Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Lost & Found

Lost and found. When was the last time you lost something valuable to you? I'm not talking about misplacing keys or your credit card, although these can be anxiety inducing events, I'm talking about something precious and irreplaceable. The feeling of dis ease, the sinking feeling that the lost item may be gone forever, it causes a restlessness that is disquieting and persistent, like a dull tooth or headache, not debilitating however near impossible to ignore. The practice of retracing steps, going back in time to the last time you and your item were in the same place, this sometimes works to retrieve the item from lost and place it back into the found category. When searching there may be attached a feeling of desperation, as in what will I do without this item, I miss it and want it back and I cannot rest until I find it. Separation anxiety ensues and there is a heightened feeling of despair when the search is fruitless and reunion appears to be out of reach. As time goes by, you think of the item and the loss and while you have survived without it, there is still a sadness and longing for the item when it crosses your mind that it is gone, forever. Sigh...the same feeling happens when the soul slips unnoticed into the lost category and no search party is sent to retrieve it. The ache is dull and may not demand our full attention and yet it is real and worthy of search and rescue, far more so than any material item could ever be. What if there is a search and rescue team, looking for you, calling you home, wanting you to know that you are the precious one, the apple of someone's eye, that there is unrest until you feel found, until the team holds you securely in their arms? This is Grace, and it is Amazing. 

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