Monday, November 6, 2023

White Devil

By God, I see the white devil everywhere, and he comes as an angel of light, or in the form of a bounty bar...

And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14)

What is the white devil I see everywhere, dear reader? Sugar! That is right, shuuuuuuugar!

I like me some sugar but alas, my body absolutely abhors it, and no wonder: sugar from the cane plant has been bastardized to the point of being almost unrecognizable. I am 100% organic, and each time one of my senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing, or touch, gets violated, alarm bells go off with headaches, stomach upset, and even nausea.

Ever pass one of those stinky stores in the mall that sell soap and body lotion? What did that do to or for you? nothing at all, or did you feel a wave of offence go up your nostrils straight to your brain?

How about in the gym when they are misting the air with "fresheners" to mask the possible stink of sweaty people. I recall using cardio equipment and getting a whiff of the stuff and gagging; I was inhaling and exhaling at a rapid rate, doing what is good for my heart and lungs, only to be affronted by the unnatural, hitting my system like a sledge hammer. In all my years as a gym rat, I rarely if ever caught a sour smell from other exercise partakers: periodically someone would wear a little too much perfume, but this was an infrequent observation. 

Another story
I recall being at a Chinese buffet and while I ate, my vision blurred and the room felt spiny: I could not think or see straight. A headache began and I could barely make my way home. Driving was a dangerous endeavour at that point because of the muddled feeling in my brain. I had no idea what MSG was at the time... 

One more story, just for fun. I was in a conference room somewhere in Toronto. I like to be a contributor when meeting with people but I could not find words (aphasia), and the speech of others was garbled in my mind. Before too long, it felt as though my brain would explode with accumulated pressure... come to think of it, this has happened many a time, without warning. The end result is usually an entire day of vomiting with severe headache. Sick building syndrome, or something more sinister?

I am seeing a theme and parsing it together, dear reader. It is exposure, to toxins, either in food consumed, or in the environment we find ourselves in. My body seems to soak things up and then to detox, vomit them or push them out. The only way for me to do this is to remove myself from what harms, to a place that will heal what hurts. 

Not done story telling
Spiritually speaking, during the nonsensical everyone-is-doing-it-baby masking extravaganza ~I would NOT wear the damn things, if you are wondering~ I experienced some unpleasantness that can only be attributed to demonic exposure. When I entered a Home Sense to buy a day-timer, my spirit was vexed seeing a sea of masked faces. People Christmas shopping for goodness sakes! My eyes felt crossed, I had to work extra hard to focus, and I paid for my item while feeling dizzy. Upon leaving the store, my vision cleared and the dizzy sensation left me. When I spoke about this with my son ~ he was waiting in the car ~ he said, It's a spell mum. Huh, it's a spell... 

It's a spell. Think on this with me. While satanic worship is blatant and common place, and uncleanness in the form of sexual deviancy is repugnantly obvious, we are seeing witchcraft high and low, here and there, under this and over that. Since we have spirits residing in our sensitive bodies, does it not make sense to know, we are negatively impacted when we have come into contact with contagions? 

I called sugar my white devil, and I meant this. I have consumed copious amounts of it over the years, and it has served me ill. What goes in whether via the eyes, ears, mouth, or pores, can soak and soil a soul, or cause enough physical turmoil and tumult, to cause sickness. I am responsible for many things, and one of them is to do as much good as I possibly can, no matter the circumstances, or in spite of them? while I walk God's green, yellow, and currently autumn red and orange earth. If I don't take care of the temple of the living God, my body, with a due sense of responsibility, and accountability too, then I will be rendered useless and fruitless. 

The enemy that grips
I recognize the wickedness. I see souls lost in the throws of being tossed about; they appear unaware of the enemy that grips, and wants to strangle them. 

We are a disobedient lot, aren't we dear reader? Doing what we ought not do, and having to pay extravagantly when the bill comes due, in the form of lost wages, wellness, and worst of all, spiritual wholeness. 

If I am accountable, that makes you accountable too. If you are accountable, that makes him, and her, and them, and all, accountable, and responsible, for what we put out in the world and how it impacts and influences others. We are not islands and we leave a mark, whether gentle and kind, or harsh and cruel, everywhere we go, and even when we stay put. 

I read just this morning, the wise words of Matthew Henry in his Commentary On The Whole Bible, page 138:

"Those that are in league with the devil have in effect made a covenant with death and an agreement with hell, and so shall their doom be."

Whatever we do based on what we believe, think, and next act upon, is not lost on God. We haven't any excuses for choosing badly over and over again, but we sure can ask for strength to stop that pattern and then break it once and for all, and God will always come through for those that are persistently penitent. 

Here is a little exercise you can do if wholeness is what you want:

1 Be honest with yourself. If there is an area in your life that is for your eyes only, that you would be ashamed of others knowing about, then there may be some sinful indulges that are making you sick, lurking in the shadows. They need to go.

2 Be willing. You got yourself into a mess, and you are capable of getting yourself out too. You may be able to rectify the situation solo, or you may need help. Chances are good, you need assistance, so go to the One that is always willing to care for you, God is ever present and available. 

3 Be Biblical. You and I both know, in our conscience, when we are about to sin, have sinned, will agree to sinning, long before we pull the sin trigger. One of the best ways to curtail the wrong doing, is to read scripture, first thing in the morning. You can never say, I didn't know any better, when the word of God has filled your mind and heart, impacting your soul, before you go out into the wicked world.

I could find 4, 5, 6 things more for you to do, but you know dear reader, it is all up to you what you choose to do with your mind, your heart, your body, your soul... 

Sugar is my white devil, what is yours?

P.S: I am on day three of refraining from eating processed sugar. I will take this one day at a time... and you can too.


  1. Well if you don't agree with sugar then better not have to go to a hospital. Trust me. They feed you copious amounts of sugar and then try to force insulin on you to combat the sugar they just gave you.

  2. You wouldn't believe the whole story Linda. I was admitted again with an internal bleed in the esophagus and their main focus has been blood sugar levels. It's an easy one to get people to take their insulin. Wondering if they get bonus checks for getting people to participate like they did with the CV death shots. Well I refused, again. Some of the nurses and even a couple of docs have agreed with me that it seems completely ironic to feed a patient straight sugar and then try to administer insulin. That's insanity unless there's a much deeper agenda (which we all know there is). I didn't mention the agenda to them for obvious reasons. One nurse even agreed with me on the dangers of chemo and the insanity behind that. Now that was a shock. Maybe some are starting to wake up. If there's one thing the CV agenda accomplished is that logical people are beginning to see thru the plan. I know there will be some on here who think this talk is nuts but someone famous once said it's easier to fool people than to have them admit they were fooled. Egos do funny things to people's minds.

  3. Bob, I just read your note above... I love that you are always fighting the good fight and wanting people set/made free by imparting truth... seems it is working since you have found people along the way that agree, they just need someone to say what they may not have voiced yet themselves. Prayers and hugs friend LGB
