Sunday, October 5, 2014

Love Abundant

I am a difference making, I am the only one that speaks to Him, and I am the friendliest of friends of God...these are lyrics from the song Difference Making by the band NEEDTOBREATHE. I am a difference making, this I know is true. I am welcoming and loving, a source of great encouragement and playfull joy. I am a good listerner, a wise Truth teller and a lover of humanity. I am a giver and while this all sounds like a fantastic love fest for me, I have to confess that I am able, or enabled, to be all these things and more because I first received Love Abundant. I am nothing without this Love that flows freely from all around me and I could and have, resisted it many a time, lived unbelief, disbelief in being lovable. I make mistakes and have felt shame and from the shame there has been self beratement and a feeling of unworthiness has hijacked the me that is wonderful and sweet, kind loving and peaceful, pure of heart and mind and wanting only honesty and caring through sharing the Love. Yes, it is better to give than to receive and yet, the receiving must come first, from the One. We are not always taught love by the humans that form and shape us and there appears to be much need of unlearning muddled love, the kind that has strings attached and demands placed on it and conditions that must be met for it to stand on wobbly legs. Love is faithful, enduring and patient. When I'm a mess, and fallen, a bit mangled from my own ineptitude, He says I Love you just the way you are. He has taught that self love is only possible from receiving it first, and this I have~the self love and the receiving of it so that I too, can love another without condition. I show the way, I am NOT the way...but for the Grace of God go I. 

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