Thursday, November 23, 2023

Life Goes On

Whatever is it that you do with your abundant time, dear reader?

If you were instructed to, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33) would you be discovered thusly involved, if someone where to happen upon you when you least expect company?

I am considering this as a serious challenge for the majority of us, while appreciating how inclined we are to earthly endeavours...

I purchased a Franklin Covey planner recently, and along with it came a link to a training course on how to use the planner to full advantage. When the world went wonky and my comings and goings became less frequent, I found I had more time on my hands, and that I whittled away the hours, sometimes going to bed grateful that I could slumber, rather then think about not doing. We are beings of thinking and then doing, aren't we? 

Our physicality suggests that sitting around doing nothing, eating and drinking in comfortable shelter, makes us less than valuable, and kind of gross too. So many gained so much, and not in the way of wisdom, while they were kept at bay from interacting with other human beings. When my businesses took a hit, when my relationships were bombarded by malicious interloping lies that instilled fear in other, I had to face a shocking reality: rather than loving our neighbours as ourselves, many decided to live the opposite. Many decided that eating and drinking, and living solo, was preferable to interacting with what they were told where potentially plague infested critters (read here other humans) that could infect them to the point of death... yikes, what a sad state of affairs we recently lived in unison, dear reader. 

One of the things my son said to me in the midst of the madness, that I hear echoing in my memory when the need arises, is, Life goes on. And it does, and has, and therefore, we have work to do. 

My work is different from what it used to be, and rightly so. Changes in circumstances force us, whether we want them to or not, to adapt, if we are to remain resilient and useful. I read about the Israelites and see God in their midst:

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me (Psalm 23:4) 


We are walking through the valley of the shadow of death. We hear about sickness, suffering, illness that tortures and contorts, and death that steals the fire of life from the living

2 We can choose to fear no evil. We can decide not to be absorbed into the plots and plans of the wicked, by fearing not what they might do to us when we do not go along with their wiley ways

3 We can recognize God is with us, when we are with him. It is very important to give him all glory, all praise, and all thanks for our very existence. But for God, go not I, or you for that matter

4 God's rod is his instrument of authority over the flock; for counting, guiding, rescuing, and protecting his sheep. His staff is an instrument of support to comfort us. We can count on the Good Shepherd to lead us in his holy ways

After the shock of violence committed against humanity wore off
After accepting that wickedness was wantonly taking over the masses
After acknowledging how far the church had fallen from grace
After recognizing that God freed up time, while continuing to provide

After seeing that life does indeed, go on...

We get to be about the business at hand; and that is making disciples of men!

The tricky part dear reader, is ensuring we individually seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, so that the promise of all else being added unto us is fulfilled.  

There are things I want to accomplish in the year 2024. I need not list them here: suffice it to say, that God has given abundant time to complete what he has put in our minds and hearts to work on and finish. I will plan, goal set, track and check off my lists, what gets inserted into my planner as important items to be accomplished. My hope is time is not whittled away, but well appreciated and utilized, for the glory of God. 

Your turn, dear one. 

● What has God placed in front of you as the work he wants you to focus on that is of a heavenly, godly, righteous nature? 
● How will you spend your time? and if someone happens upon you, what will they hear you saying, see you doing? 
● What, pray tell, will the fruits of your labour speak, to those that see you idle, or in action?

As long as there is breath there is hope, and it is by hearing the word of God that souls are saved. Let us use our breath, our time, our energy, to preach Christ as King, and Saviour of the world!

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