Saturday, November 25, 2023

None Of My Business

I have two questions for you, dear reader:

Question #1
Have you heard the phrase: It's none of my business what people say of me and think of me?

According to, Anthony Hopkins spoke these words

Question #2
Are you an agreeable, or disagreeable type?

● An agreeable person likes to go along with others, to get along with others

● A disagreeable person is willing to take social risks, be disapproved of, to affect change:

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man (Playwright George Bernard Shaw).

Let us return to Question #2 

Which one are you, agreeable or disagreeable?

🎯 How accommodating are you to the opinions, perspectives, and way of life of those you relate to? 

🎯 How does that show up in your verbal responses and behaviours?

🎯 Have you ever regretted being a little too agreeable, alternatively;

🎯 Have you ever regretted being a little too disagreeable?

Look with me at what scripture recommends:

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men (Romans 12:18)

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:26-27)

There is something marvellous about agreeableness. Some of my very best friends are delightfully blessed with this kind, merciful, and gentle trait... and yet, they aren't pushovers ~ I cannot be friends with a pushover, I find them distasteful company indeed!

While agreeableness makes for pleasant relating, sometimes it does the most horrendous type of Godzilla on rampage damage: look at all the agree to this and agree to that stuff that has been going on for so long, that traditional family has been decimated, the memory of which has taken on folklorish qualities.  

Morals are a foreign concept: agreeing to disagree is the wishy-washy contract that sellouts make to smooth over potentially turbulent waters, and pandering to pathetic insipid sentiments, is the sugar that makes tainted medicine go down. 

If possible, be at peace
Be angry, and sin not

Neither give a place to the devil...

As writer, I put my thoughts onto a screen and press publish. You would think this a daring move if you are a cautious kind of person, that prefers anonymity: Are you cautious, private, and perhaps agreeable, dear one?

I recall when I first started writing and publishing on Blogger and someone said to me, You should be more careful about what you write... astounded I answered with a question, You read my writing? I laugh at the memory, because I have no idea who will read my writing, if anyone at all! 

So thank you for reading my writing. Thank you for subscribing if you do. Thanks for giving me feedback, having opinions about my take on the world. Thanks for unsubscribing when your view and mine become incompatible, and you are no longer agreeable! That makes two of us, dear reader, because I am not an agreeable sort. I disagree with the majority of people, and that naturally inclines me to speak up in an attempt to have the world "adapt to" myself.

If possible, be at peace
Be angry, and sin not

Neither give a place to the devil...

I am at peace
I am not angry
When I am angry, I control my responses and do my best to "sin not"

And by God, I sure don't want to give a place to the devil in my life!

I like the concept of: It is none of my business what other people think of me, or what I do and write. It would be crippling to consider how many people have differing opinions, and to not express mine out of fear of disapproval or rejection. 

I leave you with a line from Shakespeare's Hamlet, followed by a challenge to be a little more disagreeable, in a world that wants you and I to agree to wickedness without question: 

This above all: to thine own self be true (Polonius, Hamlet)

Agreeableness is lovely when deciding on a sandwich, or a place to go on vacation, but agreeableness can be hazardous to humanity. When souls are in peril, a dissenting voice is often required to embolden the frightened, who tremble at the thought of countering a bullish dictatorship. Status quo leaves us no place to go, and that isn't good enough for any of us, given our current circumstances. 

Shakespeare was bestowed with brilliance, highlighting the foils and foibles of human nature... but the Bible, dear one, The Good Book Authored by God and penned by his faithful servants, would have us commit to being true to him, and him alone!

Find out how Jesus responded to those that would lead others down a garden path where hidden snakes slither and scorpions scurry in the shadows... Jesus was no pushover, and neither, ought we be, when the time comes to be disagreeable with the devil or those that represent him here on earth. 

Is it none of your business, what others think of you, too?


  1. Thanks for this awesome blog again Linda. Contrary to what way too many so called Christians believe today, Jesus was no "pushover" as you say. He was not and is not in to saying things just because He wants to be nice. He is all about eternal truth which goes against the grain especially in today's society and so many churches. Can you imagine Paul showing up in most churches today and preaching? The snowflakes would all faint because they've never heard anyone tell them real truth. Thankfully my parents taught me at a young age to not care about what others think of me and once I became a Christian I only cared about what God thinks of me. The opinions of man are immaterial. That's probably the biggest reason for not caving in to the demonic plandemic mandates and "medical remedies". I know we always agree on that topic. Sad that so many have fallen for it including believers.

    1. Bob, thanks once again for the edifying note... we definitely see eye to eye, and I am grateful for this, since so many prefer their own version of the truth and self indulgent manufactured constructs of who God is... the Bible is not the authority in the lives of most professing Christians. I guess it is none of my business what they think... or any of theirs what I think? since affinity is missing... hugs friend, say hello to our Lynn 💖 LGB
