Thursday, December 28, 2023

Rogue Attackers

I have a friend that I met on LinkedIn. We are two Christian peas in a pod, two females holding down the fort against rogue attackers, that want to dismantle faith, and us too, if they can, by suggesting we are uneducated, misinformed, off base, and perhaps a little silly, silly little women, for suggesting 1 the pope is a homosexual, 2 Catholicism is a farce, and 3 The Bible is God's authoritative last word on all things reprobate and abominable. 

1 Promoters of homosexuality are perhaps, homosexuals themselves: or at least, I do believe this is a valid accusation regarding the priests that occupy high places within Romish institutions. IF you argue with me on this point, it will be rather a weak attempt on your part to defend the indefensible, since it is public knowledge that many a robed man, under the guise of sound spiritual guide and director, has taken advantage of the vulnerable. Scandals abound: I am disinclined to defend predators, but if you feel you must, you go right ahead.

The pope - who is no more pope than I am, since there is no such type of person or position mentioned in The Bible - heavily promotes homosexually, going directly against the word of God. He can wear whatever he wants, carry around that heavy golden cross hanging from his neck, but he hasn't picked up the cross of Christ, nor does he pay homage to the one that bore stripes on his back for the sins of the world. The pope is a popular nobody that many somebodies seem to want to adore, elevate, and bow down to too... a mere man with a gaping mouth that speaks death, an open sepulchre: he digs his own grave with every word uttered as he publicly promotes wickedness.

2 Based on point 1, Catholicism is a farce... okay, okay, based on far more than the point I made above, Catholicism is held suspect for far too many reasons that I could possibly list here, and the Good Lord knows, this topic has been covered by Biblical scholars for decades upon decades. I need not go too far into the fray but to say this: any deviation from The Bible puts a person in peril. The Romish church has superseded itself repeatedly, far surpassing previous egregious activities, by currently approving what God explicitly has condemned. They are God's enemy, who go against God's will, God's commands, God's warnings. 

Praying to Mary alone is abominable to the Lord... this major point incenses Catholics everywhere. No where in the word of God is it ever suggested that anyone, ever, pray to Mary, a saint, or anyone else of the human, animal, or elemental variety. For a quick review of this truth, all you need do, if you disagree with me on this point, is read the first of ten commandments. God doesn't take kindly to competition for his affection and devotion. He isn't inclined to approve disobedience or the delusion that worshipping other humans is acceptable and tolerable. He is God, creator of the Universe, and of you and I. Mary didn't make us, nor will she break us... but God did, and can.

3 The Bible is God's word, and anyone calling themselves a Christian, ought to rely on The Bible as life manual. I can't help it, dear reader, if I love it, quote it, live by it, get chastised and corrected when I need it... it is holy to me, as a gift from God's mouth to man's pen! I praise God for the wisdom therein, and I will speak it loudly, shouting from the rooftop, if ever I find myself in such a place, so that others can know him as I do! God is marvellous, and I would be a cruel keeper of the word if I didn't share its good news with all that care to give an ear! 

I don't need to defend God, he is, after all, All Powerful! I do however, defend the faith, holding down the fort with my sisters and brothers in Christ. If I did not hold fast to him, with all that he has done for me and mine, what kind of sorry Christian would I be? If I do not counter the lies people tell about Who he is, and if I do not speak against blasphemous bastardizations against God's word, then I am an empty shell, uselessly wanting substance. 

Imagine me, professing Christ, and then pretending that anything goes?

Ha, that is what many, countless fake Christians have done, and they resent this truth being pointed out to them.

God is good, and he is merciful. Deviating from his will and way is a human thing to do, and when we read the Bible, we must stand willing to be corrected, next to fall at his feet in adoration, and finally, to turn away from our own deviancy and instead, commit to honouring and abiding in him. 

Tonya, sis, this one is for you: rogue attackers 🤪 are no match for our Sovereign.

Much love, in Christ, LGB

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