Sunday, October 29, 2023


It is a good question to ask: 

What are the differences that characterize a Christian spiritual coach or advisor, and a spiritual coach that does not distinguish themselves as belonging particularly, to the God of The Bible. 

As a professing Christian, employed as a coach, I answer this question based on my discerned perspective, after having been exposed to worldly and secular approaches to spiritual matters, as I do believe, we all have been? Check the list below to see if you are familiar with any of the practices enumerated: 

Taro card reading
Soul writing
Horror-scopes (I could not resist calling them this!)
Shamanic journey
Regression therapy
Law of attraction
Power of positive thinking
Palm reading
Christ "consciousness"
A couse in miracles
Jesus calling
The secret
White witches
Evil eye jewelry

God vs idol worship
The Bible is very clear on many a front regarding what is offensive and considered reprobate to God, and those that fear him not, indulge in activities that are forbidden by him. Warnings against disobedience are abundant in the Bible, and thankfully, God is merciful, because I am confident each of us have been invited into dark cultish worlds, and perhaps have partaken unwittingly too, in what is considered idol worship, or satanic ritual, as listed above. 

I think of the spirit as housed in the body; this is wonderful and astounding simultaneously. We cannot injury one without impairing the other, and with this said, curious clients must ask, before they begin a coaching relationship:

🎯 To whom does the coach/spiritual guide answer? along with;
🎯 Which spirit is it that leads them?

● Where we get our information, our inspiration, or direction, is of utmost importance.
● When entrusting someone with our very soul, it is wise to wonder and inquire, what gives the professional the authority, the confidence, the ability to lead and be trusted, with the spirit of another? 

I am certified as a professional coach. I did my training, I paid my dues. I have been self-employed for nearly ten years in this profession. These accomplished goals amount to nothing at all in my estimation, if I use my acquired skills in such a way as to lead others spiritually, away from the Living, Almighty God, that created each of us and all of nature around us, that speaks of his glory. 

I will always lead people to Christ, when I am so permitted and the client is willing. I am not shy about, nor ashamed of this, and will not deviate from my work to make disciples of men by tending God's delightful sheep.

Those that do not profess Christ as King, will also stay the course they are travelling, but the question remains: 

❓Who do they serve and;  
❓Are they the best match for someone who's soul, who's very spirit, longs to feel secure and well in a sick and worsening world?

I depend on God for discernment as a Christian coach, and The Bible is my life manual. Souls are valuable, and I will treat them kindly and love them to Christ.

You, with the enquiry, will choose what best suits you, depending on to whom you say you belong. 

I pray you lean heavily in the direction of God being your wise whisperer, and that you fall head long in love, into his protective Fatherly arms 💖

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy (James 3:17)

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