Thursday, September 29, 2022

Interlopers and Rude Intruders

Error, error, error ... what if every time you and I made one of these, we got a message flashing across the sky, letting us know?

When I first started using GPS, and I didn't take the spoken to me directions, I anticipated the disembodied voice yelling at me: 


Sometimes, when I am having a conversation in person, my phone likes to chime in with its opinion about the topic, like an uninvited interloper, or a rude intruder that gets stared at with annoyance, because three is one too many in an intimate exchange.

I see my phone as a device, there as a tool I use, and yet, I am reminded again today, of interlopers, the afore mentioned rude intruders, with uninvited opinions that are disruptive. In a world that no longer has face to face communications, where we can read body language and facial expressions, sense moods based on tonality and cadence, we now experience the disconnect of opinions shot our way, and shot toward other, based on superficiality, and very little understanding of the inner workings of other. We are no longer judging books (meaning people) by their cover, we are judging them based on their memes! Often times, we presume too much ...

WH😵‍💫 is G🥸🥸gle anyway? Why does Siri feel so comfortable giving unsolicited advice? How did it come to pass, that I spend more time with my phone by my side, then other humans? This just isn't right, dear reader, it just isn't right. I realize and forget, then realize again, how many unwelcome visitors come into my private space when I turn on my phone, click on something someone has sent me that I would NEVER EVER, I mean NEVER, choose to look at, and then suddenly, I am disgruntled, disappointed, sad, mad, irritated ... all things I didn't feel prior to pushing that home button on my already aging phone; it isn't new if it is three years or older! Agism is everywhere, ain't that so, dear one?

God has reminded me of the most excellent advice. Before I state what it is, know that I am not recommending sticking your head in the sand, pretending all is well in the world, and that things are going swimmingly, as the saying goes. We are not ostriches, pretending is for actors and politicians, and some people just can't swim. Now that we have cleared this up, I will share what my new old, new old, guiding light wisdom from God is:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever
things are true, whatsoever 
things are honest, whatsoever
things are just, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever
things are of good report; if 
there be any virtue, and if
there be any praise, think on 
these things 
Philippians 4:8

Good report

If what comes our way is not true, honest and just. If it lacks loveliness, is a bad report and is without virtue. If it is not praise worthy, and I will add, honouring to God, than perhaps it is not from Him ... perhaps it is a vexation of the spirit, and perhaps, just perhaps, seeing less of what we already know, will alleviate some of the emotional, psychological pain, of vicarious trauma from exposure to what is grotesque in the world. 

What I do know is God sees all, knows all, and He gives each human ample time to know Him, if we so desire. He hates wickedness and evil, and He hates sin. If you are a godly person, you cannot help but feel the same way about the vileness that is so intrusively apparent in our global community. This said, God put Philippians 4:8 in scripture, knowing what we would experience, knowing too, that we would need encouragement and redirection of our attention in dire times. 

So today, I am going with scripture, and hoping to stay there, no matter what I unfortunately am sometimes unwittingly, or knowingly too, exposing myself to ... 

Eyes on God, heart toward His will and people, that is all we can do, dear one. Let us be true, honest, just, lovely. Let others be able to make a good report about our virtue so that our Father in heaven, is praised! 

Let your light so shine before men, 
that they may see your good works, 
and glorify your Father
which is in heaven 
(Matthew 5:16)

Monday, September 26, 2022

Mechanical Ducks & Airguns

When parody becomes popular, ridiculousness becomes glaringly obvious: those that are inclined to mock pretenders, have ample targets to shoot at. 

I am thinking of the duck and gun game at old fashioned fairs. The ducks are painted-onto-metal facsimiles. The guns shoot air. The prize, if you have hit the correct number of pretend feathery fowl, is usually a stuffed animal. Fake duck, fake gun, fake animal. Fake, fake, fake.

The frauds and fakes want a pretend world. They parade themselves as real people but their words are vomitus and indigestible, belying inner workings. I will say that pretenders, at least the well trained ones, have some admirable traits, namely persistence, and seemingly endless amounts of energy to continue to circle, round and round the set track they travel, like mechanical moving ducks. Quack Quack Quack, you can't get me!

We see parody everywhere we look now, and I think this is grand (back to this point in a moment). The behind the scenes scammers voted for atrocities, and most of the population didn't bat an eye, because it wasn't personal, it didn't affect them or their own ducky circular patterns of existing. But then, it did, and it wasn't until we saw guns, locked and loaded, pointing in our direction, that we started quacking in response. Too little too late? Perhaps, but I hope and I think not. There is always a remedy, especially when we too, are energetically persistent. 

Most people like to mind their own business. Most people want to go to work, hopefully to a job they enjoy, serve or sell, get paid, and return to a home that they share with people they love, and if all is good, that they like too! Most people don't want trouble or interference, or to interfere. Most people are kind of peaceful, even if they do have some unresolved issues: even the unresolved issues can be worked out minus too much trouble. This model of living is what most people like, want, aspire to having: it is shocking to the soul, when live and let live suddenly becomes, "I am being shot at, with airguns; but wait, wait! THAT GUY/GAL with the GUN, has LIVE AMO!"

Are we sitting ducks, dear reader? 

I mentioned above that the parody is grand. The mockers, the ones that want to pick each of us off, one by one, thousands upon thousands, and even billions upon billions, have made utter fools of themselves. What they voted for minus conscience, what they wanted to have happen to their fellow man, has all come to the light for scrutiny. What was once hidden and meant for our destruction, is now being directed at them. They lied, pretended, faked and defrauded the populace they purported to protect, and now they are the mechanical moving ducks; while people are currently shooting at them with word and picture darts, eventually, someone somewhere, will pull out a pistol, take aim and fire, because this isn't a game at the fair, and real lives have been lost. 

I feel like we are living a Saturday Night Live skit. One of those I-wish-I-didn't-stay-up- to-watch episodes that wasn't funny. Mimicking human life and what is ridiculous has its place, but living breathing walking talking parody's are a travesty. The deceivers are the deceived, and they are being mocked heavily, publicly, receiving unto themselves, the poison they so willingly imposed upon and injected into an unwitting, mind my own business, live and let live, population. 

Humans don't like to be toyed with, fooled, mistreated, misrepresented, or used to forward someone else's diabolical plan. We have within us a pride of ownership, and feel as though our lives are our own, and must not be tampered with. Dear reader, we must not be tampered with ... God, the Creator of the universe, does not even force us to follow Him, thank Him, or do His will: He lets us be idiots until we realize we must change, for our own good.

I don't feel like a sitting duck, dear reader, do you? I feel like we are on the cusp of a showdown. You, me, and some feisty freedom lovers, standing side by side, ready to take on the game runners, the liars, cheats, thieves, and killers. This is a moral battle, and I am armed, locked and loaded, with Truth as my blast 'em to smithereens weapon. While people have become parodies, you and I, dear one, can maintain our dignity, while staring them down until they quiver and quake in their boots. 

The devil runs the duck game, and we don't have to play by his rules.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Money Laundering White Coats

According to Wikipedia, not my favourite source of information, but their definition suits my writing purposes:

Money laundering is the process of concealing the origin of money, obtained from illicit activities such as drug trafficking, corruption, embezzlement or gambling, by converting it into a legitimate source. It is a crime in many jurisdictions with varying definitions. It is usually a key operation of organized crime.

An image has entered my mind, of the organized crimes committed by the medical community, that lovingly held hands with the government as they walked down the gorgeous shoreline of a Caribbean island, looking longingly into each others eyes, nodding their agreed to an exchange of life for cash. 

A Business model
Doctors and pharmacists are drug traffickers. They sell their wares on the streets, in corner stores, malls, and medical centres: in places soon-to-be-addicted customers can find them. The docs are the pushers, the pharmacists make up the prescriptions, and both launder the money they bank through the supposed legitimacy of medical professionalism. The government rewards them for ensuring appointments are made, tests are taken, letters are sent on schedule for poking and prodding unnecessarily, and the unsuspecting "patient" is sent hither tither and yon, in search of health they already have. The not so subtle suggestion of "preventive medicine", whatever that is, has many a self-absorbed person wanting to see, what could possibly be wrong with me? Better take care of it now, before it is too "late". 

Once something is found wrong with you, or me (not me though, dear reader, I avoid doctors as though they are the plague, and recent history indicates that they are, the plague!), then there are more tests and procedures, and possibly some intrusive aggressive suggestions are made to irradiate what is going to kill you. This is the point of sale for the pusher: 

"I have something for you, to make things better. If you do this, and take that, you will live. Sure, this is going to cause drug hangovers and SiDe eFFects, but it will be worth your suffering, your constant attention to curing what ails you, because you will LIVE ... um ... I mean, you will increase your CHANCES of LIVING ... well, what I mean is ... you are going to die, and these treatments will prolong your life while you writhe in pain until one day, you are no more."

One of the things I am appreciating about our mutual recent history, is disruption. The scheduled plan for predatory treatment of patients has been disturbed, and access to unnecessary medical attention has been thwarted. If we consider the government as the owners of the pushers, the pimps and street bosses, we see that they now have great disdain for their prostitutes, and have taken to violently beating them. The medical community is battered and bruised, and the hand that used to hold theirs on sunny beach fronts, has moved up to the throat in a choke hold. Forgive me, dear reader, but I have to state what I see. The pushers have become the victims, and is this just desserts? Is this the fate they sealed for themselves, when they chose to use patients as their personal purses to be plundered as cash rewards for often times, unnecessary "medical" attention

Fall out
The drug trafficking, along with the tests and treatments, point to corruption. Doctors have stolen from their patients, and gambled with their lives. We are seeing the fallout for those that pushed all chips into the middle of the table, believing their own hustle, the lies they told others, injecting themselves with poisonousness rhetoric they had repeated ad nauseam. They took into their bodies what their bosses manufactured to eliminate the masses, to their detriment. The docs and pharmacists got cashed out.

When I consider what has killed so many, I see Avarice standing proudly, head and shoulders above all other vices. The Bible warns us about our attitudes and beliefs about what money can buy us. It is never acceptable to use other humans in an abusive fashion, to increase our bottom line:

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24)

When thinking of the Mafias style of doing business, what immediately comes to mind is murder. There isn't a nice mafia man to be found. They have killer blood running through their veins. The code of conduct is kill or be killed, even if it means you have to get rid of that lying cheating stealing disloyal rat cousin, sister, brother, mother, father, aunt, uncle, child of yours. What we have seen, is system failure. The mafia is under scrutiny, and what was hidden is being exposed. Mammon is the god of those that are willing to sacrifice the life of another for money. 

Killers leave a trail of evidence in their wake. Blood stains with DNA that identifies each victim, covers the white coats, the gloved hands, the souls of those that for money, sold bodies unto death. I will end here, with this:

And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26)

Soulful healing is always available. The Great Physician is on twenty-four hour call, and He never turns a repent heart away. 

NOTE: The painful reality is people that legitimately need medical assistance have been ignored, pushed aside, and mistreated, not getting the life saving easy to provide solutions to what ails them that in the past, were provided almost immediately. This sad state of affairs is part of the fallout of a corrupt system being dismantled, and becoming an unrecognizable semblance of itself. 

My heart goes out to all the people that deserve to be loved back to health through surgery or other solutions to life threatening conditions. Not all doctors or pharmacists are "bad" ... that was not the point of this writing. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

We all tell 'em

You know you have a liar living inside of you?!

We all tell lies. How is that for a statement of fact? Does it make you wonder about the lies you tell, or have you denying this rude suggestion? You know you have a liar living within you, don't you, dear reader? Come with me to the dark side ... or is it the little white lie side, of our inner workings.

Find here some interesting data to consider: 

1. We lie on average, ten times daily
2. When we lie or have been lied to, verification of the facts can be sought
3. We think in concepts, with belief systems that determine whether or not lying is appropriate for the situations we find ourselves in
4. Lying is manipulation: when we lie, we are attempting to manipulate what other people think about us
5. We are always listening for truth and lies: we hear ourselves, we hear the other person, and we are deciding quickly between sentences whether or not we are going to speak the truth and whether or not we are hearing the truth
6. We want to believe one another so we make allowance for others when they seem to be telling the truth
7. Liars oversell; they explain a little too much and they don't answer questions directly with yes or no
8. Innocent people deny guilt: it is the most important thing, to declare innocence, when wrongly accused
9. Liars attack accusers; they avoid and evade, turning the tables passively and or aggressively 
10. Liars fidget, touching their face, nose, hair, clothing, tapping their feet. Fight or flight urges are being contained and body language speaks volumes; the nervous energy must come out! 

A day for bold statements
Today is my day for bold statements, oh wait, that's every day, why should today be any different? The difference between truth tellers and liars is love! 

When you love the truth, you: 
  • seek it 
  • correct your course when you are far from it
  • tell it like your life depends on it and; 
  • accept it, even when it is super painful, unchangeable, and requires much adaptation to the circumstances it dictates, must change
Lies make us squeamish and uncomfortable
Now for the lying part of this equation. I don't think we like our lies, I mean, not really? They make us squeamish and uncomfortable: the sense is that at any given moment, we will be exposed, and when that truth stuff comes out, we will fall in the graces of those who trust(ed) us. Like Anvils, ranging in weight from 75-500 pounds, lies can weigh us down to the point of suffocation, choking off the liar from the one they lied to.

Truth and lies investigation
I am liking this truth and lies investigation, because I like accounting, or accountability. At the risk of being a knock off artist here, I will utilize a metaphor that may seem cliche. We make deposits into our relationships with others, you and I. Truth can make or break the bank. Lies ensure that in the moment, relationship is maintained; but this type of deposit, in the long run, will not have a great ROI (return on investment). 

When I think of truth and lies, I see that only truth can sustain intimate relationship, while lies are like nasty hedge funds that borrow time until there is a crash in the market or in this case, the desired relationship. 

We all lie, when really, we don't have to
So here is my driving point: We all lie, when really, we don't have to. We lie to be kind, to be cruel, to be in charge, to avoid, to evade, to not get into trouble, to stay on someones good side, too _____________, you fill in the blank, because you too, are a liar. I'm not the only one here! 

Taking my best shot
I am taking my best shot at nobility this year dear reader. I am wanting passionately to be a truth teller, in love. I want truth to abide in me and to come from me like living water, flowing freely and kindly to anyone and everyone I meet. This is what and who I want to be. I guess I'm asking for takers here, looking for my others? The ones who love the truth so much that it is all that matters, even at the risk of, at the risk of ... losing people I love along the way.

It is a tall order and I am taking my shot

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; 
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6)

This Jesus, the one I call my Lord, models for us what it is like to be the Truth. Truth is not always honoured or respected, but when called to follow in His footsteps, it is our responsibility to do as He does, be like He is, telling the truth included. 

Here is your opportunity to commit, dear one. Are you with me? More importantly, are you with Him? 

Consider this your invitation to higher ground 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Sure As Hell

Jesus, sure as hell, didn't pull any punches when telling the truth. 

Think for a moment on the sentence you just read ... 

  • Jesus is a surety, and so is hell 
  • Jesus didn't pull any punches when telling the truth, so that you and I, upon hearing it, will be duly warned, so that we choose not to end up there
If Jesus came to set the captives free, and He died for the sins of the world to save souls from eternal hell, and a forever without God, then it makes perfect sense that He speak only the truth, and in such a way that jarred listeners.

I have come to the conclusion that most people prefer their feelings over faith. Feelings, sensitivities to others and how they perceive us, can get in the way of being faithful to the truth. The truth is self evident, and yet, convoluting it, twisting it to accommodate a biased point of view, is a common human indulgence. You cannot actually convolute or twist truth, but you sure can pretend you are speaking it to fit your circumstances, inclinations, or agenda. Lying to self is ugly work; you can't trust that person with your life. 

If I play on words, and say that I have killer instincts, this statement can be interpreted in a multi-faceted way. Am I a killer, with hunting instinct, or do I sense the ways of killers with my keen understanding of their wiley wickedness? Truth be told, most of us can sense danger, and at the same time, we have this self-deluding ability to override what we see, what we hear, what we know, in favour of believing that it isn't really that bad, a person couldn't be that cruel, but dear one, sometimes it is that bad, and they are, that cruel.

Let us return to hell. We are living it. People are dropping dead all around us, poisoned because they did not trust truth, but rather, preferred the lies they told themselves about the product injected into their arms, and the perpetrators that promised them something they could not with any amount of good reason, ever deliver. I think of Jesus, prior to beginning His earthly ministry. He was hungry, tempted, and was found tried and true, demonstrating for us what we too, can resist. 
The following is a shortened version of the conversation He had with the devil, taken from the fourth chapter of Matthew. Have a listen: 

1 If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God

If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash they foot against a stone
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God

All these things I will give thee, if thou will fall down and worship me
Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve 

Dear reader, if thou be the son or daughter of God, you can answer the tempter precisely the way Jesus did. Let us keep in mind that Lucifer is a created being, attempting to capture his Creator, and even used scripture to woo the Word. It is comical to think that a creature believes he can conquer the King of Majesty. Satan had nothing to offer the Author of life, but he sure does a good job of tempting susceptible humans with a slice of his demonic pie. 

Here I enumerate the sins as I see them:

1 Arrogant self-reliance
2 Denial of God's provision, protection, and blessings
3 Displacing God as Sovereign and putting trust in men; worshipping them as fleshly saviours. Believing what the devil has to offer is beneficial, by engaging with an anti-christ spirit

Is this not what people have done? Have they not succumbed to the temptations above, by acquiescing to the suggestive demands of the devil? They: 
  • got injected to keep making their own bread (money to buy food) 
  • took into their bodies an unknown poisonous potion, compromising the health God had provided, followed by a belief that He would maintain them despite their disobedience 
  • bowed down to humans adoringly, as though men had saving powers that would maintain life abundant
We could blame the devil, saying "Satan made 'em do it", but that doesn't make sense, since he couldn't make me do it, or presumably, you do it. "It" could be the injections, or "it" could be lying to your spouse, cheating on a test, wrongfully accusing your neighbour, gossiping about a friend, getting high, drunk, fornicating, stealing. The devil can't make us do anything, and God sure can help when the tempter wants us to travel the dark paths he takes. 

The power of God had Jesus saying no. The power of God does the same when we rely on Him as our source of absolute strength. And dear one, it is never too late to say no to the deceiver and thief that destroys life, and yes to the One that maintains you still as you live, breathe, work, play, and read one more blog offered by this writer.

I will end here, with your empowering. You get to choose good over evil, right over wrong, truth over lies. Just because you haven't been proficient at these things in the past, doesn't preclude you from acquiring the necessary skill set now! We are works in progress, and with Jesus as our example, we don't really have any excuses to ride the grey fence that acts as a line of demarcation between the white and black of godliness over devilish self-indulgence. 

Do I simplify, dear one? Yes, I am guilty as charged. Since Jesus did not pull any truth punches, I get to follow suit. I am okay if you disagree with my take of how the world and its people work. I, after all, am not the Authority. If you want better guiding light principles than you find here, go to the Bible, "It" has the answers to all your stay out of burning hell questions 💖

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Bluster vs Bravery

Are you brave, dear reader?
Do you have the strength of your convictions?
When you say one thing, do you do another?

I am reading a most fascinating book entitled EVERYBODY LIES, BIG DATA, NEW DATA, AND WHAT THE INTERNET CAN TELL US ABOUT WHO WE REALLY ARE, by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz.

According to Seth, google searches tell data analysts more about who you and I are, what we are truly interested in and align with, than the lies we tell ourselves and others when we post on social media sites. I liken this to first date fraud, when spiders try to catch a fly in their web of niceties. A fly need only go on one more date to discover what a man, I mean spider, is really like 😂

In other words, the way we want people to see us, and the way we really are, can be two different things, or identities? I have often been concerned about this split, knowing that when I am being disingenuous, wanting to please others rather than staying committed to my convictions, it rankles my spirit. If you are wondering about my authenticity and trustworthiness, be assured. When I make an error in a public forum, or in a private relationship, I am accountably-correctable. This is not a noble trait, it is a humble state. Being wrong is unavoidable, being sorry is a choice, and apologizing is a necessity to maintain relationships, and sometimes, to severe them too: telling the truth might cause the other to move away from us, since they may prefer agreement rather than dissent, when it comes to world views. We find out who people are when they decide to not be sorry about being wrong. 

Studies reveal that we put on a show, to give others the best possible impression of who we are, but dear reader, humans are lie detectors, and the truth is evident. We don't need to trust what people tell us, we must trust what they do, since behaviour never lies. 

According to Xavier Amatriain, a former data scientist at Netflix, "Algorithms know you better than you know yourself." This is why when you go to look for your next movie for viewing, you get suggestions based on your previous picks. "They" know what you like, and what the likelihood is that you will select something similar to your last indulgence. The question is, what do the algorithms know about you that you would be embarrassed for others to know? What do you think, believe, do, in private, that you would be ashamed of in public?

I have observed bravado and bluster lately, rather than true bravery. This is noticeable in the communication style known as stream of consciousness: a way of sharing private thoughts that may jar or entertain an observer. Perhaps you too, recall the TV series Moonlighting? This was my first introduction to full on stream of consciousness sharing. Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd engaged audiences with their fast pace interactions and truth bombs, intiating the concept of blurting what you think and see, in shocking and often endearing ways. The level of trust and distrust bounced around like shockwaves, depending on what the characters expressed. Did they mean what they said? Were they being coy, provocative, playful? The artistry and subtlety was captivating, with word play choreographing the dance between the actors. 

I have heard and read snarky comments directed toward people and ideas that are offensive, but in true public confessional format, the ones making the comments admit that they will go along with exactly what they said they cannot stand, as an only option. The public confessional is somewhat of a request that goes like this: there are only two choices, and both of them are bad. Even though I cannot stand either, I will be HONEST with you and share that I am going with the best of the worst. It reminds me of the expression: it is easier to beg forgiveness, than ask permission. In other words, it is a way of garnering continued favour, before committing an admitted faux pas, or false step. That is not strength of conviction, that is comprised integrity.

Sigh, we humans are a curious and confused lot. Self-deception continues to be a favourite past time, and we make the mistake of believing that others are none the wiser. The sad part of all this is, we cannot trust each other, or ourselves, when we make excuses for the lies we tell. 

I am craving bravery. I want to know that people are willing to die for the truth! ahhh, that would be GREAT. I will throw out a challenge to you, if you are still with me here, dear reader. Bite your tongue if what you are about to say is a lie. Bite it hard, draw blood, so that later, when your tongue swells from the injury, you are reminded that being slow of speech will help you be more honest in your sharing, because your brain will have time to catch up with that fast paced wagger in your head! 

I am pretty confident that in our bait and switch world, we can do something spectacularly grand, by speaking and living the truth: and maybe, just maybe, the Truth will make us free.

Friday, September 16, 2022

The Flock Detested Me

So I pastured the flock marked for slaughter, particularly the oppressed of the flock. Then I took two staffs and called one Favour and the other Union, and I pastured the flock. In one month I got rid of the three shepherds.

The flock detested me, and I grew weary of them and said, I will not be your shepherd. Let the dying die, and the perishing perish. Let these who are left eat one another's flesh (Zechariah11:7-9)

When I read this passage in Zechariah, I was stunned. The imagery shouted TODAY, TODAY, THIS IS OUR TODAY!

Let us take a closer look at these verses, taken from my NIV study Bible:

  • I pastured the flock
  • The flock marked for slaughter
  • Particularly the oppressed
  • I took two staffs
  • Called one Favour, the other Union
  • I pastured the flock
  • In one month
  • I got rid of three shepherds 
🔥 God's people were marked for slaughter ... does this sound familiar?
🔥 It was the oppressed that were in danger ... can you hear a bell ringing?

God favours His people, and wants unity with them, as their Shepherd. Twice, He mentions that He has pastured the flock. God quickly, in one month, got rid of three shepherds ... the ones that were oppressing and marking the flock for slaughter.

Being rescued from murderous shepherds didn't seem to impress the senseless sheep, because the next bit of scripture describes a turn of events:
  • The flock detested me
  • I grew weary of them and said;
  • I will not be your shepherd
  • Let the dying die
  • The perishing perish
  • Let these who are left
  • Eat one another's flesh
God is the Good Shepherd, and try as He might, it would appear that some sheep prefer to be left to their own baahhhd devices (I simply could not resist, dear reader), rather than trust in Him. What I know about God is, in His long-suffering, and with abundant love, He is merciful in ways we humans cannot fathom, nor are we inclined toward (we seek retribution more than reconciliation generally speaking, when we have been wronged).

God grew weary of the flock and declared, I will not be your shepherd. He was taking His protective covering off of the flock, and leaving them to die, to perish without His care, susceptible to their enemies. Let us be deadly clear, without the Shepherd leading us to safe pasture, and keeping predators at bay, we are prone to hunger and ultimately starvation. Historically, the Israelites ate their own children ...

        Let these who are left eat one another's flesh

One of the things I appreciate about the Word of God is His clarity. He lets us know in advance what will happen when we choose, by giving us a record of what happened to our ancestors when they were given choices, and warnings, and decided to be fleeced rather than enjoy God's Favour in Union under His Sovereignty as the Good Shepherd.

And here we are, dear reader, here we are. The demon driven false shepherds herd the flocks into a pen, not a pasture. They have marked the sheep for slaughter and in their oppression, the flock does not call out to the Lord: they know not that they are in danger, and oblivion makes them careless. They are dying, perishing, and God, the God of the Universe, is weary of being detested.

Imagine that ... God has had enough, again. 

Zachariah was a prophet, one of God's messengers. Since there is nothing new under the sun, we can learn much from the Bible, about how to proceed from here, from our now. Today is the day the Lord has made, and when the sun rises again tomorrow, and it shall, we get to choose, pasture or pen, God or demons, false shepherds or Shepherd King. 

Which do YOU choose, dear reader?

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Bartleby Horse Syndrome

Perhaps you're a race horse of high pedigree
And while running the oval decide,
Runnings not for me

You think ... 

I heard the gun and went off like a shot
But discovered soon after
I would prefer not

Trotting or walking at my own pace
Without pressure or whip
I choose dignified grace

Heels in my sides don't bother me
The rider in saddle
I can jettison he

No applause, no purse, nor ribbon of praise
Can make me, fake me, 
Into running that race

I would prefer not to, is my choice for today
And if you don't like it, 
Go eat grey hay

Green pastures for me, and the sky above
You can not make me or break me
It's freedom I love

Say what you will, waste your breath if you must
I would prefer not give in 
To your money lust

I would prefer not
I would prefer not
I would prefer not

I won't, nay I won't
Says me

Saturday, September 10, 2022

When Manslaughter Becomes Murder

When does manslaughter become second, and then first degree, murder?

Manslaughter: The crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or in circumstances not amounting to murder

Second degree murder: Intentional murder that lacks premeditation, is intended to only cause bodily harm, and demonstrates an extreme indifference to human life

First degree murder: An unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after planning or "lying in wait" for the victim

Let's take a close look at the medical community, shall we? As self-appointed replacements for God Almighty, many have taken on the role of choosing for their vulnerable and trusting patients, whether or not they will make it out of the doctors office, emergency or operating room, or even, out of their homes to get the medical care they urgently need. Choosing between life and death for others may very well be one of the unspoken perks of having a God complex: if my tone seems caustic and perhaps even a little scathing, then you are reading my mood correctly, dear one. Since euthanizing and offering this "service" to those that may as well just go ahead and die already, is one of the menu items available to doctors and their assisting nurses to choose from, then it just makes sense that this be a chosen course of action for some, and perhaps many doctors. Dr. Monkey see, Dr. Monkey do.

I realize I have a sky big brush in my hands, and the message of indictment is being painted broadly, but dear reader, it is the medical community that rapidly took to killing patients and oddly, themselves too? 

The godly have been swept from the land; not one upright man remains. All men lie in wait to shed blood; each hunts his brother with a net. Both hands are skilled in doing evil; the ruler demands gifts, the judge accepts bribes, the powerful dictate what they desire -- they all conspire together (Micah 7:2-3)

When no isn't part of a professionals vocabulary, yes becomes a concomitant companion. Which brings me to the top of our page and the topic I am addressing: When does manslaughter become second, and then first degree, murder?

Manslaughter: In the case of doctors that made errors in judgment and caused death, they are responsible for death without malice. The hope is that sorrow would follow closely on the heels of such an event. I am not a lawyer, but this is basic information, and I am not defending, nor am I prosecuting, anyone. The justice system is in charge of determining the mind set and conscience of someone that has taken a life, or two, or 1 million ...

Second degree murder: Let's just say that the manslaughter-ing doctor now realizes that what he has previously done, causes death, or is likely to. He hasn't been to court to be told this, he has used observational skills: if I do this, then that happens. If said doctor continues to do this and then that, he is intentional about bodily harm that may result in death, making him a murderer of the second degree by displaying indifference for the lives of those in his care. In other words, the deaths he has caused have no significant meaning to him. He has regressed from no malice, to much callousness. He is now culpable for killing, knowing that his actions could, and often do, result in death ... taking him into the realm of first degree murder.

First Degree Murder: Let us be very plain without elaboration. Only the cold blooded plot and execute the plan of laying in wait for prey ... taking life, lives, millions and millions of lives, is damnable. Those that have contributed to the execution of said victims, without regret, remorse, or repentance, will face their Maker, God Almighty that commanded:

Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13)

If you know your Bible, you know that God makes provision for manslaughter legally. God knows that death occurs by accident: without malice many a life has been taken, and a person may live in sorrow for a lifetime in such an event, if what they did or didn't do, caused the loss of life. But murder, dear one, is a completely different story. It is never acceptable, never condoned by God, and must not be by our justice system, or by any man, woman, or doctor. 

Capital punishment is putting someone to death for their crimes, and it is not murder, it is justice in action; the death penalty has remained as invokable in scripture. Wicked God and human hating men have infiltrated all levels of the justice system, wanting to kill with impunity. You and I, witnessing all of this, MUST shout them down, loudly, often, and into whatever sphere of influence we have. They are not to be let off the meat hook: they are to be held to account. 

There are doctors that have not only regretted the role they played in the killing of millions of humans, they have repented. They will live with the sorrow and knowledge that they broke their oath of Do no harm, and just like John Newton, the slave trader turned Christ follower and abolitionist, they will be saved by God's Amazing Grace. 

That is my hope, that is my prayer

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

An Elephant Named Eternity

And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand (Mark 3:25)

When I get that unsettled feeling that something is not quite right, which is frequent these days, I have to stop and take notice of what is disquieting. As a playful person with an intense nature, I take life seriously. What ought to be celebrated and joyful, has been sullied and smothered in smut.

As I type, once again, God reminds me with the sun's rays, that in order for the light to get in, I have to open the blinds. Even as I consider this opening up to brightness, I realize that when the shades are drawn, the light still finds its way under, over, and around the window covering. Thankfully, when I feel gloomy and share my darkened thoughts with God, He always finds a way to illume my mind: bathing in light is a wonderful purifier. 

I feel like a living breathing dichotomy, an oxymoron of sorts. I love humanity, and am enraged by "it" at the very same time. The humans I loved intensely and with unfailing loyalty, have dispersed. They have been evacuated from my life, as though a bomb went off and they high tailed it, taking cover far far away from me. Was I the bomb, the blast that threatened their existence? Was I the danger they had to escape, in order to secure a future? Perhaps I am shrapnel they barely evaded. 

Without them, I feel lost and lonely. They were my others and in my memory, they still are. I can pretend on the best of days that I don't love them anymore, but that is a lie I have told myself so that I don't have to grieve, again. Again the grieving ... I make Kleenex rich with my tears. We cannot replace deep lost love, at least, I sure hope not. 

My love story didn't match up with theirs, I suppose. I kind of thought that eternity was built in non-negotiably. I thought I'm gonna love you forever and ever, forever and ever amen, was part of the partnership, the agreement we made. We spoke these words, with tear filled eyes ... or is that a figment of my imagination? I see you, you see me, and the love is real, was real, is still, real?

Today I acknowledge I still love them, my others. I have thrown emotional boulders as big as I could lift at them, for leaving me, for believing that I could ever, ever hurt them, when what I wanted to do was pull them close and say "You, and me, for eternity, okay?"

The Bible talks about hail stones the weight of which could crush a man, at one hundred pounds each. The weight of sorrow can also crush a man, a woman, a child. Loss has that heavy feeling that suffocates. And the sun outside my window continues to shine: dichotomy ... the contrasts are devastatingly beautiful. 

I have been ugly lately, wanting to tear down the vicious with my own brand of vicious. What I hate most is cruelty, and in my desire to crush it, I bandy it about too, wanting to highlight and dethrone the wicked ones. Truth be told, they didn't take my others away: my others walked or ran away of their own accord. We were meant to be for a time, and no more. 

Today I grieve. I will go for a long walk and soak up the sun. I will celebrate God's blessings, and thank Him for the lovies in my life that remain. The sadness and sorrow will pass, and more than likely return. In the mean time, I will try my best to be love.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Under the Influence

She had a stroke while driving ... 
He had a heart attack while driving ...
He lost consciousness while flying ...
He/She dropped dead while speaking, running, swimming, water skiing

Sound familiar?

People are dying under the influence of poisons that are altering their minds, hearts, and body rhythms, in ways they cannot control or comprehend. Is it dangerous to drive, to fly, to speak, run, swim, water ski? It never used to be. Clearly accidents happen and they will continue to happen, because humans make errors and miscalculate, but that is not what is occurring. The injected are losing the ability to function effectively, and are physically shutting down during activities they performed without hesitation or difficulty, prior to the poison insertion. 

I have a hunch that the poison pushers enjoy horror stories to the point of orchestrating our current free for all summer of fun, sun and travel, with virtually no "restrictions" at all. Hmmm, what is different this summer, pray tell, compared to last? I will tell you, to ensure we are on the same wave length, more people got shots, and some are on their fourth, and being encouraged to take number five. 

Now track with me here. I know people that have had strokes or aneurysms, while driving, and haven't had their licenses suspended, despite recovering from their trauma in emergency. This would be a curiosity to me, if I didn't understand that the end goal is to have people drive, die, and in so doing, take out some of the commuters or pedestrians that happen to be nearby. It is ingenious. Same with flying: pilot dies, co-pilot takes over, and who knows if he will be able to land that plane with hundreds of souls aboard, without the same life stealing event happening to him?

What is more devilishly delightful to Lucifer, than chaos and mayhem? His little human fiends work his black magic, and the more people that die without knowing Jesus as Saviour, the more he maliciously bares his blood stained teeth, grinning his sickening satisfaction.

The wonderful oddity is that so many poisoned people are still with us! I praise God for the mercy of time for those that fell into the snare and were captured, hopefully temporarily, by the devils schemes. As long as there is breathe, there is hope. God loves repentant hearts, and honours them with the gift of forgiveness.

My father was an excellent driver. He taught me highway etiquette, and I have passed on his wisdom to my son. Keeping space between you and the drivers in your vicinity, may save your life, especially if they suddenly malfunction and begin to drift across the road. Right now, dear reader, I wouldn't take a plane, train, or any other form of public transportation, because chances are high, those that pilot, engineer, or drive these machines, kept their employment as a result of acquiescence to demonic demands. They are working under the influence, and have become an unmanaged hazard to society at large ... just as the wicked ones planned. 

I still drive. Life goes on and I refuse to live in despairing fear. I pray though, for you, for me, for our children. I pray that what the devil has plotted and attempts to implement, is continually thwarted. God is mighty to save, and His will is done, no matter what the murderous mercenaries have obviously hidden up their collective sleeve. They aren't that hard to figure out really: they get a thrill from killing, and when we keep this truth in mind, we can navigate the world knowing God is forever and always, in charge. 

For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the LORD, 
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, 
to give you an expected end (Jeremiah 29:20)

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Empty House

Recurrent dreams
For many years I had a recurring nightmarish dream. I would find myself alone in a grey and dusty hallway, or a playroom, backyard, kitchen-various rooms in houses that had been left, as though the people were long gone. The rooms had items strewn about, meaning they had been in use. In my house, if company is coming for a visit, we put everything in its rightful place, we clean, and we welcome our guests in to mostly, a spick-and-span living space. In my recurrent dreams, the homes were what is referred to as lived in, in other words, it looked like they weren't expecting company. 

Disturbed and displaced
As a semi-self-absorbed person, and we all are, dear reader, I thought the dreams were about me. They were my dreams, and I sought to find meaning in them. Over the span of perhaps a decade, these dreams haunted me. I would awake feeling disturbed and displaced. In the grey and colourless houses, I would wonder where all the people had gone? Periodically, I would encounter my husband (now my former husband), in the phantom rooms, in the ghost like homes that used to be occupied by children, fathers, mothers. I would try to hold him to a conversation, asking him "What are we doing here? Do we live here now?", but he would slip away and I would again, find myself all alone.

This morning I have an acute awareness, a keen knowing, that empty houses, empty shops, empty streets that used to be well occupied, will be our living nightmare. We will see evidence of former life, things strewn about that were once in use, never to be picked up again by previous owners. If you are an opportunist, a capitalist, you can look at this as your way to wealth, scooping up the for sale businesses and properties, left behind by those that are no more.

Fire Sale
The market is now for buyers with cash in hand. The missing persons have forfeited their holdings, and said holdings are being vomited up from the grave. The living, those that have familial ties to the deceased, are already, as I type, offloading the meagre and sometimes massive estates, of their dead relatives. Forgive me for what may seem like a callous play on words, but these are fire sales, depending of course, on where the deceased went after death. 

Empty houses
My repeat of a repeat themed dream is coming to pass. It wasn't about me, per se, it was about our now, our current state of affairs, and what we can anticipate going into in our near future. While grave holes fill and fresh dirt is shovelled onto coffins, empty houses, empty businesses, empty playgrounds and schools will be our haunting. We will carry on, not as though nothing has happened, dear one, but with weeping and mourning for the dead. 

Tragically, the dreamers could not stop the carnage: like the phantoms in our nightmares, when we try to take hold of them, they escape our grasp and slip away, as though they never were. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Dead Fish

Pathetic Pastors
With my hand held in salute position over my right eyebrow, I scan the land. Heaps of humanity are piling sky high, and buried beneath the fleshly rubble are pathetic pastors. Lucifer did an outstanding job of making fools of them over the past couple of years. They took the bait, and to mix metaphors, they opened their mouths wide to swallow a bullet without the trigger being pulled back: they consumed the purple poison James Warren Jones style, and offered it up to their flock to drink deeply, and to have their little lambs follow suit. 

Bone chilling cataclysmic carnage
For shame. Look now, dear reader, at the summer of freedom. While the pretend powers that be have lifted demonically imposed restrictions, the deceived continue the game of safety first, their enslavement displayed publicly via stringed things worn on their faces. They are the walking dead, and they mark the end of an era, one where being uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of God, is replaced by a commitment to bone chilling cataclysmic carnage. They know not what they do, in many a case, but the pastors, dear God in heaven, ought to have known, and I poke a finger in their eyeballs, hoping they blink the blindness away.

Yesterday I was at the waters edge. Seagulls were picking at something washed ashore. Upon inspection, I saw a large white eyeless dead fish. Jesus told fishermen of old that they would be fishers of men, and the disciples were given the great commission. This dead fish, and about three others along that section of the beach, had me wondering about their presence there. What killed them? They were large and healthy looking: people are large and healthy looking, and yet their life force is ebbing away, given away really. The fish were picked at by the gulls, but the dead flesh wasn't nearly appealing enough to keep the birds attention for long. Deadness and rotting go hand in hand: disquieting to say the least, and rather unappetizing. 

Dead fish
Back to the topic at hand. I see that would be fishers of men, or shepherds of the flock, have become dead fish without eyes to see. They have humiliated themselves, and are want to repent and repeal their compliance with demonic governmental demands. They are mockable, and that is precisely what the devil wanted to accomplish when he set out to cause their downfall. From Bible colleges to Christian counsellors, from church elders to youth pastors and charitable organizations, one by one in domino fashion they fell, following the guy in front of them. And where are they now? The would be priests have definitely followed their leader, but it wasn't Jesus Christ. They idolized the weak humans that presented themselves in feigned positions of power, and dropped to their knees in submission, subjecting themselves to anything and everything they were instructed to do: and the reward in cash is a mere pittance in this life, that will buy them nothing of salvation in the next. 

The lifting of MANdates makes them look like utter fools. People are dying in droves, and the lie of taking a shot to protect your neighbour, is an embarrassing disingenuous utterance that many a human spoke in provocation while brandishing pseudo moral superiority. It was anything but moral: it was a lie they repeated verbatim that gave them a surge of strength, the kind of strength that is required to flout faith, snarl at real science, and to submit to lethal injection, for a WE cause of feigned unity. They forgot that you are not me, and the me that makes decisions solo, cannot be forced to make the same ones you made, and visa versa. Critical thinking and deductive logical reasoning were replaced with a herd mentality, that caused herd infection, not immunity.

JOHN 6:66
Now, again, back to the pretend pastors. They do not have impunity, in fact, they are marked, stamped with 6:66 for leading the people God put in their care, to the edge of destruction:

From that time many of his disciples went back, 
and walked no more with him (John 6:66)

They are apostate. If they ever believed in the living God, and professed Him with their mouths, that all fell away when they went back, and walked no more with him. When they could have proven their mettle, when they could have stuck to their godly guns, they instead, turned yellow, and did what came conveniently and easily their way. A bit of cash, a camera screen, a false faith, and lies to keep them in their profession of fake pastors. While MANdates are lifted and people continue to become deathly ill and travel to the great beyond, these pastors look idiotic and whorishly well used. 

Ugly image
What can they possibly preach, when hate was their fuel for over two years? The love of God waxed cold in them, and now they are left with nothing, accept of course, their ugly image when they look in the mirror.