Tuesday, January 31, 2023

I Can See

Empathy, the final frontier

I can see you 
Your eyes speak volumes
Sometimes they shutter
Sometimes they open and let me in

Windows to the soul
And yet you pull the blinds down
"You are not welcome here"
Is what I read

We all have shutters and blinders
Open, close, up, down
Is it risky to keep them open
Eyes seeing, then feeling?

Empathy is me seeing you
In your pain
In your delight
In your questioning, fretting, fraying

Empathy is eye language
Unspoken understanding
Quiet acknowledging
Loving you were you are

I can see
But do I want to?
Do I want you to?
Shall we eye gaze?

Let me in
Keep out
I am lonely
I don't want you near

Which is it?
Which one?
Shall we shutter?
Shall we open wide?

The eyes
They see all
They tell all
They want all

Empathy, is the final frontier

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Siding With The Children

Manipulate the masses
Consider with me, dear reader, the circumstances we face. We have division on all sides, and in our desire to search for and place blame, we could point fingers at P-fizer, at big Farma, at those that want to monitor, good sensor, and manipulate the masses, but that is simply too easy.

As I type, I am well aware that what I think, captured on a virtual screen, will remain, like a piece of styrofoam that time and a garbage heap cannot decompose: writely or wrongly, I am misspelling words, butchering the English language, in order to get a message across without fraudsters blocking and back grounding my post. 

Take action
To behave according to demonic standards, is a sin. It is an outright, forthwith declaration of war with the living God, to go along with the attempted enforcement of not speaking, not challenging, not taking offence that has us take action, when the ungodly spew lies without censure and roam freely, imposing their imposter selves on peace loving citizens. It is a crime to be silent in the face of sin, because of the children.

A defining conversation
I had a defining conversation, going back three or so years ago. I was at a friends house, and the topic of murdering babies via abortion arose. Each family member, in turn, with some discomfort on their part, heard my opinion about killing a babe in the womb. The family, other than the mother, who remained silent throughout these intense exchanges, had liberal views: abortion, to them, was an acceptable option for an unwanted pregnancy. In a family of fornicators, meaning adult children that were having sex outside of marriage, abortion seemed a logical possible choice, if sperm and egg happened to spark a life, unwelcome. When I pressed the father, in front of his daughter and wife, with this question "So, you would have your wife abort a baby, now, because of her age?", and he answered "Yes", I regret, that I didn't turn to his daughter in that moment and state "It's a good thing they were younger when you were conceived, isn't it?"

Imagine hearing your father, while your mother remains silent, say such a thing? Not long after this, the very tall and imposing man, stood across the table from me as I sat, and pointing his finger, enraged, stated "You don't know what the hell you are talking about!" This, in the presence of his daughter and wife. But I do. I do know what I am talking about. I did and still do know, that murder happens each time a child's life is purposefully taken. 

Viciousness prevailed
That was the last time I saw this family, in their home. I have reflected on that defining moment, a moment in time when confrontation on a major moral issue could have ended differently, with love and compassion shown for the unborn; alas, viciousness prevailed, and as messenger, my words were not appreciated but rather, were abhorred. 

Cavalier about children
Fast forward, dear reader, to our now. We can see the dividing line, and people have taken their positions in opposition of one another. Dare I say it, to you now, that all that has happened is predicated on our view, as individuals, regarding the value and worth of the precious babies God blesses us with? To be cavalier about children and what happens to them in and out of the womb, is to confess cruelty abiding in a soul. If only the pro killers had to commit the crime themselves... if only they didn't see the sin of this surgical procedure as neat and clean... if only they could hear the weeping and horror in a broken tiny betrayed heart... 

Children matter most
I like my freedom, and as an adult, I diligently declare that I will always speak truth in the face of threat, to my dying breath. I could just go about my 'business as usual", and pretend that since my life is good, what happens to others doesn't really matter; but dear reader, it does matter. Children matter the most. How we see and treat them indicates our heart and spirit health. Babes become boys and girls, then adolescent budding adults... and then they become you and me, the middle to elderly, on our way to the great beyond. How anyone could harm a little one amongst us, I cannot imagine, and yet, fathers of already adult children, can declare abortion an option, because of stage of life: how very wicked we have become as a society.

Turn from wicked ways
So, I tell you now, that I will not blame big business for heart sickness. Each human is accountable for the choices they make, the relationships they break, the hurt they cause, the injury they impose, the murder they commit in thought and deed. That makes you and I the culprit, and the colluder, and the possible Christ follower too, when we confess our sins, ask the Father for forgiveness, and turn from our wicked ways. Where there is life, there too, is hope for reconciliation with God. 

We get to side with the children, because someone, and again perhaps many someones, did the very same for us when we were too young to fend for, and protect ourselves. It is our duty to think of and do for them first. 

That, is the job of adulthood.

Friday, January 27, 2023

God Opens Gates

Today is super fun, dear reader. I have made a discovery that makes my heart sing a happy tune, and I sure do hope you enjoy this revelation as much as I do. It is a story of intrigue, of murderous malice, prison, chains, guards, people of faith, deliverance, incredulity, delight, death by worms, and an unstoppable, tell the world Gospel, that goes out because God, Almighty, is exactly that, Almighty. 

Eye witness
I will give you the scene as it played out for me while reading, followed by actual stunningly beautiful scripture that describes what occurred. It is helpful to ask God to give us the visual, as though we are eye witnesses. This locks in the learning, and enables us to share with others when we are given the opportunity to tell them about God's grace, His mercy, and for newbies to the Word of God, His miracles too. Let's go in together. 

Herod is Christian hunting, and after having James beheaded, has Peter arrested and put in prison for the weekend, just before Passover. He intends to try him, but in the mean time, he sets sixteen guards in place to keep an eye on Peter. Herod likes the praise of men, and he wanted the Jews to appreciate his efforts in eliminating God's Gospel messengers. Upon Peter's arrest, believers gathered and were earnestly praying! With four crews of four soldiers per, we find Peter chained twice over, sleeping between two guards, in a prison cell:

Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him, intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people. Peter was therefore kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison (Acts 12:1-6)

This is Peter, the one that denied Jesus thrice prior to a rooster crowing and letting him know, that his fear interfered with his faith. This same Peter, was forgiven by Jesus for his betrayal, and these are the words spoken over him by the Saviour:

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! (Matthew 16:18)

Dear reader, this next stretch of scripture is so outstanding, that I will go right to it, sharing it with you now:

And behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands. And the angel said unto him, Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals. And so he did. And he saith unto him, Cast thy garment about thee, and follow me (Acts 12:7-8)

Peter was awakened by an angel of the Lord, accompanied by bright light, in his prison cell. Chains fell from his wrists, but notice, Peter was asleep without clothes. He was denied the comfort of warmth, and movement, and yet he slept. Clearly, while the guards were also asleep, on duty, the light and angel were not seen, nor were they heard by these soldiers. With the odds seemingly working against Peter, we have a heavenly visitation, a setting free of encumbrance, and a dressing up for escape, for Peter the prisoner. Let's see what happens next, and where the angel of the Lord takes Peter:

And he went out, and followed him: and wist not that it was true which was done by the angel, but thought he saw a vision. When they were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that leads unto the city; which opened to them of his own accord; and they went out, and passed on through one street; and forthwith the angel departed from him (Acts 12: 9-10)

Incomprehensible duality
Oh my, this is simply marvellous, isn't it? Peter thinks he is imagining things regarding the angel of the Lord. It is somewhat incomprehensible to accept that what is material, what seems so tangible and real, for example, being arrested, being stripped of your clothes, being handcuffed and set between two guards while fourteen others make sure you don't escape, as you await a trial for committing the crime of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is all for nought in God's scheme of things. Peter is being rescued, and dear reader, it is more incomprehensibly inexcusable for an innocent person to be arrested by wicked men, then it is to believe that God sets captives free. Think on the duality now, between the evil in this world, and the righteous mercy of God. Can you, as I have, think of anyone, anything, going on during our now, that is comparable? I ask this leading question, knowing you have made comparisons, and that I am not alone in my understanding of global affairs, that seem oh so similar to Biblical events.  

Before I lose the golden thread, I trap it between my fingers...

... they came unto the iron gate that leads unto the city; which opened to them of his own accord...

God, dear one, opens gates. God sets captives free. God works out the weaving, the how to's the wherefores. Jesus spoke these words to Peter:

... I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!

The gates, or the Gates, of hell do not stop the living God or His messengers, from going forth to share the Good News, that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world, and conquered death, so that we might live eternally with Him! Outstanding.

Acts 12
To close, I will point you to Acts 12 in the King James Version, for the rest of the story, where you will see that the answer to vigilant prayers astound and delight believers; Peter goes off to continue his mission, soldiers are investigated and put to death for allowing a prisoner to slip through their fingers, and an arrogant king dares to accept praise worthy only of God, and becomes food for ravenous worms.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Un-see, Un-hear

Lightly grasp
I have these feelings hanging around the doorway, looking at me, waiting for me to look back, and invite them in. I don't want to, so I have been pretending they aren't there, hoping they will go away. I have seen and heard some things that I wish I hadn't; for the love of God, I cannot comprehend the possibilities. I lightly grasp concepts, and drop them quickly, knowing that if I take hold and really allow the seeing, the hearing, the feelings may kill me with sorrow. 

Monstrous actions
It is the children, dear reader. Some humans don't appear to be human any longer, and their monstrous actions ought to liquify our bones, melting us in utter grief for the man handled, misused, and abused little ones. My mind again, picks up and quickly drops images that threaten to rend my soul. To look closely is to comprehend the despicable, putting together the how to's of the wicked ones. I don't want to understand any of what they do, or why they do it. I do, however, want to keep my eyes trained on the little ones... how can I sooth a soul, comfort the devastated, love them when I can not touch them, hug them close, or bring them back to a time when innocence was theirs? 

Repugnant things
I have never been one of those Christians that longs for the end to come quickly: I like this life. As I type, I acknowledge that if the end is not near, and Biblically so, then I am afraid that I will see and hear such repugnant things, even while I attempt to look away and stop up my ears, that I will begin to beg God to make it stop, roll up the world as though it is a scroll, and give us the perfection of heaven, where there is no more sorrow, no more suffering and tears. As an onlooker into the darkness that threatens to engulf; as someone that is cushioned, I do not think of myself being whisked off to heaven, dear reader. I am embarrassingly comfortable, while pedophiles post their proud queer lifestyles publicly, displaying their prey on walls, virtual and otherwise, as though they have hunted and killed animals rather than small, helpless, defenceless, babies and children. If I could pluck the babes from those filthy vile hands, and deliver them myself into the safety of heaven, then I would in a heart beat. 

Real children
If you are at all like me, you are reading this from a cozy chair, perhaps with a steaming coffee by your side, with the day yawning ahead of you: leisure, exercise, food and drink of choice, all options at your disposal. My dogs are treated like favoured children, while real children are... dear reader, while real children are... you finish the sentence: I know you can, if you have seen and heard, what I have. Humans have become grotesque in their thoughts and deeds. Empathy has all but died, and I have not a clue on how to make any of it better. It used to give me a sense of purpose and solace, giving to rescue missions, trusting the dollars donated would make a difference in someones life. Alas, sinister hands have smudged the organization's that call themselves Christian, and I am hesitant to ever give again. Which leaves me with this helpless feeling, of only being able to weep. 

Before you mock me, and suggest I get out there and do something instead of being a cry baby, I ask you, if you have seen and heard what I suggest is evident all around us, with corruption seeped into all sectors, what are you doing to protect the little ones, and make this stop? 

Inky black
There are some that have dug their own grave, and they cannot throw the dirt back in fast enough to save themselves from being buried there. They have gone the way of the wicked, and we all know what happens to people that choose to hurt and maim, rather then help and heal. The darkness they attempt to hide in gets inky black, and the murder they commit turns inward, as they slowly kill themselves. Imagine living with the memories of dismembering an innocent crying baby, or molesting and raping a helpless child, and having to act as though you don't do these things, when you are out and about in the world. Imagine trying to not go crazy: and isn't this exactly what we are witnessing? The wicked ones are losing their grip, they speak senselessly, and they are going insane with every passing day. They have done unspeakable things in the dark that have them afraid of the day, and it is their bones that we can hear rattling, as dead men and woman walking. I shudder to think of their recompense. 

The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with the everlasting burnings? (Isaiah 33:14)

Hurting, maiming, killing innocent children does not bode well for perpetrators. Revelation 21:8 is my comfort for the day, because while I feel helpless to change what is happening world wide, I know that God's Sovereign plan was in place long before I saw, long before I heard, what ought not to be: 

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Behind Enemy Lines

Behind enemy lines are some posers, some unbelievably bad actors, some step on your toes dancers, and some out of tune singers, with high pitched screeching sounds emanating from their fiendish mouths. That is the clown show, on world stage display. Lights, camera, and ridiculous ACTION! can be expected from the men and woman occupying the enemy camp: Liars have a way of upping the stupidity anti the longer they hold a microphone and the attention of an audience.

Enemy territory
Satan's goal is to make a mockery of God's most magnificent creatures, the very ones created in His image. Pulled by an invisible magnetic force, a human can find themselves in enemy territory, if they forget to check their moral compass and course correct accordingly. That was me, dear reader. I thought I could go behind enemy lines, aim my truth arrows at the hearts of liars, and shoot 'em up with the opposite of what they were spewing, so that people could see the despicable oozing out of gutless rotting. I came to discover I was buzzing badminton birds at empty tin heads and stone hearts, and no matter what I said or wrote, my little birdies never came close: even if they did, they had no impact on the resolute that were fully committed to carrying on with the nefarious plan, or on those that would listen to, and do their bidding. 

Rascally humour
Now, there is mocking of the mockers, and I admit, I too, attempted rascally humour to debase the debasers: all this did was give me a sick satisfaction of being "clever", but it also left a bad taste in my mouth, and a yuck attached to my soul. In my distaste for what I saw and heard, I wanted to counter their messaging with my own, but badminton word birdies have no power, no punch, and I realized, my compass, if not completely broken, was definitely needing recalibration. 

Besides, behind those enemy lines stood the "good guys", uniformed and ready to defend the "bad guys", and perhaps, this was the most disheartening, discouraging, disastrous scenario to witness. But I tell you this, dear reader, taking a stand is precisely what God has set up for His people:

O our God, wilt Thou not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us, neither know we what to do; but our eyes are upon Thee (2 Chronicles 20:12)

Taking a stand
stand? The stand is sometimes a sit down, a kneeling, a falling on our faces in submission before Him. When we fight with an enemy, we are attempting to match wits and fists, but this man against man battle is wrought with destruction. If someone is murderous, they have set themselves against God, and it is God they will answer to. If someone can push a button and wipe out entire populated areas, it is God they will be speechless before, when He questions, "What have you done?." If someone, say you or me, believes we can win a battle without being on our knees before God, and WITHOUT vicious life taking tools, then we are confused about our role in this fight for souls. It took me the full gamut of emotional reactions, sorting, adjusting, adapting, assessing, reassessing, processing... and and and, to get to the point of knowing, that my job is very simple:

🎯 Tell people about Jesus
🎯 Tell people that God is love
🎯 Point people to the Saviour of souls
🎯 Point them to the Bible
🎯 Love them to the cross and the feet of Jesus

They knew something
In the book of Acts, Stephen was martyred for speaking truth about Jesus, and he was the first of many. He knew something, they knew something, I know something, that is life saving, worth dying for! Murderers actually enjoy taking life, Christ followers savour souls, and love loving people to Jesus! Even typing this sentence made my heart happy.

Strangle hold on justice
I confess, it took me a long time to relinquish my perceived ability to take down the enemy, and loosen my strangle hold on justice. I could not single handedly do a darned thing to stop the madness, to logic people to reality, to have them halt in their careening toward the cliff. I tried, to no avail. And dear reader, I think you have probably tried it all too, isn't that right? When you want to "save" someone from what you see as danger ahead, you will go out of your way to rescue them, is this true, of you? 

I do believe the unfolding, unveiling, revealing of all that was unseen previously, has given each of us a spiritual growth opportunity. I have seen enough in the past six years to learn that prayer, and honesty, are the only tools necessary to tear down strongholds housed by demonic forces. Free the mind, and the rest will follow: these are lyrics from a song, and Biblically speaking, this makes a lot of sense:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;). Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)

We, dear reader, can be the obedient amongst a slew of God hating disobedient malevolent men and women. I simply cannot say things better than the Bible, for heavens sakes, so I will leave you in a few more sentences, to read the scripture from 2 Corinthians one, or many more times, in the hope that you hunger and thirst for more Biblical directions, recalibrating your compass to Christ, along with me. 

The Bible
The Bible is the answer to all human questions. Go there now, go there often, putting down your sabre, and picking up the Sword of the Spirit. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints (Ephesians 6:17-18)

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Less Spark, More Flame

Asking something different from yourself then what you are habitually used to, requires committed tenacity if change is something you really, for sure, without doubt, want. 

I want to be holy, as God is holy. This sounds outlandish, doesn't it, dear reader? Even as I type, I hear snarls, I see lip curls, and the mocking tones that may come from anyone that knows me, and knows things that I have said, and done, that are far removed from holiness. And yet, I still, want to be holy.

I have noticed how difficult this desire is to realize. With my inclinations to self-satisfaction, ego gratification, and fleshly indulgences, being holy hasn't really been on the radar of possibilities. Add too this, some immaturities that cling like white lint to black sweater, I have some work to do, to reign in my propensities to assuage something needy and greedy inside that rears its ugly head, in favour of being more like Jesus, the perfect model of God in human form. 

My solution, you ask, to this troubling mix of me, wanting to be something entirely different from what I am used to? God, of course, only God can do what is impossible for a self-absorbed human! When I am weak, He is strong, and while this has always been true, on many levels I have resisted Him, wanting to be my own strength, like a two year old that says, "Me do, me do." The two year old must learn how to do for themselves, but the fifty-six year old must learn how to rely on a parent that teaches a better way! I'm there, dear reader, right here, right now, where I want to be. 

I have a waining desire to blame others, environment, circumstances, past experiences, for my lag in the holiness endeavour; perhaps, they did play a role on a small or even grand scale, but I have no excuses now. The path is clear, and I am recognizing that I am the one that has to see the boulders, rocks, gravel, muck and yuck, and either clear them, go around, or simply stay far far away from what causes stumbling and sticking, if I am to be successful in my holiness actualization. I admit, there is one secret to success that I have discovered, an element that can be yours if you choose it... but I will leave that to the end of this piece of writing, to ensure you stay with me as I suss out the how to's of holiness, you know, a check list. Isn't that humorous dear reader, a check-list to holiness?

I have worked as a personal trainer since 1996, and a life coach since 2014. I am in the health and fitness industry, with people as my clay. This may sound arrogant, but as a trainer, I am reshaping, reforming, meaning clients return to factory setting, with their muscles taking prominent place, back to where they belong, as they shrink the fat that does not suit them, or their needs. As a coach, I see all the potential in clients that want to be functionally, relationally, emotionally, spiritually whole, and they transform before my eyes, during sessions, and in-between too! The wow factor is mind boggling, and I so appreciate the work that goes into every drop of sweat and invisible blood too, that drips from a body, and from a soul wanting to be free from any chains of bondage. 

And it is the chains of bondage that keep us from holiness, dear one. It is the clinging to what we know, what makes us feel safe, defended, self-empowered, that has us stay stuck in the muck, rather than moving from glory to glory:

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18)

I love scripture for so many reasons, one of them being the hope that I feel when I read it. God doesn't leave us where we are if we want to move to higher ground. He leads the way as The Good Shepherd: as one of His little lambs, I want to follow. When I looked up glory in the Bible, many verses were available. I think this one is apropos at this point in our time together:

Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake (Psalm 79:9)

In my pursuit of holiness, it is sin that I want to be delivered from... my own, and the influences of the sins of others. We impact one another, dear reader, and the yuck and muck of others can get stuck to our fleece; which brings me to my secret, the one that you just couldn't wait for me to share. I have been spending less time with people, and more time with God. Yup, that is my big reveal...

God is rewiring me, and my circuitry is functioning differently. I have less spark, more flame. You can figure that metaphor out for yourself, and see if it is fitting for your life too, with these questions and your answers of course:

🔥 What lights your fire?
🔥 What causes sparks that flash and burn out?
🔥 What keeps you lit?
🔥 How do you know it is your fire, and not the influence of someone else?
🔥 Does adding fuel to the fire burn you, or keep you warm?

I am speaking metaphorically, dear reader, and you can do with the questions, what you wish. But this question and answer period was important for me, because I realized that while I have impact, I was being impacted, and while this seems very simplistic, it is a realization that was required in order for me to stop in my tracks, reassess, and decide, holiness, or get caught up with the crowd that may be going in the opposite direction? 

Now for the holiness to do check list:

1 Read your Bible. If you don't have one, get one, with study notes. There is nothing in the world like time with God, alone
2 Take notes, and decide that His Way is The Way
3 Be honest with yourself. This means no lying, no fibbing, no excuses or blaming others. You sin, and if you want to be holy, you must ask God for help to be true blue in every way.
4 Take care of your body. Exercise and eat food for fuel and nutrition. Make it delicious, God loves you and gave us FLAVOUR, for taste bud FUN
5 Say you are sorry... to God firstly, and to others secondly: this will require bravery but will do wonders for your soul
Lastly, and this simply cannot be part of a to do list, because it diminishes the importance of this soulful practice: pray, pray night, pray day, pray pray pray, to God in heaven, that He transforms you into the likeness of His Magnificent, One and Only Son, all for His glory.

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen (2 Peter 3:18)

Let Psalm 71:8 be our refrain:

Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Uttering Threats & Killing Hitler

When someone says something like, "I want to kill you" or more definitively, "I am going to kill you", it is a good idea to pay attention: they are informing you of their intentions are. When uttering a death threat, there is hate, rage, and violence in the mind and heart of the person speaking, and to take these words lightly, is foolishness. 

Christian governance 
Not long ago, I had some hate taking up residence in my heart. I considered my rage righteous, because injustice seemed to be prevailing, with murder running rampant, as countless victims accumulate injured and or dead. My desire to kill the killers, or have someone else do it, raged on. Capital punishment as an option doesn't seem to be an honest consideration in our society, since ours, is no longer, a Christian governance: if we lived according to Biblical standards, we would:

1 Worship the Lord in unity
2 Love God with all our hearts, minds, and souls
3 Love our neighbour as ourselves
4 Respect rock boundaries, meaning what is yours is yours, what is mine, is mine
5 Pay for what we buy
6 Own what we live in, wear, and drive
7 Marry one person, of the opposite sex, for life
8 Raise our children in the admonishment of the Lord
9 Pay our fair share of taxes
10 Take care of the frail, the young, and the elderly

Without laws
It occurs to me how far from Eden the concept of utopia travels: it is a device of wicked disobedient men, and it is divisive toward God's commands. Without laws in place to regulate human activity, clearly, the avarice murderous ones, take liberties from those that would prefer to live in peace. 

While hate took up residence in my heart, I was preoccupied with the murderous being brought to justice, and yet, it would never be me, throwing the book of Truth at the death threat utterers, except of course, in my writing. In the blogs and books I accumulate over time, I mark my own regression, repression, obsession, and God willing ultimately, my redemption. 

Reading the Word of God, working out my own salvation with fear and trembling, drives me to humbly admit, that I am not always the best example of Christianity, especially when I mirror what I see in the hearts of those that want to take life. When we die, we stand before God, not as a group of Davos attendees, or as a group of Christ followers, but as individuals, with all our thoughts and deeds on clear display for us to relive before the living God; to be judged and placed in our eternity, in one heavenly abode, or in one hellish abyss. Those are the only options, dear reader! 

So, here I give you what may have been our mutual prayers/demands, perhaps in the order that we experienced the drama and trauma together; alternatively, we went in and out of these thoughts and desires without synchronicity. Either way, the Bible echoes human intricacies in profound ways that soothe the soul: 

Psalm 94:1
O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, show thyself 

My prayer would repetitively sound something like: "God, seriously? Can you PLEASE take these murderers OUT? Can you avenge the bloodshed of the innocent, and do it NOW? We need to see some action here God. What is taking You so long?"

Psalm 149:7
To execute vengeance upon the heathen, punishments upon the people

My words went along the lines: "Lord, please EXECUTE the HEATHEN, PUNISH them for what they are publicly saying and doing." To my shame, I would try to provoke God to take action, suggesting that perhaps, He ought to flex His Almighty muscles to show these little self-important men, Who, not WH🥸, is BOSS of the universe!

Jeremiah 11:20
But, O LORD of hosts, that judges righteously, that triest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I revealed my cause

Jeremiah pleaded with God, and dear reader, I am believing we have too. There isn't one amongst us, that hasn't suffered at the hands of a mercenary, and wanted God to avenge, to make right, to put down the perpetrator, and put him or her down hard and fast... And yet, He is long suffering, merciful, kind, and wants none to be lost. It is the cross that always brings me to my knees, reminding me of my own sins, my own selfish inclinations, and how God has loved me to Christ, when what I deserved was punishment. I do believe we have injured one another, and wouldn't it be awful, if forgiveness wasn't an option?

Murder is murder, and without Christ, there is no redemption for a murderous unrepentant soul. Cain is an archetype for Hitler, murderous of spirit: this blood lust lives on in modern day man, without much deviation from the original. To be clear, you and I belong to one camp, or the other, and we cannot ride the line, straddling both sides.  

In Romans 12:19, we are instructed thusly:
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord

Since we are intricately interwoven, you and I, us and them, all of humanity, we must keep in mind that God, from His heavenly throne, sees eternity and beyond (don't think too long on this concept, it will warp your mind!), and He doesn't live in immediacy the way we do. Each creature is His creation, and while we catch glimpses of one anothers inner workings, He knows each being intimately and completely, and has already worked out the details of destiny, doing so long before time began (again, let's not travel to crazy town, thinking too long about time... we need our minds to get through this day!). Shaking my head, I realize I started on one topic, and travelled my own inner universe for a time, to return once again, to Uttering Threats & Killing Hitler.

Those that have blatantly stated "I am going to kill you", have been heard loudly, clearly, and repeatedly. Those that say such things, ought not experience surprise, when words are volleyed back into their court, from multiple sources, threatening death in return. Humans don't like to be threatened, in fact, most healthy of mind humans, will go on the offensive when freedom of liberty and life are imperiled. I think we the peacefully inclined, have risen up, spoken back, and taken a stand for righteousness, whenever and wherever we could... and we have relinquished all to God too, as Avenger.

Stick out bellies
There is temptation all around me, with the tug of "Look over here", and "check this out." I know that death and destruction can be found in all directions, and I see stunning forms of life too, in the humans that live and breath, and in the stick out bellies of expectant mothers! God is the giver, and the taker of life, and it matters not what little wanna-be-tyrant-gods believe, they too, were born from their mothers womb, walk the earth with God giving them life force, and will die just as their ancestors have, becoming worm meat, decomposing into the dirt from which they came.

If I sound macabre, then so be it. I grin as I type, knowing God giveth, and God taketh away: to think otherwise, is pure folly. Each man will come to this knowledge when they see the King of Glory, coming to judge the living and the dead. I finish here, with Revelation, and a hope that you too, find comfort in God's ending to earthly suffering: 

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-16)

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Keep Speaking

Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) (Acts 12:1-3)

☠️ King Herod wanted to vex the church
☠️ King Herod had James killed by the sword (beheaded)
☠️ King Herod enjoyed the pleasure the Jews took in this murderous behaviour; encouraged, or egged on;
☠️ King Herod proceeded to hunt and arrest others of the church, namely, Peter
⁉️This all happened during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (during passover festivities)

In this snippet of framed time, we see so much spiritual activity, it is mind boggling. The word vex is an outstanding descriptor, a word that can be lengthen to vexed or vexation, meaning afflicted, mortified, irritated, harassed. King Herod wanted the church to suffer public humiliation, persecution, annoyance, and beleaguering for professing Jesus as the Anointed One that fulfilled scripture. King Herod was an earthly murderous king that performed for applause, committing murder, to the delight of the Jews that hated God, and hated His people: he did the devil's bidding, and he is an archetype that helps us see how the spiritual realm operates, even in our modern day. 

Absolutely NOT!
So far we have focused on the dark side of the realm. When we turn our gaze to the workers of light, to the sons of God, we see that John's brother James was killed, and that Peter is now the hunted. Does this stop any of these men from completing their mission? Does it cause them hesitation, have them go into hiding, retreating as the Jews and Herod had hoped? Absolutely NOT! Just like their Saviour, they continued to preach the Gospel, for the sake of souls, because dear reader, eternity in heaven hangs in the balance for each of us, and without Jesus, we will not see the Father. 

Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear (Isaiah 59:1-2)

Polarized opposite
I am considering beheading. Think with me now. The mind is powerful, and the mouth moves accordingly. Whatever is in the heart pours out when our lips are flapping. We speak life or death, vexation or edification, and what we say indicates to whom we belong; this is why we must guard our lips and restrain our tongues, unless of course, we are praising God Almighty, and encouraging others to glorify Him too. This said, I can see why the wicked want to behead, hang, mute, nullify truth tellers and God lovers. We are their polarized opposite, and while we want them to live eternally in the presence of God, and while we seek to assist in their salvation, they want us to suffer, to be damned, and to die in an untimely fashion. The satanically soaked do not want fully functioning Christians, thus their desire to vex, which sounds a lot like hex... or curse. 

They curse us, while we want to bless them: if you belong to God, this ought to make you grin with understanding. We are definitely in a battle, but when on the side of righteousness, we can feel a sense of purpose and delight, to be called to the front lines, with warrior angels all around, fighting the battle in the heavenly realms. We get to be models of humility, kindness, love, and honesty; never backing down, backing up, or hiding away to save our own skins... God already saved us, what could we possibly, be frighted of?

The final passover
The Jews continued in their ritualistic ways, celebrating a feast of unleavened bread that point directly to the passover and their freedom, given them by God, from captivity in Egypt: and yet... they could not see they could have been set free eternally when Jesus came as the final passover from death to life. In His ministry of miracles, wonders and signs, death, and subsequent resurrection, He gave them a show and tell demonstration that the Kingdom of heaven was not only near, but here, with them. In the seeing and hearing, they preferred their own version of earthly heaven, where they were the kings of their own sandy castles...

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23)

Fleeting life
And so it continues, with the murderous hating the hopeful, and the kings of this world wanting us beheaded, so that we cannot profess Jesus Christ as our Lord of lords, and King of kings. They fear our words, dear reader, when what they ought to fear, is separation from God for eternity, once they pass from this fleeting life, into the next. 

Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power (2 Thessalonians 1:9)

Saving of souls
I will end on a happy note. If you have a mouth, because your head still rides safely on your shoulders, and you are a professing Christian, know that your words have the power of God in them, and you must use them with wisdom, for the saving of souls:

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17)

It doesn't matter what the enemies of God are doing. All that matters is what we are saying and doing! Let us keep our eyes trained on the heaven-lies, our ears attuned to His Word, and our mouths moving according to His will, His way, just as His Son did when He walked in the flesh, amongst men.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Cleaving Unto The LORD

Is chivalry dead, dear reader? Is every man out for himself, saving his own skin when the going gets tough? What are men afraid of? Is it women, each other... what, pray tell? 

I contend that if men had been encouraged to be their natural, wild, inclined to fight selves whilst growing up, that perhaps when they got told what to do, how to do it, and for how long, they simply would have said HEAVENS NO these past couple of years. With Biblical teaching central to the education of said men, direction of raw energy would be focused on fighting evil, rather than colluding with it, as we have witnessed. 

False compassion
There is a false compassion that has poisoned our population. It is a pretending that out of love, we encourage: you be you, don't ever change, let your heart lead you, trust your feelings... Good Lord, this is the worst possible stance to take with confused people: when we freely engage our own selfish inclinations, we negatively impact, in sometimes catastrophic ways, everyone around us. We need look no further than our own Canadian MP, to see how very true this statement is. If we dare take a closely look though, dear reader, we see evidence of this in the multitude of broken families in our own communities. 

Humans need clean lines, we need demarcation. Crossing lines of etiquette, of natural law, of human dignity, always puts us in jeopardy: the lines are boundary markers, and what was saw so hideously on display these past couple of years, was a complete disregard for autonomy and freedom of will, MINUS chivalry. 

In the Bible, men were men. Over and over again, the men that spoke God's Word, sharing: 

1 Jesus is the Son of God
2 He was crucified on a tree
3 Gave up His Spirit
4 He died for the sins of the world
5 He rose to life on the third day
6 He will come again to judge the living and the dead

RISKED THEIR LIVES in the telling! 

Come hell or high water, or in their case, heaven and the presence of God eternally after death, these men of God bravely, boldly, professed what they knew to be Truth, anticipating persecution, stoning, and other cruel exits from earthly existence at the hands of murderous and God hating men. Where have all THIS type of men gone?

Give us a wave men of God, let us know who you are, so we can applaud you!

This bit of scripture grabbed and squeezed my heart yesterday: 

... and exhorted them all, 
that with purpose of heart
 they would cleave unto the Lord (Acts 11:23)

That is your job
I contend once again, that this piece is also missing from the teaching of young men. To be brave and bold, you have to KNOW that you have the backing of the Lord! To defend women and children, you have to KNOW, that is your job, and at all costs, you will fight to protect, to feed, to provide no matter the cost, up to and including the expense of your own life!

The apostles, and the disciples they made from hearing the gospel, knew their work was a life and death engagement. They cared not for the opinions of others, but rather, cared only to cleave unto the Lord. 

His way
It is time for men to be taught once again, that women are the fairer, weaker sex. We can fight if we have to, but that is not our natural inclination. We want chivalrous men that glorify God, cleaving unto Him, completely committed to His will, His Way. When men choose this path, the hooded claw is kept at bay, the masked man goes into hiding, and the women will once again, have stars in their eyes when they light upon real men, standing tall, knowing that they did not bow down to the demands of monsters. 

I am envisioning Knights in shining God armour, geared up for the fight with Truth as their weapon of choice. False compassion for godless behaviour must be repudiated: we need men CLEAVING, with all that gives them life force, to the Lord. 

Stepping in
I have stated what I want, and now I will state what I don't want. I never, ever, want to be publicly verbally attacked again, by people in masks demanding that I comply with wickedness, without a MAN, stepping in-between me and the deceived person. It is unacceptable for any one of us to witness abuse, without stepping into the fray. It is reprehensible, for men to stand silently witnessing, when someone is being misused: that is my accusation, and I am pretty confident, that is God's court, I would be vindicated in the hearing of the facts. Think of Jesus and the woman about to be stoned by a circle of guilty men... He never backed down. The Truth forever and always, is more powerful than the lies that men tell.

Let us be clear
So, with all that I have written, and all that you have read, let us be clear with one another. If you are a man reading this, a time is coming for you to take a stand, not only for yourself, but for those that are weaker than you are, that cannot defend themselves as well physically. We stand on the side of righteousness, of truth telling, of wanting to honour God with our minds, our hearts, our souls. Will you defend, will you protect, will you fight back to honour our God, and to stand between us and those that would tear us limb from limb if they could get their claws into us?

Whatever will you do, dear man? Think now, about your choices, your stance.

If you wore a mask, complied with the MANdates, knowing all was based on a LIE, then you have some work to do: your compliance indicates weakness of character, and fear of others and what they would think of you, or do to you. If this is the case, you have some work to do to strengthen yourself for the battle ahead, if indeed you will play a role at all. 

Grow a backbone
It is never too late to grow a backbone and to become brave and bold. Read the Bible, and ask God for strength in the days ahead. Cleave unto the Lord, and He will provide all you need to become chivalrous. My hope is that I have jabbed you in the ribs enough, to have your pride kick in, your manliness offended, so that you get up on a high horse of righteous, riding right into the middle of the fight. The battle ensues, and we need real men to take the reins back from the wicked. I leave you with this powerful encouragement, may it sink into your soul:

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, 
and I am helped: 
therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; 
and with my song will I praise him (Psalms 28:7)

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Terminally Poisoned

When playing by the devil's rules, one gambles with their life. 

This is what I read as a recommendation from Nobel Prize winning virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier:

"For those of you who have taken the third dose, go and take a test for AIDS. The result may surprise you. Then sue your government." 

If this suggestion is actually from Dr. Luc, and I am not confident that it is, since I hold suspect all public statements these days, especially if I don't hear them directly from the horses mouth, or the virologists, in this case, then I find it to lacking all sensibility. 

1. Go and take a test for AIDS
2. The result may surprise you
3. Then sue your government

A smidge irritable
I may be picking away at this statement out of irritation, dear reader. It is not helpful, nor is it sound advice: and if the doc made this statement, perhaps he too, was a smidge irritable in the expressing.

Sue the government
Suffice it to say, that many have been terminally poisoned, and we see evidence of this in the people we love, that have strange things growing on and in them, like alien entities never before seen or suffered (of course they are alien in their man-made-ness, since nature does not produce what is occurring in human bodies). Knowing you have been poisoned, and that you lined up for injections once, twice, thrice, and that you may be dying of AIDS, must not be simplified into a suggestion of "Then sue your government." What could money possibly remedy when someone is facing their own suffering and ultimate demise?

Traveling unholy ground
At this point in our common now, we will have to be more loving than we have ever been before. The perpetrators have set a snare for self and other, and those that suffer the most are the innocent, the ones that knew not that they were travelling unholy ground. If they didn't know it when they got injected, the hope is that they do now, know exactly what is happening.

I will not self-deceive, or pretend before you, dear reader. I do not pray much for the manipulative murderers: I do care deeply for those that DO, self-deceive, and played to a crowd that performed for the devil when given the cues and commands to shun those that did not get duped or poison injected. They knew not what they were doing.

Turning back to GOD, repenting, being circumspect about choices, and wanting to reconcile with The Father, is what we must focus on now. The damage has been done physically for far too many, but while there is breath, there is hope. Money will not fix any of this: prayer must be our be-all-end-all resource for those that are injured and suffering:

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots (Luke 23:34)

Terminally poisoned
Denying Jesus as God is the greatest sin a person can commit, and this is exactly what people that got injected did... they did not trust in Him, rather, they went the way of the world, and the hope, as I stated above, is that with God's forgiveness, what they did not know then, they know now.  

Gambling with the devil is never a safe bet. Casting your lot with him is dangerous business, and yet Jesus, before He gave up His spirit, prayed for the forgiveness of the sinners at His feet, and for future sinners, meaning you and I, dear one. Suing the government is of no avail; begging forgiveness from God, on the other hand, may save many a soul from hell's fire. 

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 

Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if their be any value, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:6-8)

I am keeping my eyes trained on God, and His Word. He is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, valuable, and worthy of praise. I give the people I love that have been terminally poisoned (hoping this ISN'T the case... because hope springs eternal), back to Him.

NOTE: I am all for holding governments to account. We simply MUST do this, using the law that God gave us, up to and including, capital punishment for mass murder. 

Suing the grisly government is not enough... 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Mooring of Reality


A spell has been cast, and the masses are in a state of stupor, not knowing what is happening all around them. In their confusion, they search for answers, and they pray in gone-out-of-fashion charismatic ways, asking God to heal, to help, to solve the problem of sudden sickness and death. Alas, their eyes remain closed, they are blinded, not because of brilliant light, but due to heavy, thick, soul encasing darkness: they are entombed.

The attuned
I heard a statistic recently, that ninety-five percent of all football coaches and players have been lethal dose injected with a MODERN-A (I play with words here), poison. It is modern to believe that science and medicine are friends, and that anyone who doesn't keep up with the times, will be left behind. Funny that, since it is the resistant to imposition, those who have decided to think for themselves and not go with the drug flow crowd, that are left behind, as in, still standing. The attuned have helplessly watched our fair share of humans spiralling to a drop, teetering to a thud, or simply collapsing in place, inert and disabled from full recovery because more often than not, they are dead.

Attempting to devalue truth
The resistant have been vigilant, watching and waiting, hoping and praying for things NOT to happen: but they are happening, and there are thousands upon thousands of incidents caught on camera, and eye witnessed from close proximity, making the truth undeniable. The Truth, has always been, undeniable: clearly it cannot beat people into submission. Stubborn people refuse Truth and by doing so, they lose their grip on reality. Truth cannot lie, does not steal, and in its stedfastness, can always be counted on; attempting to devalue truth doesn't change it one iota. The truth is, delusion is grand, until it bites you hard with repercussions. The resistant see repercussions and have all but gone mute. 

The spell is strong
In the golden olden days, ethics were a consideration. For instance: do you tell a person that is dying, that they are dying? Is it kind or cruel? I am leaning in the direction of loving people where they, despite what I know, despite what I can impart... It doesn't change a thing now, to tell someone that a mask is unhealthy, doctors kill people, and medicine is murderous. I can shout this from the rooftops, and I will be greeted with blank stares, if looked at at all. The spell is strong, the drugs are powerful, and the deluded have no clue that they have slipped from the mooring of reality. 

All we can do is pray for the cast spell to be broken, and for the captives to be set free. This takes us into the domain of God, the heavenly host, and the humility of man being subject to the Father's will. On our knees, in our beds, throughout our days, we must pray like we never have before. We must see our fellow humans as souls occupying bodies, and remind ourselves that while there is breath, there is hope, and that God wants none to be lost. 

A refrain that I cannot help sharing often, is a reminder of God's Sovereignty:

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand (Deuteronomy 32:39)

Lastly, dear reader... we don't know the beginning from the end, how "it" all started and what the finish will look like for each human being. We do know that some people are inclined to killing, and some inclined to kindness: think Cain and Abel, both of which, walked and talked with God, and yet...

Looking at the quoted scripture again, we must remember that everything belongs to God, and while we have freedom of will, He forever and always, has the final say. 

Truth always prevails:

I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus; who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time (1 Timothy 2:1-6)