Sunday, January 8, 2023

Terminally Poisoned

When playing by the devil's rules, one gambles with their life. 

This is what I read as a recommendation from Nobel Prize winning virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier:

"For those of you who have taken the third dose, go and take a test for AIDS. The result may surprise you. Then sue your government." 

If this suggestion is actually from Dr. Luc, and I am not confident that it is, since I hold suspect all public statements these days, especially if I don't hear them directly from the horses mouth, or the virologists, in this case, then I find it to lacking all sensibility. 

1. Go and take a test for AIDS
2. The result may surprise you
3. Then sue your government

A smidge irritable
I may be picking away at this statement out of irritation, dear reader. It is not helpful, nor is it sound advice: and if the doc made this statement, perhaps he too, was a smidge irritable in the expressing.

Sue the government
Suffice it to say, that many have been terminally poisoned, and we see evidence of this in the people we love, that have strange things growing on and in them, like alien entities never before seen or suffered (of course they are alien in their man-made-ness, since nature does not produce what is occurring in human bodies). Knowing you have been poisoned, and that you lined up for injections once, twice, thrice, and that you may be dying of AIDS, must not be simplified into a suggestion of "Then sue your government." What could money possibly remedy when someone is facing their own suffering and ultimate demise?

Traveling unholy ground
At this point in our common now, we will have to be more loving than we have ever been before. The perpetrators have set a snare for self and other, and those that suffer the most are the innocent, the ones that knew not that they were travelling unholy ground. If they didn't know it when they got injected, the hope is that they do now, know exactly what is happening.

I will not self-deceive, or pretend before you, dear reader. I do not pray much for the manipulative murderers: I do care deeply for those that DO, self-deceive, and played to a crowd that performed for the devil when given the cues and commands to shun those that did not get duped or poison injected. They knew not what they were doing.

Turning back to GOD, repenting, being circumspect about choices, and wanting to reconcile with The Father, is what we must focus on now. The damage has been done physically for far too many, but while there is breath, there is hope. Money will not fix any of this: prayer must be our be-all-end-all resource for those that are injured and suffering:

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots (Luke 23:34)

Terminally poisoned
Denying Jesus as God is the greatest sin a person can commit, and this is exactly what people that got injected did... they did not trust in Him, rather, they went the way of the world, and the hope, as I stated above, is that with God's forgiveness, what they did not know then, they know now.  

Gambling with the devil is never a safe bet. Casting your lot with him is dangerous business, and yet Jesus, before He gave up His spirit, prayed for the forgiveness of the sinners at His feet, and for future sinners, meaning you and I, dear one. Suing the government is of no avail; begging forgiveness from God, on the other hand, may save many a soul from hell's fire. 

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 

Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if their be any value, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:6-8)

I am keeping my eyes trained on God, and His Word. He is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, valuable, and worthy of praise. I give the people I love that have been terminally poisoned (hoping this ISN'T the case... because hope springs eternal), back to Him.

NOTE: I am all for holding governments to account. We simply MUST do this, using the law that God gave us, up to and including, capital punishment for mass murder. 

Suing the grisly government is not enough... 

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