Monday, September 29, 2014

Blurry Vision

Today I went to the pond. It is a place I go to pray and meditate after a good workout at the gym. I go to the gym to take the edge off, it clears my mind and is like prep work for my soul. Between the gym and the pond, there is a roadway and as I walk from one to the other, I like to practice my balance abilities by tight rope like walking on top of a curb. Two weekends ago I got some exceptional coaching from a friend and she mentioned a tight rope image that appeared as we spoke. There it was, a glaringly obvious representation of the struggle I had been having, the doing and the being part of my existence. I live in my body and yet, without my soul getting the love and attention it needs, there is really no point to being here. This relestness is always an indication to me that I am out of balance and must recalibrate. Time is short and my attention seems to be leaving off from interest in distractions...the question I heard posed recently is "is what I'm doing an investment in my soul?". I watched today, at the end of my mediatation, a seagull as he took flight. He flew in the direction of the sun and I could not follow him with my eyes and I wondered, how can he fly in that direction and still see? As I looked down, I saw on the pond, the reflection of a bird in flight and I followed this blurred watery version of the real thing until he landed...maybe my eyes have been on what isn't real for a long time, maybe my vision has been blurred and maybe now I know the difference between real and fuzzy pseudo...The Light, it shines Truth on all things, including blurry vision. This ones for you Allyson Woodrooffe, love Linda

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