Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Less Spark, More Flame

Asking something different from yourself then what you are habitually used to, requires committed tenacity if change is something you really, for sure, without doubt, want. 

I want to be holy, as God is holy. This sounds outlandish, doesn't it, dear reader? Even as I type, I hear snarls, I see lip curls, and the mocking tones that may come from anyone that knows me, and knows things that I have said, and done, that are far removed from holiness. And yet, I still, want to be holy.

I have noticed how difficult this desire is to realize. With my inclinations to self-satisfaction, ego gratification, and fleshly indulgences, being holy hasn't really been on the radar of possibilities. Add too this, some immaturities that cling like white lint to black sweater, I have some work to do, to reign in my propensities to assuage something needy and greedy inside that rears its ugly head, in favour of being more like Jesus, the perfect model of God in human form. 

My solution, you ask, to this troubling mix of me, wanting to be something entirely different from what I am used to? God, of course, only God can do what is impossible for a self-absorbed human! When I am weak, He is strong, and while this has always been true, on many levels I have resisted Him, wanting to be my own strength, like a two year old that says, "Me do, me do." The two year old must learn how to do for themselves, but the fifty-six year old must learn how to rely on a parent that teaches a better way! I'm there, dear reader, right here, right now, where I want to be. 

I have a waining desire to blame others, environment, circumstances, past experiences, for my lag in the holiness endeavour; perhaps, they did play a role on a small or even grand scale, but I have no excuses now. The path is clear, and I am recognizing that I am the one that has to see the boulders, rocks, gravel, muck and yuck, and either clear them, go around, or simply stay far far away from what causes stumbling and sticking, if I am to be successful in my holiness actualization. I admit, there is one secret to success that I have discovered, an element that can be yours if you choose it... but I will leave that to the end of this piece of writing, to ensure you stay with me as I suss out the how to's of holiness, you know, a check list. Isn't that humorous dear reader, a check-list to holiness?

I have worked as a personal trainer since 1996, and a life coach since 2014. I am in the health and fitness industry, with people as my clay. This may sound arrogant, but as a trainer, I am reshaping, reforming, meaning clients return to factory setting, with their muscles taking prominent place, back to where they belong, as they shrink the fat that does not suit them, or their needs. As a coach, I see all the potential in clients that want to be functionally, relationally, emotionally, spiritually whole, and they transform before my eyes, during sessions, and in-between too! The wow factor is mind boggling, and I so appreciate the work that goes into every drop of sweat and invisible blood too, that drips from a body, and from a soul wanting to be free from any chains of bondage. 

And it is the chains of bondage that keep us from holiness, dear one. It is the clinging to what we know, what makes us feel safe, defended, self-empowered, that has us stay stuck in the muck, rather than moving from glory to glory:

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18)

I love scripture for so many reasons, one of them being the hope that I feel when I read it. God doesn't leave us where we are if we want to move to higher ground. He leads the way as The Good Shepherd: as one of His little lambs, I want to follow. When I looked up glory in the Bible, many verses were available. I think this one is apropos at this point in our time together:

Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake (Psalm 79:9)

In my pursuit of holiness, it is sin that I want to be delivered from... my own, and the influences of the sins of others. We impact one another, dear reader, and the yuck and muck of others can get stuck to our fleece; which brings me to my secret, the one that you just couldn't wait for me to share. I have been spending less time with people, and more time with God. Yup, that is my big reveal...

God is rewiring me, and my circuitry is functioning differently. I have less spark, more flame. You can figure that metaphor out for yourself, and see if it is fitting for your life too, with these questions and your answers of course:

🔥 What lights your fire?
🔥 What causes sparks that flash and burn out?
🔥 What keeps you lit?
🔥 How do you know it is your fire, and not the influence of someone else?
🔥 Does adding fuel to the fire burn you, or keep you warm?

I am speaking metaphorically, dear reader, and you can do with the questions, what you wish. But this question and answer period was important for me, because I realized that while I have impact, I was being impacted, and while this seems very simplistic, it is a realization that was required in order for me to stop in my tracks, reassess, and decide, holiness, or get caught up with the crowd that may be going in the opposite direction? 

Now for the holiness to do check list:

1 Read your Bible. If you don't have one, get one, with study notes. There is nothing in the world like time with God, alone
2 Take notes, and decide that His Way is The Way
3 Be honest with yourself. This means no lying, no fibbing, no excuses or blaming others. You sin, and if you want to be holy, you must ask God for help to be true blue in every way.
4 Take care of your body. Exercise and eat food for fuel and nutrition. Make it delicious, God loves you and gave us FLAVOUR, for taste bud FUN
5 Say you are sorry... to God firstly, and to others secondly: this will require bravery but will do wonders for your soul
Lastly, and this simply cannot be part of a to do list, because it diminishes the importance of this soulful practice: pray, pray night, pray day, pray pray pray, to God in heaven, that He transforms you into the likeness of His Magnificent, One and Only Son, all for His glory.

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen (2 Peter 3:18)

Let Psalm 71:8 be our refrain:

Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day


  1. This truly is an awesome piece of work. Yes, it can be classified as one of your masterpieces. You are an artist in writing. Your pen (keyboard) is your "brush." The artist carefully chooses his colors with much thought, for his creation. You beautifully express yourself in words and scripture, carefully chosen with much thought.
    Well done LGB!!!
    Do you know who this is? ;)

    1. I have NO IDEA who "this is" Robear 😄 LGB

  2. Oh yes you do. I think I am the nicest Bear you know.

  3. You ARE the nicest Bear!
