Thursday, October 2, 2014


Be brave, this was the quiet encouragement I heard from my companion as I shifted and dodged wasps during an outdoor lunch. I didn't want to hurt the wasps and I didn't want them to hurt me. I watched as my friend stayed still and gently removed his glasses, a wasp had flown behind a lens and landed on his face, close to his eye. Unperturbed, both he and the wasp seemed to have a rather peaceable close encounter without harm or alarm. Be brave, he said this to me twice, it was a command and I hear the words again as I contemplate their meaning. In the face of risk, in this case of injury via a waspy sting, fear can command reaction, response, his instruction to be brave spoke confidence to my being and a fear not blanket temporarily covered me. The wasps were persistent and so I moved the dessert that attracted them with the hope of redirecting their attention...this, as I write, this is what my wise friend was doing for me, redirecting my attention, commanding me to be brave, twice. It feels like foreshadowing to me, a moment in time captured that I will look back on and recall for the fortification of my soul, be brave, and I shall. For you, Bud Carter, my friendship you do have Obi Wan and I am glad to know you. 

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