Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Night Closes In

One of those days...it's been one of those days, the kind that feels lost and listless. It is grey outside, cold, damp, dreary and with the weather comes a blanket of restless sleepiness. The great fall of summer is announcing itself, with trees letting go of leaves to litter the ground, colourfully at first, crunchy under foot and than they dry, shrivel or become sodden and brown breaking apart and disintegrating until they are no more. I am in the throws of sorrow, sodden as it were, with unshed tears. There is much suffering and sadness, cruelty and unspoken pain and I can't help but feel it, and feel the helplessness that goes hand in hand with being witness, hands pressed together, eyes turned upward, longing for relief, not for myself, for the suffering of others. The weeping, it threatened to overtake me, non stop, the dam has burst and now I stop stunned at the comfort and convenience of tears shed, falling freely with no purpose except relief of a burdened soul. The darkness, it wants to pervade, prevail. The Light, it whispers you are mine and mine alone, Trust in Me. I am caught between the two as night closes in. 

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