Tuesday, January 31, 2023

I Can See

Empathy, the final frontier

I can see you 
Your eyes speak volumes
Sometimes they shutter
Sometimes they open and let me in

Windows to the soul
And yet you pull the blinds down
"You are not welcome here"
Is what I read

We all have shutters and blinders
Open, close, up, down
Is it risky to keep them open
Eyes seeing, then feeling?

Empathy is me seeing you
In your pain
In your delight
In your questioning, fretting, fraying

Empathy is eye language
Unspoken understanding
Quiet acknowledging
Loving you were you are

I can see
But do I want to?
Do I want you to?
Shall we eye gaze?

Let me in
Keep out
I am lonely
I don't want you near

Which is it?
Which one?
Shall we shutter?
Shall we open wide?

The eyes
They see all
They tell all
They want all

Empathy, is the final frontier

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