Thursday, September 21, 2023

Dead Weight

Learning from the past
I heard something fascinating this morning and I had to check it out to see if it is historically factual. I trusted the source of this telltale punishment for criminals,(murderers in particular?), and I am pleased to have found the information I was seeking. I will share a snippet in the next quoted paragraph, with a link below it, and you dear reader, can read on from there if you so choose. 

Dead Weight
"This term has come down through the generations, and to us it means to carry that which has no benefit or purpose and it can actually cause(s) harm. However, to the Romans, the term referred to practice of strapping a dead body to a criminal. They were forced to live out there last few weeks in a walking punishment by carrying a maggot infested corpse strapped to their bare back. During the process of decomposition, it slowly leaked poisons into the criminal, making them sicker and sicker until they finally died a very slow, painful, stench-filled death."


Political and other figures
Picture with me in your minds eye, certain well know political figures (not hard to do since they take up so much airtime and space in our media feeds), and other sordid characters from every known walk of life: business, financial, medical, media, "spiritual", to count a few, who have committed heinous in our faces crime. They roam freely, fly like birds without a care in the world ~ while wanting to restrict and contain other humans ~ and promulgate propaganda with poisonous psychosocial seasonings, seemingly getting away with all of it. 

Next imagine with me these minions of the devil, carrying dead weight; the corpses of the victims they consciously and cruelly slew without hesitation, remorse, or regret. See the back breaking burden of their killed and carried victims, seeping into their souls, reminding them that they too, with days numbered, will die. If it takes quite a while for their own execution, they will suffer excruciating, unremitting pain that no one can, or will, rescue them from. To kill without repercussions immediately administered, eventually leads to insanity. Mark my words, dear reader, killing causes crazy. 

A man or woman when completely alone, relives their days. The wicked are haunted by the choices they make and are perpetually fearful of being caught, captured, held to account. Can you imagine the paranoia? 

Critically adding mass
As vomitrocious as it sounds and looks in our imagination to be carrying dead weight, it is what is happening in the invisible-to-us world. Each murderer carries on his back their victims, and while we cannot see it, and while we watch what looks like an expression of their freedom, they are critically adding mass, dead weight upon dead weight, onto themselves, damning themselves without stoppage: "a very slow, painful, stench-filled death."


We cannot avoid consequences for sinful disobedience:

And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done (Revelation 20:12)


But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death (James 1:14-15)

While carrying dead weight, meaning the corpse of a human victim on the back of the murderer, sounds grotesque, it would be one of those deterrent type public displays of what NOT TO DO, wouldn't it dear reader?

Alas, stomaching the stench would be wretched, and alas, the current stench of immorality is becoming so repugnant as to turn me off of my GMO food and drink ... I guess I will look up to the crystal clear blue parts of our chemtrail streaked skies, and ask the Lord of heaven and earth to give me strength and courage to face yet another day in a falling fast world. 

Lastly ... a vote ...

Yes, make murderers carry the dead weight of their victims, or no?

Yes please‼️ Let's bring this stinky punishment back
No... Thank-you for asking⁉️ That is super creepy


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous, your's is the first vote. I will record 1 yes, thanks for weighing in 😀 LGB

  2. A resounding YES. Since I am justice oriented this makes complete sense to me. Although the biggest scumbags are these weak little men who would not be able to carry much weight very far.

    It does bring up some thoughts though. Is this what Jesus did for us on the way to the criss and as He was hanging there? He was carrying the DEAD WEIGHT that we deserved so we could be free of that punishment if we only believe in HIM and Him alone.

    Thanks for sharing this thought provoking blog.

  3. Bob… I am SO GLAD you brought the heavy cross of Christ carrying our deadly sins! That occurred to me too!!! I love you big bro 💖 LGB

  4. That's a yes for me.
