extraordinary immersive learning extravaganzas of my life! 

I cannot explain how perspective altering these weeks away were for me, but I can tell you that there is evidence in my everyday life, that harkens back to those days, the people I met, and what I learned about the world and who I want to be like while in it (HINT: I want to be just like Jesus!)

NOTE: The leadership program is totally optional AND, I am so grateful for having attended!

The world has changed:
The world has changed so much since then, since I went and saw, conquered and become, the coach and person I am now. 

Like any type of employment, we must first learn from those that are doing what we want to do, to make a living and savour the professional life we know is our calling. I did that by attending and paying for the courses offered, and going through the processes of certification required, to attain the title of Professional Coach. 

My ROI (return on investment) is the life I currently live, as a Christian working with people that want to hire a Coach that will love them to Christ.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, 
good will toward men (Luke 2:14)

If you have any questions, I am most happy to answer any or all of them, based on my experiences and learning over the years. Do, feel free to call or email me.

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