Thursday, January 19, 2023

Behind Enemy Lines

Behind enemy lines are some posers, some unbelievably bad actors, some step on your toes dancers, and some out of tune singers, with high pitched screeching sounds emanating from their fiendish mouths. That is the clown show, on world stage display. Lights, camera, and ridiculous ACTION! can be expected from the men and woman occupying the enemy camp: Liars have a way of upping the stupidity anti the longer they hold a microphone and the attention of an audience.

Enemy territory
Satan's goal is to make a mockery of God's most magnificent creatures, the very ones created in His image. Pulled by an invisible magnetic force, a human can find themselves in enemy territory, if they forget to check their moral compass and course correct accordingly. That was me, dear reader. I thought I could go behind enemy lines, aim my truth arrows at the hearts of liars, and shoot 'em up with the opposite of what they were spewing, so that people could see the despicable oozing out of gutless rotting. I came to discover I was buzzing badminton birds at empty tin heads and stone hearts, and no matter what I said or wrote, my little birdies never came close: even if they did, they had no impact on the resolute that were fully committed to carrying on with the nefarious plan, or on those that would listen to, and do their bidding. 

Rascally humour
Now, there is mocking of the mockers, and I admit, I too, attempted rascally humour to debase the debasers: all this did was give me a sick satisfaction of being "clever", but it also left a bad taste in my mouth, and a yuck attached to my soul. In my distaste for what I saw and heard, I wanted to counter their messaging with my own, but badminton word birdies have no power, no punch, and I realized, my compass, if not completely broken, was definitely needing recalibration. 

Besides, behind those enemy lines stood the "good guys", uniformed and ready to defend the "bad guys", and perhaps, this was the most disheartening, discouraging, disastrous scenario to witness. But I tell you this, dear reader, taking a stand is precisely what God has set up for His people:

O our God, wilt Thou not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us, neither know we what to do; but our eyes are upon Thee (2 Chronicles 20:12)

Taking a stand
stand? The stand is sometimes a sit down, a kneeling, a falling on our faces in submission before Him. When we fight with an enemy, we are attempting to match wits and fists, but this man against man battle is wrought with destruction. If someone is murderous, they have set themselves against God, and it is God they will answer to. If someone can push a button and wipe out entire populated areas, it is God they will be speechless before, when He questions, "What have you done?." If someone, say you or me, believes we can win a battle without being on our knees before God, and WITHOUT vicious life taking tools, then we are confused about our role in this fight for souls. It took me the full gamut of emotional reactions, sorting, adjusting, adapting, assessing, reassessing, processing... and and and, to get to the point of knowing, that my job is very simple:

🎯 Tell people about Jesus
🎯 Tell people that God is love
🎯 Point people to the Saviour of souls
🎯 Point them to the Bible
🎯 Love them to the cross and the feet of Jesus

They knew something
In the book of Acts, Stephen was martyred for speaking truth about Jesus, and he was the first of many. He knew something, they knew something, I know something, that is life saving, worth dying for! Murderers actually enjoy taking life, Christ followers savour souls, and love loving people to Jesus! Even typing this sentence made my heart happy.

Strangle hold on justice
I confess, it took me a long time to relinquish my perceived ability to take down the enemy, and loosen my strangle hold on justice. I could not single handedly do a darned thing to stop the madness, to logic people to reality, to have them halt in their careening toward the cliff. I tried, to no avail. And dear reader, I think you have probably tried it all too, isn't that right? When you want to "save" someone from what you see as danger ahead, you will go out of your way to rescue them, is this true, of you? 

I do believe the unfolding, unveiling, revealing of all that was unseen previously, has given each of us a spiritual growth opportunity. I have seen enough in the past six years to learn that prayer, and honesty, are the only tools necessary to tear down strongholds housed by demonic forces. Free the mind, and the rest will follow: these are lyrics from a song, and Biblically speaking, this makes a lot of sense:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;). Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)

We, dear reader, can be the obedient amongst a slew of God hating disobedient malevolent men and women. I simply cannot say things better than the Bible, for heavens sakes, so I will leave you in a few more sentences, to read the scripture from 2 Corinthians one, or many more times, in the hope that you hunger and thirst for more Biblical directions, recalibrating your compass to Christ, along with me. 

The Bible
The Bible is the answer to all human questions. Go there now, go there often, putting down your sabre, and picking up the Sword of the Spirit. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints (Ephesians 6:17-18)


  1. Another fabulous piece of work LGB! This was a very good one for me. I too have been so stressed and frustrated with the evil on the other side, and all their lying and deceitful ways. And the disappointment and hurt that comes with knowing friends, and even family, are following the evil of the wrong side. We can only show them with our actions, in the way we live, in our faith in God and belief that love his stronger than hate and good is stronger than evil. The evil leaders will eventually self destruct, and I can only hope that friends and family I care for, come back to our side before it’s too late. 🙏
    You know it. This is RoBEAR!

    1. Thank-You RoBear... it is good to know I wasn't alone while behind enemy lines, and for us to join forces over here, away from the nefarious crew, with the hope that others leave the shadows and walk into God's light, LGB
