Friday, December 22, 2023


Bared teeth. In a split second I saw them before they sunk into and closed around the throat of my tiny six-pound Yorkshire terrier. Next there was violent shaking, and a moment later, she died in my arms.

Writing this makes me tear up. I miss my dog tremendously, and while I don't give myself permission to perpetually ponder the loss, when I do, my mind goes beyond this memory, and the tears begin to flow as I consider the losses my friends are living, facing Christmas and the rest of their lives, without people they love. 

Bared teeth. Humans behave like rabid dogs. I have several humans turned savage in mind as I type, but one in particular goes for the jugular without conscience or hesitation, purposefully directing his killing hatred toward humanity: Noah Harari.

He is a vicious man. The name Noah means comfort and rest. Noah Harari is the antithesis. He slavishly savours chaos and exertion, engaging in murderous plotting, planning, and implementation. The Noah of The Bible took his instructions from God... God destroyed mankind, save eight humans, for their abominable sins (they had truck loads of time and opportunity to repent, but decided sacrificing their children to demon gods was more valuable then heeding the warnings of the living God; plus, unnatural sexual activities were rampant), and Noah Harari, demonically attempting to falsely imitate God, deems himself worthy of doing the same: wiping out those that he views as less then who he has puffed himself up to be. 

Huh, well then, if it ain't just a black cat copy of God's judgment, turned from righteousness to hellishly-horrendously-satanic-satire. Satan hates humans, and he has recruited some of them to mock and mimic God, as destroyers of their own kind, rather than loving others as God commands.

Noah Harari has bared his teeth, and next, he has sunk them in and closed around throats, blood lust driving his passion. He is a homosexual: willingly he violates other men, and is violated similarly. Rage drives him to his own destruction and distraction, and belies what he believes about himself. He hates himself. Only a person filled with self-loathing, wants to harm and hinder others, especially those that profess faith in Christ. 

I am torn in two when I think of the suffering he has caused and what I witness when people I love weep in their brokenness, recognizing that their parents have been murdered... this, dear reader, is our reality. Murderers roam freely, lawlessly, and we grieve, begging God for comfort and justice. The killing hasn't ended, and it won't any time soon. God is giving many a soul time to repent for their sins, profess Christ as Saviour, and be redeemed and made worthy through Emmanuel, so that when they leave this world and enter into the next, they will reach God's heavenly Canaan, the promised paradise. 

Comfort and rest is not ours, dear reader, until we reach our promised land. We cannot witness horror and forget, setting aside the pain as though it is a nothing, a thing not to be acknowledged. We weep when we see our brethren weep. We laugh with them when they discover a moment of peace and joy... we long with them for reunion, to have and to hold those that went before us, and in the mean time, we pray, we wait, and we love like our Saviour.

Noah Harari, you have given yourself over to the dark side, your shadow is small and you want to make it grand and imposing. You are a little man, not because of your stature, but because you demean yourself, proclaim publicly what you do in private, and you have made yourself an enemy to God, the Almighty. You have not learned from history, and yet you proclaim you are carving a path for the future. Foolishness.

Acts 18:6
And when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, he shook his raiment, and said unto them, Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean; from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles

Noah Harari, your blood is on your own head.


  1. I have known about Yuval Noah Harari for quite a while now but Russell Brand is news to me. Although I've never been a fan and had a dislike for him this is disturbing. Another one of the controlled opposition to con people to believing in the left right paradigm.

    Yuval, like his current earthly boss, Klaus Schwab, is a transhumanist to the core. Similar to another one of the same ilk named Elon Musk. He believes we are all just hackable animals that will be used by the demonic elites in the very near future. Changing our DNA from what God created us with is their goal. Guess what the vax did? Exactly what it was intended for. One of my favorite pastor/authors has a great new book out covering Yuval. It's called Spirit of the False Prophet-Rise of the Global Technocracy by JB Hixson. He exposes the demonic plan that those in their leadership have predicted for over a hundred years very well. Now we all know God is still in control but I can't believe His patience will last much longer and will finally have had enough.

  2. Bob, our alignment is of the Lord, praise be to his name. I am ever so grateful for your company, each time we connect. God is the giver of all good gifts, and your friendship is a gift to me indeed. Much love to you and our Lynn, LGB
