Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Causation Contributor

Today I am inclined to go after a giant in the construction industry in my city, EllisDon.

Crickets. I hear crickets chirping, crickets crunching. In my mind's eye, thousands upon thousands of the critters are conveyed to grinders, dropped in powered form after a strange Frankenstein dehydrating process, into bags, sealed and next delivered, as food stuff to grocery stores. President's Choice has made their choice clear, they favour and market the leggy product... clearly we cannot trust most presidents, living or dead. 

Do you recall, dear reader, the plagues of Egypt? A quick tour through Exodus in the Bible will give you the history I refer to. My main point, is disobedience to God's commands brings with it warnings of judgment, followed by consequences of a dire nature, when said warnings are arrogantly ignored. 

I wonder how the employees that work at the factory feel about their employment. Are  they bursting with pride, when asked, What do you do? And what about the builder that took cash to build this nightmarish monstrosity of a factory: is he consuming cricket on the daily, considering he must clearly believe that it good enough for Joe Shmoe, the average consumer that doesn't read labels on packaging. 

EllisDon is a blight on our society. I am embarrassed that the city of London can boast this cricket factory as the worlds largest. I don't really care who commissioned the work of building, what I care about is the who that contributed to ensuring this nasty business came to fruition, or ought I say, infestation. 

Thinking of the plagues has me very seriously contemplating what we are witnessing. There is a lack of awareness, and an undertone of not really wanting to know, that has many a human under the spell of stupor. I am laying some blame at the feet of EllisDon, but each employee that takes his pay from Aspire Food Group, is culpable too. Aspire Food Group: hmmm, imagine aspiring to demean fellow humans to the point of them unwittingly eating bugs. Beetles and lice are coded as E120 and E904 respectively on packaging: I am not sure what crickets are coded under when they are one of many ingredients, but I do know that the manufacturers are not shy about promoting their creepy crawly hoppy critter products as edible. 

I said I was going after a construction giant in this writing; perhaps I have shifted somewhat in my mood and tone at this point in our time together. EllisDon is just one more godless company, taking funds in exchange for constructing whatever the client orders up. There isn't a moral code consulted, clearly, for the owners and operators of this construction company. They don't really care what they build, as long as their pockets are filled. 

🔥 Do you care, dear reader, about the long term effects and results of your work?
🔥 Would it be okay with you, if you knew that what you do for that paycheque, is contributing to the injury, illness, or long term disability, and possible death, of consumers of the products or services, the company you work for provides? 
🔥 Are you contributing to causation: meaning, are you a player, a cog in the machine of destruction and death that we see all around us?

If the work you do harms others, either immediately or further on down the road, you are culpable, criminally, and morally. It isn't the giants in industry that do all the damage, it is the worker bees, the tenders of the hive, the humans turned to cricket ambassadors, that do the most heinous vandalization to humanity. 

If only... if only we truly loved our neighbours as ourselves

I am calm now, dear reader, having worked out some of my angst here, with you. I know God permits us to be jerks or gents, commoners or royalty. We can demolish or build up, and he keeps track of each worker bee, each construction crew boss, each commanding officer, and each CEO. Nothing gets past his inspection and he wants us to be conscientious about our choices, about what goes into our system and how it can impact us mind, body and spirit. He wants us to think about our impact, because we are accountable and answerable not only to him, but to one another. 

🔥 Dare I say you take a very close look at your work, and what you are contributing to society? 

🔥 Dare I suggest that if you suspect your skills are being converted to human harm while you ply your trade, that you begin analyzing your situation, and assessing it while considering a change? 

Freedom of will to harm or heal, that is the double edge sword gift that God has bestowed. Blaming people feels good at first, until we take a close look at our own contributions to the problems, and alternatively, the solutions.

We are heading down a dusty road together, dear reader. Along the way we will see people that have dropped dead in the ditch after stumbling in their stupor. They won't have known how they got there, and there won't be anyone to pick them up where they have fallen, because we will have to keep on walking by, saddened at the sight. 

I realize now, as we close together, why I felt compelled to write. Disobedience to God's commands is rampant, and we are being plagued, en masse. What you and I do impacts everyone, and that is a truth we cannot escape, nor should we want to. 

But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said (Exodus 8:15)

And the LORD said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch out they rod, and smite the dust of the land, that it may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt. And they did so; for Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt (Exodus 8:16-17) 

And the magicians did so with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not: so there were lice upon man, and upon beast (Exodus 8:18)

Satan has done a marvellous job of using what was once considered despicable and disgusting, and turning men's minds toward these things as being delicious and desirable. The Egyptian magicians could not manufacture lice, but modern man as sorcerer has mastered the ability, doing the devils bidding. They directly oppose the living God, bringing plague upon us, with hardened hearts that have not compassion for those that are subjected to their cruel impositions. 

Pharaoh's own son died because he refused to heed warnings, gratefully receive respite, and next refrain from continuing in his arrogant ways. He was drowned in the Red Sea, enraged as he was, in pursuit of God's people, who crossed over before him on a newly made river bed path, free from encumbrance: God commanded the parting of the sea, and he was the Israelites rear guard! The waters came crashing down upon Pharaoh, and his army of men riding proudly on chariots pulled by powerful horses. 

Lice... crickets... food for thought or the belly?

All that oppose God and stubbornly refuse correcting, will discover they have brought upon themselves, their family, and even their friends, a plague, a pox, a curse from which they will not be redeemed. 

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7)


  1. Wow Linda. This is one of those that demands a lot of soul searching. I believe if we all followed this to the tee there is no one that would be employed today. No person with an ounce of integrity would be able to work in the health care or education systems. Yes there are those with good intentions but the systems have demonic influences including so called Christian schools that have now started to cave in also. What about pastors? Most have also capitulated to the demonic agenda of just wanting to be accepting and nice so as not to lose charitable status or donors with agendas. And then absolutely everyone working for some sort of government entity. There is not one department that has not been corrupted by demonic influences. Which brings me to another point. What about those of us who pay our taxes and the government uses them for funding abortions and sex changes, to name a few? I could go on forever on this topic. Full disclosure, I work in the oil and gas sector which is now taking tax dollars to fund idiotic schemes like carbon capture. As much as I believe this is also part of a demonic agenda due to the climate change hoax my refusing to accept the money the governments have already stolen from me would not make sense at all. We, especially Christians, need to become more aware of the demonic agenda and choose more wisely and with a more Godly perspective. Reminds me when Christians used to he on the bandwagon about Sunday shopping. Then would go to a restaurant after church in droves. Very hypocritical. We should use this in our next chat. Excellent topic.

    1. YAY, Bob, you finished my writing with great flourish... filling in all the unspoken blanks! Yes you know we cover all realms in our convos, this will make it in there if we choose! Hugs to you and Lynn, and as always, thanks for reading and commenting, it means a lot to me, LGB
