Monday, September 15, 2014

Far worse...

On Sept 10th my husband and I sat in our basement, feet away from the furnace room that also houses the sump pump. My husband followed his instincts and asked me to check the room, he could hear the pump working overtime and with the storm outside, a flood was a possibility. The sump pump was spewing water joined by the drain, and water began filling the finished living area. I write with joy in my heart because we had the precious gift of time. As a family, we began moving our furniture and other items out of the way as the water poured in filling up the carpet and walls. A quick call to our insurance company TD Meloche Monnex, yielded an equally quick response and we had a restoration crew here within hours of the event, vacuuming out the water logged carpets and installing fans to dry the wet, and the storm, it stopped, giving us a reprieve. No sign of wreckage is evident from the outside of our home since damaged carpet and walls were removed from our driveway, as though it had never happened, the flood I mean. Others in my neighbourhood have not faired as well and each time I pass their homes with the debris piled high I am reminded to be grateful, to have compassion for the plight of others, to remain faithful and trusting that this to shall pass and there are far worse situations than a minor flood that our insurance miraculously has completely covered...I pray for those who are in true peril, whose lives are in jeopardy from evil forces or illness, God be with them this day. 

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