Thursday, October 23, 2014


Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds...won't you help to sing, these songs of freedom. These are some of the lyrics from my all time favourite song, Redemption Song, by Bob Marley. This singer song writer was onto something incredibly powerful, that none but ourselves can free our minds. As you think, so you are, so you become. Outside pressure and persuasion can appear to be the choice makers in life and yet, it is the will that holds us to our freedom or crumbles, sending us tumbling down to our own folly. I can't help but appreciate the mounting evidence of our human capacity for pure brilliance. This is Truth as I witness the overcoming all around me, the people in my life that have been mistreated, ill used, abused and then there is the and yet part, and yet, they do the incredible by overcoming the slavery of old patterns, thoughts, super imposed upon them by outside sources and they claim their own mental, spiritual, social-pyscho freedom. Forged in the fire, we are shaped and beautifully molded by our experiences and yes there is a gift to be claimed and at the same, cruelty is the most abhorrent teacher, not to be held in esteem, it comes from darkness, never from The Light. Emancipation is hard won, it speaks to the imbued Spirit of God, the Fire in man, in woman. My breath is His, my heart beat powered by unseen hands. He guides my thoughts when I listen with my heart and then, freedom is mine. 

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