Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Spark Plugs

Recently, I was called a spark plug. I looked this term up as a metaphor and read "Spark plugs infuse energy and catalyze forward movement". Holy Junipers, I like this very much. Yes, I am a spark plug, I energetically have the ability to inspire and motivate others in the direction of the claiming of their own power in choice making, liking and then loving themselves and taking ownership for who they are now and who they want to become and live their lives as...as in Who am I and Who do I want people to know me as? It's a rough ride, taking responsibility for who I am, for who you are. Let's be clear, if you are living, you are making choices and the choices have little lives of their own once they are made. Choose to speak and the likelihood of being heard may go up. Choose to be silent and the voice inside of you doesn't go away, it continues talking, perhaps berating you for not speaking, accusing others for not magically listening, telling you that people don't care about you and what you have to say is just not important enough. You get sore throats, choked up as it were, from silencing yourself. The lie may be that you are keeping the peace, or it doesn't matter and worse yet, that people aren't worth talking to because they just don't get you anyway. No one person is more important than another, this is the gift of being human. Claiming, reclaiming, making my choices MY OWN, taking own-er-ship for YOUR OWN life without escape into excuses or blaming others, this is the beginning of empowerment. I know many Spark Plugs, Change Catalysts, Difference Makers, I am in excellent dynamic, energized company...John Doan, this one's for you, thanks for the huge acknowledgement you fellow Spark Plug you!

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