Saturday, October 28, 2023

A Typical Day

A typical day in the life of this coach...

To do what I do, I have a routine I follow: upon pondering this question of what a typical topical days looks like for me, I came to the realization that I have a schedule, finely tuned over the years, to suit my goals, my preferences, and my body clock.  

In brief, I share that long ago I designed in writing, what my perfect day would consist of, and while there are a few missing elements, essentially speaking, I have what matters most to me built into my waking hours. I encourage you to design your days too, according to how you would love to spend your time... back to my schedule now.

I set my alarm for 6-6:30 a.m. I usually wake before this, and once I am up, I head to the kitchen to brew some delicious coffee made from real grind 'em myself beans. A large mug in my collection states, Today is your day, and this is the one I choose to use each morning. 

💝 I believe special mugs can make a hot drink more enjoyable, don't you?

Next, I head to my reading and writing nook, positioned in a back corner of my front room, facing the picture window. When I lower the blinds to half mast, my magnolia often waves, Hello! Beautiful day, isn't it? as the wind rustles its branches and tussles its leaves. With lights turned on, I seat myself in my white swivel chair, and go into one of the most valuable books I have ever purchased: Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible. I have committed to reading this massive tome in one year: I am keeping track of my progress, and the time it takes to read each page.

ðŸŽŊ Goal setting is valuable, wouldn't you agree? 

Tracking progress gives me a sense of satisfaction and increases my confidence, since I do what I say I am going to do, when I say I am going to do it. Contracts committed and completed, with self, make us more reliable, and trust worthy with others. 

Early mornings are my favourite time of the day because I spend them learning about God from his Word, the Bible, and currently Matthew Henry's Commentary. Once my family members stir, I know my quiet time is up, and I turn next to the business of the day:

1 I check my planner to see what is scheduled. I update said planner, to ensure all sessions and income are recorded, then I journal. 
2 I check social media, email, texts, messenger. I am looking to see if there are new enquires regarding booking sessions; I glance briefly at what has happened in my networks; I look for messages from clients, family, friends, and acquaintances too, and depending on who has messaged and what their message is, I either respond or often times, decide not to...

Not everyone knocking at our door, or sending us an electronic message, says what we need or want to hear... in fact, they may very well be the vexation of the spirit we are trying to avoid. 

☹️ Do you protect your mind and heart from intruders that if given the chance, will meddle with your peace?

3 Shower and breakfast
4 I see or hear people: either socially; on the phone or in my home office as a coach; in my gym as a personal trainer; as a friend helping a home schooling mom with her four adorable and brilliant little boys; in my basement living room on Monday evenings for Bible study. I have a lot of people in my life, and while I like this very much and appreciate each and every one of them, I need a significant amount of alone time to ensure I am calibrating to Christ. 

ðŸĪ” Do you need time alone to think and sort too?

5 Somewhere in my day there is a long walk or weigh training, and lunch. In good weather, I love to bike ride. I find that if I don't exercise, my mood can sour. Moving makes me happy and gives me mental clarity.

😀 Does exercise brighten your spirit too?

6 Dinner
7 My evenings are quiet, and as of late, I have watched many a Survivor series from a couple of different participating countries. I generally avoid TV because of anti-Christ content, but Survivor has a certain appeal: I love to see humans working through difficult circumstances, challenging themselves in ways they have never had to before, and navigating strange and wonderful personalities, while agreeing to live in close quarters with perfect strangers they might end up loving, or despising! 

I experienced a prettied up version of full immersion with strangers in a leadership program I bought and paid for. It was an extraordinary time of learning, and it brought out the very worse, and ultimately, hopefully too, the very best in me.

ðŸĪŠ Have you lived this type of experience too? What did you gain or get out of living through it? 

8 I forgot to mention that I pray a lot, throughout my day, out loud, in my head, while driving my car, while studying in the morning, during sessions with clients, or with friends while socializing. Praying is vital for my well being; without my faith, I would be a crumpled on the floor muppet. 
9 I write. I do not list this as an everyday event, because I do not blog daily. I also make media and google my business posts. These are regular activities I engage in weekly, on a random basis: I have to feel inspired in the moment. Sometimes an idea has to percolate before it becomes a thing to be read or seen, and sometimes after it has been birthed, so to speak, it has to be removed from sight... such is life. Not all of our ideas are share worthy! 

😊 Do you have a routine, or long for one? What would your days be like, if you built them around what you love to do, the very things that make your heart sing and your soul soar heavenward? 

NOTE UN: As an entrepreneur, my work is scattered throughout the day and evening. My earliest clients start at 9 a.m, and the last sessions booked are for 19:00 hours. I work Monday-Saturday but while this may seem like long hours, I work part-time. I have always considered full time work to be overrated, and I really enjoy the variety I have in my days, and the flexibility to schedule sessions according to what works best for my clients AND for me! I am not a slave to the clock, and stopped wearing a watch when I was twenty-seven, because the very worst thing we can do, is wish away the time.

NOTE DEUX: I take breaks from social media regularly. Things we would never choose to see, to read, to hear, can assault our senses in a second just by opening any one of the SM platforms. I don't like rude, mean, intrusive, abusive, foul behaviour or words, so detoxing from this type of exposure allows me to refocus on what the apostle Paul suggested for those that belong to Christ the King:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8)

I love my life, how about you...

💖 Do you love your life too?

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