Sunday, December 3, 2023

Mixing With The Masses

Today I mixed with the masses. I rarely if ever make plans on Sundays, preferring the quiet of home, but I got an invitation I did not want to refuse. A close friend asked me to go to a Christmas craft show, the kind where booths are set up and entrepreneurs sell their wares. These shows hold little to no interest for me, but the friend is someone I see infrequently (about once a month) and I could not, would not, resist the urge to spend quality time with her. 

So we walked and talked, going from booth to booth. I ran into someone I haven't seen for a long while, and the memory of this short meet up makes me grin in the recalling. Isn't it wonderful to run into people we care about, even though time has lapsed into years apart? Hey Ruth, if you are reading this, my heart is happy to have seen you and your brood today!

Mostly, the day was lovely, and the vendors were gregarious and talkative, but I noticed some products, some items for sale that had me stop in my tracks, turn, and walk away rapidly. In one booth, I picked up a tiny glass bottle, labelled, Spell Bottle... there was a whole tray of the damnable things. 

The city in witch (I spelt that right, if you are wondering) I live, is full of occult loving humans that are not at all shy about advertising their dark inclinations. From t-shirts to tattoos, hats and handbags, witches wear their black hearts on their sleeve, blatantly, boldly, proclaiming publicly, to whom it is they belong. That tiny spell bottle gave me the creeps, and so did the vendor that stood sentinel over her satanic products.

I admit, I looked at the items for sale at the booths with suspicion, because mixed in with Christmas themed products there were hidden in plain view, scary Halloween type trinkets and talisman that hinted at the sinister spirit of the vendor. Covering all their bases, they had something for everyone from the looks of it. Just in case there was a Christian with cash, or a devil worshipper with plastic to swipe, they could sell to both: wouldn't want to alienate anyone with money. 

How the day started
This morning when I got up, I had to assess my rough night of sleeplessness. I arose early, could not concentrate on my regular reading, and decided to try some more sleep. After a little catch me up nap, I had a headache, all this before 8 a.m. I wanted to see my friend, did not want to cancel, and was motivated to rid myself of the headache; advil and instant coffee did the trick and I was able to go... but you know what, dear reader, the headache returned, and upon reflection, I know why.

It was the mixing with the masses. This was not my first time absorbing what was in the atmosphere that makes me sick. Seeing my friend was important to me, and I overrode what I knew was probably not going to be good for my health, in order to say yes to her offer. That headache was a morning warning I did not heed. Early into the afternoon, I again, could not concentrate, and had to excuse myself from continuing our time together in the market. I felt like I was on guard at this point, with lurking all around us dark spirits... because they are, dear one, they are.

There were marvellous moments in the time we spent together, and I am grateful that I got to see my friend, AND;

Knowing what I know about what is going on in the world, and how mixing with the masses impacts my sense of well-being, I am going to say yes to seeing my pals when invited out, and counter offer when the activity does not match what is wholesome and healthy for my soul, mind, and body. 

It is the company that counts, after all, dear reader, isn't that so?

Wisdom to follow:

Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away. For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fail. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink wine of violence (Proverbs 4:15-17)

A wish to be had:

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth (3 John 1:2)

The Bible covers all circumstances. God knows we influence and impact one another, either to edify, or to injury with evil intent. I cannot trust a human that hates my God. I cannot mix and mingle with them and believe that their sick, toxic, demonic and devilish fetishes and inclinations, will not somehow throw me off balance and sicken my soul. They are poisonous, and must be avoided at all costs by those that belong to the Saviour. 

Yes, we are to be in the world but not of it, AND;

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful (Psalm 1:1)

I am okay with avoiding the satan-ick-ly soaked public.

I am content stearing clear of walking with them, listening to their ungodly thoughts and ideas, or standing in their midst where ever they gather. I don't want to sit or eat with them, nor do I want to see their vile demon adoring tattoos and garb...

... and I am pretty confident they aren't fond of my company either. 


  1. I hear your sorrow. This is just the state of our world today. As I was doing some research into suitable outlines/programs for the Celebration Of Life which we are having for my mom during the Christmas break, I came across the following on one of the websites. People are actually celebrating loved ones going to spend eternity in hell. Satan has deceived so many to that point. God will not be putting up with this much longer. Everyone needs to get their eternal affairs in order and very soon.

    Heaven or Hell Party

    A Heaven or Hell party considers the personality of your fallen loved one to throw either a Heaven themed party or a Hell themed party. Ask attendees to dress appropriately for the spiritual location and act as if you’re all in Heaven or Hell celebrating with your deceased loved one.

    1. This is absolutely heart rending and horrible Bob... I am so glad your mom loved Jesus and is with him in paradise.

      God bless you all as you make your celebration of your moms life plans, xo LGB
