Thursday, January 12, 2023

Cleaving Unto The LORD

Is chivalry dead, dear reader? Is every man out for himself, saving his own skin when the going gets tough? What are men afraid of? Is it women, each other... what, pray tell? 

I contend that if men had been encouraged to be their natural, wild, inclined to fight selves whilst growing up, that perhaps when they got told what to do, how to do it, and for how long, they simply would have said HEAVENS NO these past couple of years. With Biblical teaching central to the education of said men, direction of raw energy would be focused on fighting evil, rather than colluding with it, as we have witnessed. 

False compassion
There is a false compassion that has poisoned our population. It is a pretending that out of love, we encourage: you be you, don't ever change, let your heart lead you, trust your feelings... Good Lord, this is the worst possible stance to take with confused people: when we freely engage our own selfish inclinations, we negatively impact, in sometimes catastrophic ways, everyone around us. We need look no further than our own Canadian MP, to see how very true this statement is. If we dare take a closely look though, dear reader, we see evidence of this in the multitude of broken families in our own communities. 

Humans need clean lines, we need demarcation. Crossing lines of etiquette, of natural law, of human dignity, always puts us in jeopardy: the lines are boundary markers, and what was saw so hideously on display these past couple of years, was a complete disregard for autonomy and freedom of will, MINUS chivalry. 

In the Bible, men were men. Over and over again, the men that spoke God's Word, sharing: 

1 Jesus is the Son of God
2 He was crucified on a tree
3 Gave up His Spirit
4 He died for the sins of the world
5 He rose to life on the third day
6 He will come again to judge the living and the dead

RISKED THEIR LIVES in the telling! 

Come hell or high water, or in their case, heaven and the presence of God eternally after death, these men of God bravely, boldly, professed what they knew to be Truth, anticipating persecution, stoning, and other cruel exits from earthly existence at the hands of murderous and God hating men. Where have all THIS type of men gone?

Give us a wave men of God, let us know who you are, so we can applaud you!

This bit of scripture grabbed and squeezed my heart yesterday: 

... and exhorted them all, 
that with purpose of heart
 they would cleave unto the Lord (Acts 11:23)

That is your job
I contend once again, that this piece is also missing from the teaching of young men. To be brave and bold, you have to KNOW that you have the backing of the Lord! To defend women and children, you have to KNOW, that is your job, and at all costs, you will fight to protect, to feed, to provide no matter the cost, up to and including the expense of your own life!

The apostles, and the disciples they made from hearing the gospel, knew their work was a life and death engagement. They cared not for the opinions of others, but rather, cared only to cleave unto the Lord. 

His way
It is time for men to be taught once again, that women are the fairer, weaker sex. We can fight if we have to, but that is not our natural inclination. We want chivalrous men that glorify God, cleaving unto Him, completely committed to His will, His Way. When men choose this path, the hooded claw is kept at bay, the masked man goes into hiding, and the women will once again, have stars in their eyes when they light upon real men, standing tall, knowing that they did not bow down to the demands of monsters. 

I am envisioning Knights in shining God armour, geared up for the fight with Truth as their weapon of choice. False compassion for godless behaviour must be repudiated: we need men CLEAVING, with all that gives them life force, to the Lord. 

Stepping in
I have stated what I want, and now I will state what I don't want. I never, ever, want to be publicly verbally attacked again, by people in masks demanding that I comply with wickedness, without a MAN, stepping in-between me and the deceived person. It is unacceptable for any one of us to witness abuse, without stepping into the fray. It is reprehensible, for men to stand silently witnessing, when someone is being misused: that is my accusation, and I am pretty confident, that is God's court, I would be vindicated in the hearing of the facts. Think of Jesus and the woman about to be stoned by a circle of guilty men... He never backed down. The Truth forever and always, is more powerful than the lies that men tell.

Let us be clear
So, with all that I have written, and all that you have read, let us be clear with one another. If you are a man reading this, a time is coming for you to take a stand, not only for yourself, but for those that are weaker than you are, that cannot defend themselves as well physically. We stand on the side of righteousness, of truth telling, of wanting to honour God with our minds, our hearts, our souls. Will you defend, will you protect, will you fight back to honour our God, and to stand between us and those that would tear us limb from limb if they could get their claws into us?

Whatever will you do, dear man? Think now, about your choices, your stance.

If you wore a mask, complied with the MANdates, knowing all was based on a LIE, then you have some work to do: your compliance indicates weakness of character, and fear of others and what they would think of you, or do to you. If this is the case, you have some work to do to strengthen yourself for the battle ahead, if indeed you will play a role at all. 

Grow a backbone
It is never too late to grow a backbone and to become brave and bold. Read the Bible, and ask God for strength in the days ahead. Cleave unto the Lord, and He will provide all you need to become chivalrous. My hope is that I have jabbed you in the ribs enough, to have your pride kick in, your manliness offended, so that you get up on a high horse of righteous, riding right into the middle of the fight. The battle ensues, and we need real men to take the reins back from the wicked. I leave you with this powerful encouragement, may it sink into your soul:

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, 
and I am helped: 
therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; 
and with my song will I praise him (Psalms 28:7)


  1. Another great Blog from the one and only LGB!!!

  2. The anonymous above is RB

  3. Oh I knew it was you RoBear, LGB

  4. How did you know?!?!

    1. You always encourage me RB! LGB

  5. No matter how good they are at what they do, the best should be complimented, encouraged and highly respected, always!
