Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Now You Can

Now you can, dear reader, do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want, for as long as you want. Isn't this just Jim Dandy for you? Since we are talking about now, and all you can do via choice, with your desires, your time, and with people you have interest in, I must add one caveat, before we proceed: 

Now you can, but it'll cost ya. 

Cost. Things are expensive, dear reader, and some things are too dear to spend, to exquisite to part with, to important to treat roughly. Perhaps you guess to what I am referring? I will uncloak and tell you I speak of relationships. Relationships are invaluable, and when one fractures, when one breaks, they are often virtually impossible to mend and put back together again... unless, of course, extraordinary measures are taken to repair what has been shattered. 

How though, how does one go about making amends? 

A-mend... a-men... AMEN... agreement is the great AMEN. How do you, or I, go about coming into agreement with someone we no longer have in our lives because of a breach in our relating?

I write giving advice today, to would be listeners, those that might read my writing and hear my message. I think of one person in particular that I have compassion for, but who does not heed warnings, or take kindly to being directed... and yet, here I must try, perhaps one more time? 

Say you are sorry

Say you are sorry not for hurting others, but rather, for what you did

Say you regret your choices and wish you could turn back time, start over, never again do what you have done, because it hurts your heart to know you did wrongly

Say you don't expect or hope for anything in return except for perhaps, forgiveness

Say your life has been horrible since you did what you did, and you don't even recognize the mean person you have become

Say you are shattered knowing the heartache and pain you caused

Say it, say it all, with your trembling body and voice speaking volumes of anguish for not being there, not contributing, being selfish and cowardly, dishonest and self-indulgently callous

Say it, say it until you are spent, and others know that you mean it. Be broken for them because they were broken for you

Being sorry is admittance to wrong doing. It is the only honest way of apologizing. No one, not a one, believes an apology for injuries caused: we believe apologies that include the wrong doer owning what they did, stating it plainly, and holding firm, minus excuses.

I am sorry for hurting you means very little. I am sorry for doing what I did and how it hurt you, means far more, and highlights accountability for the speaker, and innocence for the injured.

Dear reader, the new year approaches quickly and I am cleaning house, purging what does not suit me in my surroundings, and clearing what clings to my being that must be ousted. I anticipate news of death at every turn because so many live lives as though they are answerable to no one. Everyone can do what they want, whenever they want, with whomever they want, for as long as they want, and they have. The injections that people agreed to and lined up for, were symptomatic of indulgence, of inner workings. There were and are still, lots of excuses people make for doing what ought not to have been done, and the shots, they were a way to keep going, unhindered... but it'll cost them.

Hindered is what happens when choices are made now, that further on down the road prove to be huge errors in judgment. What may present as freedom of spirit at first blush, often shackles the soul for eternity. While I think of one person in particular as I type, I cannot help but consider how very many have gone the way of earthly pleasure now, forsaking heavenly joy for the future. 

CHRISTmas is about a baby boy GodChild, born to die for the sins of the world. God gives us ample opportunity to take a good look at ourselves and the wrongs we have committed that injured others. We get to be sorry, say it and mean it, minus attempts to weasel out of accountability. Soul searching sincerity goes a long way on the road to redemption, and besides, God doesn't take wooden nickels, hear half-assed apologies, or wait around until we get around to being honest about what we have said and done. Jesus died for our wicked transgressions, the least we can do is be pure hearted in our confessions and desire to sin no more. 

How do we mend relationship, you ask?

Be sorry, truly sorry for wrongdoing... it is the only way back into a heart that may remain ajar. 

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy (Proverbs 28:13)

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