Thursday, January 5, 2023

Mooring of Reality


A spell has been cast, and the masses are in a state of stupor, not knowing what is happening all around them. In their confusion, they search for answers, and they pray in gone-out-of-fashion charismatic ways, asking God to heal, to help, to solve the problem of sudden sickness and death. Alas, their eyes remain closed, they are blinded, not because of brilliant light, but due to heavy, thick, soul encasing darkness: they are entombed.

The attuned
I heard a statistic recently, that ninety-five percent of all football coaches and players have been lethal dose injected with a MODERN-A (I play with words here), poison. It is modern to believe that science and medicine are friends, and that anyone who doesn't keep up with the times, will be left behind. Funny that, since it is the resistant to imposition, those who have decided to think for themselves and not go with the drug flow crowd, that are left behind, as in, still standing. The attuned have helplessly watched our fair share of humans spiralling to a drop, teetering to a thud, or simply collapsing in place, inert and disabled from full recovery because more often than not, they are dead.

Attempting to devalue truth
The resistant have been vigilant, watching and waiting, hoping and praying for things NOT to happen: but they are happening, and there are thousands upon thousands of incidents caught on camera, and eye witnessed from close proximity, making the truth undeniable. The Truth, has always been, undeniable: clearly it cannot beat people into submission. Stubborn people refuse Truth and by doing so, they lose their grip on reality. Truth cannot lie, does not steal, and in its stedfastness, can always be counted on; attempting to devalue truth doesn't change it one iota. The truth is, delusion is grand, until it bites you hard with repercussions. The resistant see repercussions and have all but gone mute. 

The spell is strong
In the golden olden days, ethics were a consideration. For instance: do you tell a person that is dying, that they are dying? Is it kind or cruel? I am leaning in the direction of loving people where they, despite what I know, despite what I can impart... It doesn't change a thing now, to tell someone that a mask is unhealthy, doctors kill people, and medicine is murderous. I can shout this from the rooftops, and I will be greeted with blank stares, if looked at at all. The spell is strong, the drugs are powerful, and the deluded have no clue that they have slipped from the mooring of reality. 

All we can do is pray for the cast spell to be broken, and for the captives to be set free. This takes us into the domain of God, the heavenly host, and the humility of man being subject to the Father's will. On our knees, in our beds, throughout our days, we must pray like we never have before. We must see our fellow humans as souls occupying bodies, and remind ourselves that while there is breath, there is hope, and that God wants none to be lost. 

A refrain that I cannot help sharing often, is a reminder of God's Sovereignty:

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand (Deuteronomy 32:39)

Lastly, dear reader... we don't know the beginning from the end, how "it" all started and what the finish will look like for each human being. We do know that some people are inclined to killing, and some inclined to kindness: think Cain and Abel, both of which, walked and talked with God, and yet...

Looking at the quoted scripture again, we must remember that everything belongs to God, and while we have freedom of will, He forever and always, has the final say. 

Truth always prevails:

I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus; who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time (1 Timothy 2:1-6)


  1. I couldn't agree more...all we can do is pray.

    1. We have seen and heard too much... prayer is always available, and in our very broken down state of need, it is a balm for the soul. Thanks for commenting... LBG
