Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Uttering Threats & Killing Hitler

When someone says something like, "I want to kill you" or more definitively, "I am going to kill you", it is a good idea to pay attention: they are informing you of their intentions are. When uttering a death threat, there is hate, rage, and violence in the mind and heart of the person speaking, and to take these words lightly, is foolishness. 

Christian governance 
Not long ago, I had some hate taking up residence in my heart. I considered my rage righteous, because injustice seemed to be prevailing, with murder running rampant, as countless victims accumulate injured and or dead. My desire to kill the killers, or have someone else do it, raged on. Capital punishment as an option doesn't seem to be an honest consideration in our society, since ours, is no longer, a Christian governance: if we lived according to Biblical standards, we would:

1 Worship the Lord in unity
2 Love God with all our hearts, minds, and souls
3 Love our neighbour as ourselves
4 Respect rock boundaries, meaning what is yours is yours, what is mine, is mine
5 Pay for what we buy
6 Own what we live in, wear, and drive
7 Marry one person, of the opposite sex, for life
8 Raise our children in the admonishment of the Lord
9 Pay our fair share of taxes
10 Take care of the frail, the young, and the elderly

Without laws
It occurs to me how far from Eden the concept of utopia travels: it is a device of wicked disobedient men, and it is divisive toward God's commands. Without laws in place to regulate human activity, clearly, the avarice murderous ones, take liberties from those that would prefer to live in peace. 

While hate took up residence in my heart, I was preoccupied with the murderous being brought to justice, and yet, it would never be me, throwing the book of Truth at the death threat utterers, except of course, in my writing. In the blogs and books I accumulate over time, I mark my own regression, repression, obsession, and God willing ultimately, my redemption. 

Reading the Word of God, working out my own salvation with fear and trembling, drives me to humbly admit, that I am not always the best example of Christianity, especially when I mirror what I see in the hearts of those that want to take life. When we die, we stand before God, not as a group of Davos attendees, or as a group of Christ followers, but as individuals, with all our thoughts and deeds on clear display for us to relive before the living God; to be judged and placed in our eternity, in one heavenly abode, or in one hellish abyss. Those are the only options, dear reader! 

So, here I give you what may have been our mutual prayers/demands, perhaps in the order that we experienced the drama and trauma together; alternatively, we went in and out of these thoughts and desires without synchronicity. Either way, the Bible echoes human intricacies in profound ways that soothe the soul: 

Psalm 94:1
O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, show thyself 

My prayer would repetitively sound something like: "God, seriously? Can you PLEASE take these murderers OUT? Can you avenge the bloodshed of the innocent, and do it NOW? We need to see some action here God. What is taking You so long?"

Psalm 149:7
To execute vengeance upon the heathen, punishments upon the people

My words went along the lines: "Lord, please EXECUTE the HEATHEN, PUNISH them for what they are publicly saying and doing." To my shame, I would try to provoke God to take action, suggesting that perhaps, He ought to flex His Almighty muscles to show these little self-important men, Who, not WH🥸, is BOSS of the universe!

Jeremiah 11:20
But, O LORD of hosts, that judges righteously, that triest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I revealed my cause

Jeremiah pleaded with God, and dear reader, I am believing we have too. There isn't one amongst us, that hasn't suffered at the hands of a mercenary, and wanted God to avenge, to make right, to put down the perpetrator, and put him or her down hard and fast... And yet, He is long suffering, merciful, kind, and wants none to be lost. It is the cross that always brings me to my knees, reminding me of my own sins, my own selfish inclinations, and how God has loved me to Christ, when what I deserved was punishment. I do believe we have injured one another, and wouldn't it be awful, if forgiveness wasn't an option?

Murder is murder, and without Christ, there is no redemption for a murderous unrepentant soul. Cain is an archetype for Hitler, murderous of spirit: this blood lust lives on in modern day man, without much deviation from the original. To be clear, you and I belong to one camp, or the other, and we cannot ride the line, straddling both sides.  

In Romans 12:19, we are instructed thusly:
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord

Since we are intricately interwoven, you and I, us and them, all of humanity, we must keep in mind that God, from His heavenly throne, sees eternity and beyond (don't think too long on this concept, it will warp your mind!), and He doesn't live in immediacy the way we do. Each creature is His creation, and while we catch glimpses of one anothers inner workings, He knows each being intimately and completely, and has already worked out the details of destiny, doing so long before time began (again, let's not travel to crazy town, thinking too long about time... we need our minds to get through this day!). Shaking my head, I realize I started on one topic, and travelled my own inner universe for a time, to return once again, to Uttering Threats & Killing Hitler.

Those that have blatantly stated "I am going to kill you", have been heard loudly, clearly, and repeatedly. Those that say such things, ought not experience surprise, when words are volleyed back into their court, from multiple sources, threatening death in return. Humans don't like to be threatened, in fact, most healthy of mind humans, will go on the offensive when freedom of liberty and life are imperiled. I think we the peacefully inclined, have risen up, spoken back, and taken a stand for righteousness, whenever and wherever we could... and we have relinquished all to God too, as Avenger.

Stick out bellies
There is temptation all around me, with the tug of "Look over here", and "check this out." I know that death and destruction can be found in all directions, and I see stunning forms of life too, in the humans that live and breath, and in the stick out bellies of expectant mothers! God is the giver, and the taker of life, and it matters not what little wanna-be-tyrant-gods believe, they too, were born from their mothers womb, walk the earth with God giving them life force, and will die just as their ancestors have, becoming worm meat, decomposing into the dirt from which they came.

If I sound macabre, then so be it. I grin as I type, knowing God giveth, and God taketh away: to think otherwise, is pure folly. Each man will come to this knowledge when they see the King of Glory, coming to judge the living and the dead. I finish here, with Revelation, and a hope that you too, find comfort in God's ending to earthly suffering: 

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-16)


  1. The Queen of Outstanding, Intelligent, Insightful and Spiritual Blogs delivers again! Well done LGB!!!

  2. You always know it's me!

    1. I always appreciate you reading and taking the time to comment whenever the spirit moves you RB!

  3. To put to words the emotion of the heart is rare.May some find the Lord Jesus as their savior,in your thoughts
