Saturday, October 21, 2023

Seeing In The Dark

My house got some clear-vision-eyes this past week. Old windows were removed, along with a glass sliding door, and what had become dysfunctionally dingy, was replaced with spotless newness. I had no idea how clean clean can be, dear reader... the glass is so pristine it feels as though I can stretch out my hands through it, to reach the outdoors. Untouched as of yet, by storm rains, wind that tosses dirt, or the weathering of age, these replacements keep out the cold while delighting the spirit within. There is nothing quite like a fresh start to give us new perspectives. 

The taking out of the old and replacing with new took about a week: of noise, of dust, of pieces and particles that needed to be swept, vacuumed, and wet cloth cleaned up. Isn't that just what our lives look like when we need a little soulful deconstruction and rebuilding? The mess can be overwhelming, and in the midst of the kerfuffle, one might feel as though they will never get there, there... over there, where everything is sorted and back in place, and a sense of calm and purpose can resume, or start for the very first time? 

Coaching in the dark
It was Thursday morning and I was relegated to the basement to coach an amazing woman of God because upstairs, dry wall filler was being sanded smooth for painting. My client and I coach long distance, using our cellulars, and in the midst of a bright light moment, a moment when rays were shining on a valuable insight, suddenly I was dropped into darkness. In a flash, I thought, The power went out, so I turned on the little flashlight (Thank-You techie, whoever you are, that had the foresight to think of this and add it as a feature to phones!) on my cell, so that I could continue taking notes. Oddly though, I could hear power tools being used one floor up; something to consider later, after my session was completed. 

Dear reader, that call was very fascinating, and not just as a result of the godly client I was working with: we got interrupted with interference and dropped calls at least four times, if not more. Grin: think with me now, how when we are doing what is most valuable, and has the greatest import for the kingdom of God, we seem to have to clear the most hurdles, navigate huge road blocks, and when our faith is strong and yet feels challenged, pray diligently without ceasing, believing the promise that nothing can keep us from the purposes God has in store for us: 

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28)

My client is designed to impact the kingdom, and she has cleared hurdles, navigated road blocks, been faithful, diligent, and prayerful, while being kind and merciful all the while, showing God's grace in the face of adversity... Romans 8:28 pertains to her. Thing is, sometimes we are in the dark, not knowing what will come next while being instructed to be hopeful and trust in God's Providential care, even when our souls cry and groan for relief from sorrow. 

Light in the darkness
Dear reader, we made it to the end of our coaching call, and then communed as sisters in Christ. We prayed over one another, and I got far more than I gave. My friend lifted me heavenward, out from my basement darkness with her words of light. I didn't need electricity, I got enlightened from within. Ha, how marvellous and wonderful for me!

For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established: That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me (Romans 1:11-12)

After the call, I took steps to the main floor only to discover that the house had power, and life continued on without interruption or interference upstairs: I was the only one that worked in the dark, with a small electronic candle lighting the way... all I needed to carry on. 

Upon investigation, it occurred to me that a switch had been tripped. Excited to see what had happened in the electrical panel, I trotted back downstairs, cell flashlight all aglow, and I shone light on that switch panel. To my utter delight, I discovered #27 was switched off. When I read what that particular number related to as far as power in the house, I read the word lights. Man alive, this made me so happy, dear one. 

Let there be light in your mind, in your heart, in your words, your deeds, your very soul. Let there be the light of God shining forth in you and from you... let there be light! 

In a world growing dim and dark, and we see this, do we not? we must be the light:

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16)

🔥 We are to be light before men that live in darkness, by doing good works, for the glory of our Father in heaven. 

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12)

🔥 When we follow the light of the world, we are not walking in wicked worldly ways: we have the light of life in Jesus.

Lastly, and this is me selecting one more out of many a mind brightening verse:

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5)

How can I convey how brilliant this last verse is? It is blinding for goodness sakes. God is LIGHT, and there is NO DARKNESS in HIM, AT ALL. I have no other means by which to express how astonishingly awe inspiring this truth is, accept by the use of capitals! 

God is light and when we feel the darkness closing in, He is ever present, letting us know that He will provide the God glow we need to see our way out of the dim to a newness that we had never seen, nor anticipated before. 

A bright finish
When you feel like Oh NO, not again!, is happening, and frustration wants to take over your good senses, and lead you by the invisible emotional nose ring to despair, stop for a moment and consider: nothing can interfere with God's plan. Nothing and no one has ever been able to deter, defer, discourage, or dissuade God from His ultimate Master of the universe Providence.

One of the things I recently noticed about myself is I had lost a long term companion; a something that had been with me, wanting to dominate my personality; an uninvited guest that over stayed its welcome. I will name it for you, dear reader, so that you do not have to guess: It was an insidious spirit of anger. Anger is what we use as fuel when we perceive that injustice is not being dealt with appropriately... by God! I can laugh at myself for typing this and sharing it, because I am now free from it in the realizing that I have no control over anyone or anything, accept my own mind, my own words, and my own deeds. Shamefully, in my desire to assert myself, I unconsciously attempted to usurp God Almighty as judge. 

What used to irk me, I now look at with curiosity firstly, and then I go quickly into prayer. I see souls more than ever before, and what impedes them from being who God designed them to be. I am about the business God has planned for me, which is a ministry of reconciliation. Reconciling our past with our now, and how God shone His light on us when we were in inky blackness, pulling us close even when we were repellant and rebellious, is the work we can do to be in the light of Christ our Lord, who loving us, died crucified with the sins of the world as man/god, for the sake of the salvation of souls. 

A bit of advise
Do your work, dear reader: 

🎯 Look closely at yourself, even if it makes you squirm with discomfort 
🎯 Ask God to show you what hides in the darkened corners of your soul, hindering you and holding you captive to sin 
🎯 Request a clean up crew, people that can love you to Christ, while your renovations are underway and the mess feels overwhelming 
🎯 Look for God's hand in your being made new, knowing that while He is serious about the salvation of souls, since all belong to Him, He can be and is, playful in His interactions 

I finish with my bright and shiny shiny client/sister in Christ/friend words of wisdom:

I'm never mad when I did it His way... 

You won't be either, dear reader. 

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