Monday, November 27, 2023

B. S MadsWorth

I met a man recently that goes by the name B. S MadsWorth.

He was a curious kind of fellow. His smile had the effect of chilling my blood and flash freezing it, to the extent of icing my feet to the ground on which I stood. Immobilized, B. S held me captive with his frigid and unrelenting stare, and a sense of stupefaction settled into my being. 

When Mr. MadsWorth spoke he spit his words, and since I could not move, the spray splattered me from head to toe. Breaking eye contact, I discovered, gave my arms and hands mobility, and with this freedom, I managed to right forearm swipe my face with my sleeve, disgusted with the spittle that soaked into the material.

What manner of man was this, and what was he saying? His muddled words made no sense to me, and I could not follow his logic, if indeed, it was logic to be followed? We stood at a distance at first, but I noticed his daring, as he inched forward, edging his way into my intimate imagined do not enter space. How close is too close, and how far too far... I suppose this is determined based on whom it is we are speaking with, wouldn't you agree? B. S MadsWorth knew not lines of demarcation, surmised or established; encroachment seemed a natural indulgence for him, and an alarming invasion it was, for me. 

B. S had the gift of the gab, and my ears filled with an endless stream of jumbled thoughts and stories of this person and that, tall and short tales of adventures that were out of this world, and rather disconcerting in their strangeness. I listened, my eyebrows furrowing and drawing together in consternation, and began to consider how I might make my escape. He didn't seem to notice, nor care, that I was shifting my weight from leg to leg, fidgeting, and beginning to fret about how to depart. He did not read me, but I was getting the gist of who he was, and my tolerance was departing at breakneck speed. I had to go, now, before I was completely coated in B.Sery, to the point of drowning in his nonsensical sputum.  

He was mad, crazy, cuckoo, over the edge nuts, and he wanted to bring me to the brink too; wearing me down with worthless, meaningless lies, that were abhorrent to my being. 

Liar. B. S MadsWorth, I realized, was, is, a liar. I could not follow his logic, because none was to be had. I could not tolerate his spewed words, because they coated me in icky sick. I felt frozen in place because I could not comprehend the grotesque quality of fabrication meant to dishearten and disturb anyone that was held captive within earshot. He violated space, my time, and worse than this, my sense of peace.

Liars are like that, aren't they? They sneak into lives without invitation, taking up space that does not belong to them, and causing vexation to the souls they attempt to infect with their noxious-to-the-senses deceptions. 

Interestingly enough, I know a god/man that can only speak Truth. The contrast between him and B.S MadsWorth, is startling. In fact, while one melts my heart and moves me to tears of joy, the other jolts my being and roots me in place, wondering what in the world is happening, when someone like B. S has free range to roam and impose, interfere and obtrude? Liars take liberties, the godly in stark evident comparison, are meek in their asking, and wait to be invited in...

Have you encountered B. S MadsWorth? 
Have you met Godly Truth?

Which one appeals to you as a companion? 

And how far into the reading of this piece of writing, did you figure out I made up the character B. S MadsWorth as a kindred to the devil, doing his bidding in human form?

Proverbs 12:22 Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight

If the infamous B. S MadsWorth dared to rewrite scripture, and I tell you, dear reader, his kind most certainly has done such a reprehensible thing, he would bastardize Proverbs 12:22 to read:

Honest lips enrage the devil to deadly distraction: but they that deal in deception are his demonic delight

Lies are the undoing of souls. Lies wreak havoc in relationship. Guilty men, according to Matthew Henry, are cowards... and I boldly state deception is always at the root of deadly downfalls that lead to eternal destruction. 

This is why The Truth Makes Us Free! Praise God, isn't this wonderful news?

Gospel ground breaking
Now, if you have yet to embrace the Truth as a way of life, I have gospel ground breaking heart and blood warming information for you! You can stop lying to self, to other, to him over there and her right here. You can stop lying to God and start to hear him speak wisdom to your very soul. 

If you want your words to have weight, and you want them to land in such a way, as to keep good company that does not want to escape you at their earliest convenience, you must become an honest person that cares about your impact. Savvy? Do you comprende what I parlez, or am I speaking a foreign tongue to you?

ANYWAYS, dear reader, I had to get that off my chest today. I have been disheartened with all the tolerance I am witnessing for lies and deception. The spell cast over the populace has them fixated and focused on fraud, and they are freeze tag frozen in place, needing a good blazing fire to thaw them out! 

In closing, I advise avoiding anyone remotely like Mr. B. S MadsWorth. His type offers much in the way of distraction, and takes away loads of irreplaceable time and substance in exchange. 

Don't let this kind of character, or his relatives, Ms. Nosey Parker, and Mrs. Gladys Gossip, near you or your loved ones; they will be your undoing!


  1. Love this one again Linda. I guess I had it at his name, BS.
    What is so saddening is how many in the Christian church are so willing to be duped by him and even those that know better but can't bring themselves to admit it. Some even in my family want to say we shouldn't be so hard on him and expose those who have so fallen for his lies just so we can appear "nice" and more Christ-like.

    Thank you for your honesty and the the way you constantly convey a message with your writing style.
