Sunday, January 29, 2023

Siding With The Children

Manipulate the masses
Consider with me, dear reader, the circumstances we face. We have division on all sides, and in our desire to search for and place blame, we could point fingers at P-fizer, at big Farma, at those that want to monitor, good sensor, and manipulate the masses, but that is simply too easy.

As I type, I am well aware that what I think, captured on a virtual screen, will remain, like a piece of styrofoam that time and a garbage heap cannot decompose: writely or wrongly, I am misspelling words, butchering the English language, in order to get a message across without fraudsters blocking and back grounding my post. 

Take action
To behave according to demonic standards, is a sin. It is an outright, forthwith declaration of war with the living God, to go along with the attempted enforcement of not speaking, not challenging, not taking offence that has us take action, when the ungodly spew lies without censure and roam freely, imposing their imposter selves on peace loving citizens. It is a crime to be silent in the face of sin, because of the children.

A defining conversation
I had a defining conversation, going back three or so years ago. I was at a friends house, and the topic of murdering babies via abortion arose. Each family member, in turn, with some discomfort on their part, heard my opinion about killing a babe in the womb. The family, other than the mother, who remained silent throughout these intense exchanges, had liberal views: abortion, to them, was an acceptable option for an unwanted pregnancy. In a family of fornicators, meaning adult children that were having sex outside of marriage, abortion seemed a logical possible choice, if sperm and egg happened to spark a life, unwelcome. When I pressed the father, in front of his daughter and wife, with this question "So, you would have your wife abort a baby, now, because of her age?", and he answered "Yes", I regret, that I didn't turn to his daughter in that moment and state "It's a good thing they were younger when you were conceived, isn't it?"

Imagine hearing your father, while your mother remains silent, say such a thing? Not long after this, the very tall and imposing man, stood across the table from me as I sat, and pointing his finger, enraged, stated "You don't know what the hell you are talking about!" This, in the presence of his daughter and wife. But I do. I do know what I am talking about. I did and still do know, that murder happens each time a child's life is purposefully taken. 

Viciousness prevailed
That was the last time I saw this family, in their home. I have reflected on that defining moment, a moment in time when confrontation on a major moral issue could have ended differently, with love and compassion shown for the unborn; alas, viciousness prevailed, and as messenger, my words were not appreciated but rather, were abhorred. 

Cavalier about children
Fast forward, dear reader, to our now. We can see the dividing line, and people have taken their positions in opposition of one another. Dare I say it, to you now, that all that has happened is predicated on our view, as individuals, regarding the value and worth of the precious babies God blesses us with? To be cavalier about children and what happens to them in and out of the womb, is to confess cruelty abiding in a soul. If only the pro killers had to commit the crime themselves... if only they didn't see the sin of this surgical procedure as neat and clean... if only they could hear the weeping and horror in a broken tiny betrayed heart... 

Children matter most
I like my freedom, and as an adult, I diligently declare that I will always speak truth in the face of threat, to my dying breath. I could just go about my 'business as usual", and pretend that since my life is good, what happens to others doesn't really matter; but dear reader, it does matter. Children matter the most. How we see and treat them indicates our heart and spirit health. Babes become boys and girls, then adolescent budding adults... and then they become you and me, the middle to elderly, on our way to the great beyond. How anyone could harm a little one amongst us, I cannot imagine, and yet, fathers of already adult children, can declare abortion an option, because of stage of life: how very wicked we have become as a society.

Turn from wicked ways
So, I tell you now, that I will not blame big business for heart sickness. Each human is accountable for the choices they make, the relationships they break, the hurt they cause, the injury they impose, the murder they commit in thought and deed. That makes you and I the culprit, and the colluder, and the possible Christ follower too, when we confess our sins, ask the Father for forgiveness, and turn from our wicked ways. Where there is life, there too, is hope for reconciliation with God. 

We get to side with the children, because someone, and again perhaps many someones, did the very same for us when we were too young to fend for, and protect ourselves. It is our duty to think of and do for them first. 

That, is the job of adulthood.


  1. LGB, I have so much respect and admiration for you standing firm and tall for your beliefs, regardless of where you are and who you’re with. You leave no one wondering where you stand. God bless you Linda Grace!!!

  2. I am touched by your acknowledgment RoBEAR, thank you once again LGB
