Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Crusty Bits

I had a coffee this past summer with a scientist. Her area of study is immunology and as we spoke I caught a fleeting glimpse into this scary world of germs. The people who daily risk life and limb in this bio hazardous world of micro organisms with unseen teeth and claws that threaten life have levels that they travel up, which ultimately can drop them down, as in dead. If it weren't for these heroes in HazMat suits, life as we know it would be less safe and THIS is the understatement of the year. Here's the exciting news. As Meg shared what it is she is working on, I got an amazingly new and jaw dropping perspective. I learned that when you cut an apple and it begins to go brown, it is like a protective scab forming over the opening...this was astounding to me because somewhere in time I had been taught that the brown was a sign of rotting. Of course our skin acts the same way, protecting the juicy insides of us and when we are cut, we bleed and when the body is healthy and reacts just so, it will stop the bleeding, form a scab and keep foreign matter out, protecting the oh so sensitive and sweet insides of me, of you. Broken skin is a visible sign of injury, puncture, wounding...the broken heart shows visible signs of hurt through sad eyes, tears, anger, sickness. The natural inclination is to protect the heart, form a hardened crust around it to keep it safe from further assault and injury. When healing happens, scabs loose their necessity, they dry up and fall off, revealing miraculous healing underneath, new skin that is soft and tender, and yet strong and protective. I have scars, they tell my stories, of injury and healing. The crusty bits around my cuts and wounds fall off quickly and I am new underneath them. Each time I heal I am stronger, more resilient and grateful for the learning. What crusty bites need to fall off of you? This one is for you Meg Haggitt, thanks for the education and delightful conversation. 

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